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Posts posted by 37081LochLong

  1. Just received my 68001, shocking packing from DRS of bubble wrap and brown paper! Considering the price premium they put over the standard version you'd think they could run to a cardboard box with foam padding!


    Luckily it arrived in one piece with straight nameplates but I think arriving in one piece is more luck than anything else because the paper on the outside was ripped and quite a few of the bubbles were popped!


    Superb model though

  2. In regards to the 88, if you go back to post number 6, DJM Dave did say when making the deal for the 68 for Dapol he asked about the 88 but DRS were non committal


    That was posted back in 2013 though, so Dapol (or one of the others) will have probably done a deal since then for the 88

  3. Thanks for the replies :)


    As long as I know it's not just me waiting for their 68001. I'll sit and await events.


    I've received a Chiltern and Scotrail one and I've given them the once over and they are perfect (I've had to put them away for my birthday now though so I was hoping the DRS one I ordered as a present to myself would arrive soon lol)

    • Like 1
  4. Used Track-Shack for the first time yesterday to get a Bachmann class 101 dmu in blue/grey, I wanted something cheap because I will be hacking it about a bit but they were cheaper than eBay second hand stuff!


    I ordered at 12:00pm but with it been the weekend I fully expected a delivery next week... Well at 11:15am this morning just under 24hrs later the postman knocked at the door with a large parcel!


    Excellent service and will definitely be using again

    • Like 3
  5. Perhaps a moderator could lock this thread now? Charlie has mentioned a couple of times that there are dedicated threads for the 142 and the 156 for us to chat and ask questions. It would save repeating himself twice if this was closed because people are still asking 156 questions here.


    Just a thought

  6. Trying to pre order one in scotrail livery but when it gets to the page to make a payment it says error. Same for the other scotrail one. Does this mean they are already all pre ordered or is there an actual fault?

    The site may be overloaded with people visiting it to check them out. I pre-ordered a couple about 25 minutes ago with no problems.

  7. Having never dabbled in O at all, due to space and cost, mine arrived today, all I can say is wonderful model :D


    Good to see you succumbed like me ;)

    • Like 2
  8. Any good websites which have details of the Class 13 Master and Slave units of Tinsley yard?

    If you were considering converting a couple of Dapol 08's, unfortunately the class 13's were put together from later 08's with the shorter hinges so it would involve a lot of work. I was going to do one myself but I'm going to wait for the promised short hinges version before I make a class 13

  9. This is good news, the more these models sell the sooner Phil will release more of these outstanding models, I'm expecting one or two more 24's to be released before the class 25 though.

    I sure hope so! I'd hate for a headcode box 24 to be leapfrogged in favour of getting a class 25 out there! I really want to get a small fleet of highland variants together :)

    • Like 1
  10. Second invoice paid for my Caledonian version :) I can't believe that someone (me) who has no particular interest in a particular loco and nothing to run such a loco on has decided to buy two of them! And no, I have no plans at all to sell them on later for profit, I just want them! I blame the Caley sleeper using them!

    • Like 1
  11. Not sure of the exact date the Transrail Logos came in to force but the circle on 08141 is roughly the same size as the one on the Class 60 - http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3326/5693928507_b0eb793f7d_z.jpg






    This was before Transrail. I did originally think it may have been something stuck on then removed but i've never found any evidence of that, I also have photos of her without the name painted on and she had the mark then, and other peoples photos haven't helped either :) (BTW there wasn't an identical mark on the otherside)





    That second image of 'Manvers' sitting in Tinsley Yard next to a 21t hopper suggests it is running without its con rods (not unknown) or is it withdrawn? Interesting image anyway.





    Yep definitely withdrawn and left alone. It was previously surrounded by withdrawn class 45's but when they were removed they left the 08 on it's own



  12. With the circular mark, I wonder if it is caused by some sort of seal along the edge of the door coming loose and flapping in the wind? I'm sure there was a thread on similar circular marks on the roofs of diesels somewhere on here before. Although, I do wonder if an 08 would do sufficient mileage at a high enough speed for the cleaning effect to occur? That said, when you look on detail, the circle isn't "solid" further up, it's slightly more of an outline, which would match with something flapping, and being restrained by the upper door catches.

    I could be completely wrong though!


    Well it's as good a guess as any and I had nothing so it's better than me :)

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