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Booking Hall

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Everything posted by Booking Hall

  1. This is looking really good. It's making me want to start another industrial layout!
  2. Well, that's unfortunate for modellers, but at least foil and cardboard can be recycled!
  3. Further thought Jerry, have you considered the Scalescenes cobbles download? https://scalescenes.com/product/tx31a-cobblestone-setts/
  4. Hi Jerry, I have been trying to create a cobblestone effect in the yard but didn't really like the Metcalfe cobblestones, I then tried some stone printed card, what do you think? The proportions of the stones aren't really the same as setts or cobbles Jerry, and the courses are differing heights. When I needed a cobbled area for my box file layout I made my own using the circular foam base that supermarket pizza comes on. Using the smooth side I simply lightly scribed the courses and individual cobbles with a sharp pencil, and then painted them with appropriate colours of acrylic paints, followed, when dry, with a wash of grey/black/brown to highlight the joints. Doing it this way you can run the cobbles at different angles and include drainage channels etc. It takes a while, but is very satisfying (and cheap!).
  5. My wife says mine needs a cat too, Jerry.
  6. Thanks for that HenryP123, that's nice of you to say so.
  7. Thanks for that, I know just what you mean!
  8. Well, I finished it in time for this weekend's Pendle Forest Model Railway Society exhibition, even the paint is dry; and to save even more money I made my own cakebox!
  9. Yes Andy, I'll be bringing it along to the club meeting on Thursday. (fingers crossed)
  10. Thanks Jerry, it should be (has to be!) finished on Thursday. More pics then.
  11. Right, sleepers made, ready for final assembly now!
  12. Coal order office just about finished, apart from weathering. Telegraph pole built. Next job is making some sleepers.
  13. No worries Stu, hope I didn't worry anyone!
  14. Are you sure you've read the rules correctly Stubby? OK, I haven't lost the plot (yet!), but I did (with a rush of blood to the head) agree to complete a CBC diorama in time for our club's annual exhibition next weekend. We're having a display of them to showcase modelling and publicise the challenge.
  15. Both roof slopes now slated. Just ridge tiles to make, rainwater pipes to add, chimney pot and flaunching to add, door to make and all to weather . . . and that will be the building done. Just the rest of the diorama to make then, and less than a week to finish off this 'quickie' . . !!
  16. I like it Jerry, it's a nicely balanced scene.
  17. Did I actually say "this would be a quickie?" Hmmm . . .
  18. With last weekend's exhibition of my boxfile layout out of the way, attention has turned to knocking up a 'quickie' CBC diorama for our club's annual exhibition in two weeks time! A number of members have taken up the challenge and at least three dioramas are either built, or are being built, to showcase at the exhibition, along with info about the competition. For this quickie, I've decided to go 7mm scale (because I've never built anything in this scale before) and I'm calling it 'no more coal'. This will feature a coal order office, some sleepers (no rails) and a telegraph pole. As the building will be derelict, I've had to model some structural detail. All being well, I hope to build the whole thing from oddments and scrap. The building is the free download from Scalescenes and I've pasted the printouts onto the foam base that comes with a supermarket pizza. All the timber items will be cut from a spare sheet of balsa.
  19. That's nice of you to say that. Railbuses are a godsend to micro-layout modellers!
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