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Everything posted by railsquid

  1. Can we finally pull the plug on all the plumber jokes please?
  2. You're not the Antichrist, you're just a very naughty hippo.
  3. A grey day in Tokyo with snow falling since mid-morning, though it's not quite cold enough for it to settle properly. However if it continues overnight it may well do, which I'm looking forward to as the morning TV shows will be full of advice for Tokyoites on how to deal with snow and avoid falling over etc. Me, I just put my hiking boots on, which got me some odd looks a couple of years ago when I was working in a fancy part of town.
  4. To use another Germanism, I'm pressing my thumbs for Jock. Ian who would have been called "Phillipa" if chromosomes had turned out differently.
  5. These bear feces... Are they generally found in wooded areas?
  6. Seen any hares lying in the pepper recently?
  7. Apologies, there was me thinking this was one of the silly threads...
  8. Say hello to Mr. Joker , who's presence is intended to indicate that the author's tongue was in his cheek while writing the preceding sentence
  9. I'll pass your regards on to the baby.
  10. Afternoon. Sunny but cold. Extract from the Baby Diary... Day 12: Baby's First Constipation Day 13: Baby's First Constipation Relief. Nearby East Asian nations scramble fighters as a precautionary measure, while North Korea issues strenuous denials.
  11. That's innovative... but the central crossover should be a double-slip too for maximum operational flexibility.
  12. Apparently they found a whole pile of them in one of Saddam Hussein's palaces.
  13. You do realise there are only five of these in the whole world now after Dr. Evil had the remaining supply destroyed in a bid to destabilise the world economy, which is more dependent on Class 45 bodyshells than most people are aware of?
  14. You were a kid you had to fight off cannibals on your way to school?
  15. I can't disagree with you there. Probably should have included a smiley to indicate my facetious intent. I'll get my coat
  16. You or me? I was just having fleeting visions of that weathering job being contagious, causing the sufferer to exhibit rusty-grey blotchy skin and the uncontrollable urge to shunt themselves into an abandoned siding.
  17. Don't worry, it took me a while to work out for what the congratulations are in order.
  18. If stuff from that is growing on you, you should see a doctor.
  19. My mother can tell some hair-raising stories from her days in special needs education in a major British city. Oooh, and congratulations Ernie, may your union be blessed with an understanding for all things rail-related.
  20. I originally signed up as it was the only source of a part I needed for a failed Fleischmann loco, but happened to chance upon a couple of items on my want-list (among my gentle obsessions is a scheme to recreate my childhood OO stock in N). Due to exchange rates I'm avoiding buying overseas stuff at the moment. However as far as slippery slopes go, I must be the major market for 2nd-hand Graham Farish stuff in the Tokyo area (its surprising what turns up here, I just relieved a 2nd hand store of a Farish trainset with non-working loco for a smidgen more than 30 quid, just need to source a replacement gear and it should be good to go).
  21. Cold wintery day, snow from yesterday still hanging around on the roofs and the field opposite. Learning to do many things one-armed, such as typing this post. Also just made my first ever bids on ebay...
  22. Snow now settling on the road outside, though I have the feeling it will disappear pretty quickly once it stops. Meanwhile, baby and model railway:
  23. Morning. Snow is falling, albeit not settling on the road yet. No risk of being snowed in so far - in Japan house doors usually open outwards, so if enough snow piles up (like it did last year) it becomes difficult to open.
  24. Ideal for a public health campaign: "Excess lead consumption will cost you an arm and a head".
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