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Everything posted by digger62

  1. Hi Ray. Sorry I meant to say that I soldered the two wires from the new DCC Concepts wipers to the original wiper contacts and not the motor wires. Mark.
  2. Hi Ray I treated myself to a set of DCC Concepts Wiper Pick- ups (there's 12 in a pack) and superglued them to the underside of the loco. I then stripped some single core wire and soldered this to the solder pads on the new pick-ups and ran it back into the body and soldered it to the motor wires (this version wasn't DCC ready). The bare wires were then covered with kapton tape. Apologies for the fact it looks a bit of a mess, but it works really well. Hope this helps. Mark.
  3. Apologies for the delay in responding and thanks to Butler Henderson and PMP for your comments. I've now managed to fit wiper pick ups and the improvement in performance is noticeable.
  4. I've currently got an old second hand Bachmann Class 08 (32-101A) which uses the old metal strip touching the top of the metal wheels to transfer power from the track to the motor. The performance is pretty ropey and I've been looking at using vero board and brass wire to fashion more effective pick-ups for it. I'm thinking of getting the new 08 from Bachmann being released shortly (32-116B) and wondered if anyone knew if the pick up arrangement is the same as my old one or if newer chassis have wiper pick ups to the backs of the wheels? Many thanks in advance. Mark.
  5. Many thanks for this Tom. As a visitor I am still hoping to attend whilst taking all necessary precautions however if a large number of exhibitors / traders do not attend it would be useful to know so that I can make an informed decision. I would not wish to get there and find that my favorites were not there. I have an advanced ticket and accept that this would be forfeit should I not attend and the event not be cancelled. I do not envy the dilemmas you and your team are going through. Good luck and best wishes.
  6. Hi I have just purchased the Hornby Ruston and had an old Bachmann 36-558A 6 pin decoder which I have tried to install. Unfortunately it seems a little too big to fit. Can anyone tell me what they have successfully used. Really appreciate the help.
  7. Apologies for the delay in responding, but just tried it today and managed to prise it apart although it was a bit nerve racking. Many thanks for your advice.
  8. Hi All. I'm trying to fit a decoder to my Hornby DCC Ready Battle of Britain 'Manston' (R3249), but cannot separate the tender from its chassis. I've taken the two screws out as instructed (along with the one attaching the drawbar to the tender although I don't think I need to) but it is like a limpet on a rock. I've fitted a number of tender decoders, which I know can be tight, but I don't want to damage it. Am I missing something obvious. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
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