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Everything posted by AndyID

  1. That's cos you're still using a Tri-ang RT42. His has a reversing switch.
  2. Oh dear! I found a dead mouse under the bird-feeder. Looks like it tried a "high-wire act" and didn't make it.
  3. Couple of pix. Tulip display outside our local hospital. Evening shot looking south over the Idaho Palouse. Night all.
  4. Something similar to Tom's arrangement. The garage under our house has 10 foot ceilings, so I went vertical and built an elevated railway room within the garage. There are trays on wheels under the railway room for additional junk storage. The railway space in the room is 12 feet by 12 feet, some of which projects out over the hood of my wife's car. (The panels under the layout are hinged to allow access under the baseboard.) The framework suspended above the freezer will support reversing/storage loops. The framework leaning against the freezer will also support another set of reversing/storage loops on the other side of the door to the railway room (above the red tool chest). The layout plan is basically a U-shaped double track with "off stage" storage loops with junctions to a high level terminus and a low level terminus.
  5. The polarity (pos/neg) is determined by the switch on the controller. Connect one copper thing to one rail and the other to the other rail. Put loco on track and test. If it seems to be going in the wrong direction, swap the connections between the copper things and the rails.
  6. This is a Junco. Lot's of them around here. About the same size as a sparrow.
  7. Probably a wunch of bankers.
  8. It seems Miley Cyrus likes pasties too. http://www.people.com/article/miley-cyrus-joan-jett-speech-rock-roll-hall-fame-induction
  9. I don't remember '76 being all that hot in Scotland, or maybe it's because we moved to Arizona in '82. Not so much culture shock, more a case of thermal shock! Our swimming pool had a nice fountain spray thingy that you could turn on. "What's that for?" I asked. "It's to cool the pool water down though evaporation."
  10. I suppose if it had been on lafitte it would smell like les old socks, n'es pas?
  11. "Oh where tell me where is this single-decker going?" "It's goin' tae the shed mac, wid ye hurry an' get oan." "But up there it says Scotstoun. I demand you take me there!" "It's got India on the tyres mac, but it isn'ae goin' ther.'" (to the tune The Bluebells of Scotland)
  12. Just playing around with my new toy (camera). This is Shona, our Scottie (she had a serious haircut recently). She tends not to come out too well in photos, but these shots are not bad. Note eclectic video collection
  13. I could use one that plays my shots for me.
  14. No bin service where we live. We take the trash to a county site and put it into one of the skips. It's actually quite convenient. Unfortunately, it's rather too convenient for some of the numb**t-mouth-breathing-ridneck-cowboy-duck-head contractors who dump trash from their construction sites into the skips so they don't have to pay to have it dumped. They back their trucks up to a skip and toss everything in, then sweep out the truck bed, and drop !@#$%^& great nails and screws on the ground. They got me once. As soon as I got back on the road there was an ominous tick-tick-tick coming from one of the tires. If I ever catch one of these "chappies" at it, they are going to have their vocabulary expanded.
  15. I used to think nothing of hopping on to the roof of the house to clear leaves etc. The last time I went up there I had a really hard time getting off the roof and back on to the ladder. It wasn't so much a physical problem - I was just terrified I would lose my balance.
  16. Found another one Jock. This from a few years later. We sailed over to Rothesy for the day (mainly to get a fish supper!) Passing Toward Point on the way back. MrsID spent most of her summers there while growing up. Her parents had one of the terraced cottages just to the right of the lighthouse. And, just for good measure, the Arran hills from above Largs in, believe it or not, a heat haze.
  17. Wemyss Bay was mentioned recently. I stumbled across this image from the last century. (It was pre-digital!)
  18. Watch out for that woodpecker. One of them drilled a big hole in the side of a neighbor's house!
  19. Plywood power poles! Well, not really plywood, but presumably glue-laminated. I hope they used waterproof glue!
  20. Coincidentally, I bought a new Nikon yesterday. No need to plug it into anything or remove the SD card. This thing connects directly with a tablet or smartphone using a built-in Wi-Fi connection (you don't need to be in a Wi-Fi zone for it to work - it works anywhere.) The images pop up on the tablet/phone as soon as the camera and phone connect. You can also use the phone as a remote control for the camera, although I have not tried that yet. The camera I bought is a bit more than your budget ($300 in the US including a 60x optical zoom!) but if this capability is not already available in lower-end cameras, I'm pretty sure it will be soon. The cost of adding the wi-fi electronics is probably negligible.
  21. The "battle of the tablets" is over. I've now been able to load more than 8Gb of railway magazines on to the SD card in the Galaxy. Had to resort to a bit of subterfuge by going into settings in Pocketmags and setting "Storage Location" to "external" No such luck with Zinio though. I tried faking it out by moving the files around, but it just kept creating copies in the original locations. However, the Zinio mags are more about news than anything. I don't need them for reference, so I've just archived them back into the cloud to save system memory.
  22. Best of luck with that Jock. IIRC, that's the one where they inject you with some stuff that comes in a very thick lead box. It was a long time ago, but I seem to remember seeing my skeleton gradually appearing as dots on a screen, but I'm sure the equipment is much slicker these days.
  23. There's also Marjoribanks (pronounced Marshbanks) which originated in Renfrewshire (like me!) My favorite is Cholmondeley (pronounced Chumley)
  24. Indeed, but if it encourages anyone who detects anything unusual to see a doctor, it could well save their life.
  25. Rest well Jock! As it turned out, those were the photos of our retirement home. It was not far from Capistrano (frae whence the swallows do actually return). We moved in in 2002, but due to an unusual alignment of interstellar planetary objects, the value had doubled by 2004, so we flogged it, and I retired. You can plan all you like, but sometimes you just get jammy! (I was also very jammy thirty years ago when they removed a malignant tumor from my wedding tackle.)
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