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Everything posted by AndyID

  1. It is near the town center. Out in the valley it's not a problem. Most retail areas in the US have lots of free parking. Not so much in the UK. Also, the parking spaces are much tighter in the UK.
  2. Those "skilled in the art" should be able to quickly calculate the volume of air required for complete combustion while producing 1000 bhp. The total volume required for that little lot must be pretty impressive 😆
  3. One thing that does terrify me about the thought of ever returning to the UK is parking. The only place I ever have to pay for parking around here is at the airport. Mind you, parking in the major cities here can get very expensive too.
  4. I think there has to be a compounding effect. The exhaust from the first engine must reduce the available air/oxygen available to the second engine. It then runs rich and exhausts unburnt hydrocarbons which make the third engine run even richer. If that's what going on there really is no excuse for it. It can all be eliminated by controlling the fuel input based on the exhaust temperature. All they are doing is wasting fuel.
  5. Not sure they even had turbos. Looks like they were two-stroke diesels with opposed pistons and no cylinder heads. I had a grandfather who was an engineer in a shipyard and I can remember him saying how really nasty the early diesels used in ships and subs were and how much they injured the crews.
  6. Moinfo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TE10#History
  7. Count yourself lucky. I'd like to get my hands on the nimrod that came up with that one. Not only that, but its own rules allow it to defeat itself. It's supposed to reduce the need for copper by "current sharing". It does not expletive deleted work. Other than that, have a Happy New Year 🤣
  8. Oh, I thought them lot over here were the worst. The bad news is we live in a coniferous forest. The good news is it's raining. Still seven hours till mayhem.
  9. When we got the keys for our first flat we discovered the previous owner had taken the door bell push button and the letter flap from the front door 🤣
  10. Not much demand for them in the UK 🤣
  11. Often used in Arizona too. There's also the carpet on top of the dashboard.
  12. Please do not take this the wrong way HH but there has to be a certain amount of irony on discovering one of the great defenders of HRH suffered from a self-inflicted wound. Mind you, as they say, "That ain't nuthin" 🤣
  13. Feeling slightly "cream crackered" after installing the new shaft that connects tractor's engine to the transmission. The replacement shaft is a much better design.
  14. There was an email circulating some time ago with a list of all the Dr Seuss titles inappropriately altered. That's where my version came from. Every time I remember that one I get the giggles. 🤣
  15. Interesting that they were able to contain the fire with a camera. Or was that a mistranslation from Welsh? I also note you are in the Horton area. Are you familiar with the stories by Dr Seuss? I seem to remember one of the titles was something like "Horton Hires A Ho".
  16. I was a Cub Scout. I'm not sure there were Beavers back then.
  17. Good catch! Yes. I think he was heading to Seattle on a Santa late delivery.
  18. Beautiful but only just above freezing today. (Keen observers will spot the broken down tractor 😆)
  19. Thank you Martin. I will do that. Cheers, and Merry Christmas. (It's likely to snow tonight so there might be some wintry scenes posted.)
  20. One-off events prove nothing. There could be record breaking low temperatures next year. What does matter is the trend based on averages over various time intervals. Glaciers are pretty good at doing that without any math at all. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-mountain-glaciers
  21. Should any TNM'rs want to try their hand at a layout proposal for Flavio please message me and I'll email you the Templot .BOX file for the very preliminary version I posted the other day. I would attach the file here but .BOX files are not supported. Oh, and Merry Christmas! It's still seven hours away here.
  22. A while back what is now our street was the main (singe track gravel) road. A new main road was built and the County abandoned the part of the road that is now our street. At one time our street made a loop that was connected at both ends to the main road but one end has been sealed off-for many years and that part of our street has completely disappeared. Unfortunately Google Maps was showing both ends connected and drivers of big trucks would assume they could reconnect with the main road, but they could not and there was nowhere for them to turn. I tried to edit the Google map but it would not allow that change but it's possible to report an error so I did that and they have fixed it 😄
  23. White Christmas unlikely here although snow is likely tomorrow night. Plenty of snow a few hundred feet higher.
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