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Everything posted by AndyID

  1. Good point. Isopropyl would be better idea!
  2. I suspect Robert is correct, but you could try flushing it out with distilled water for a while then leaving it is a warm place to evaporate the water out. Rinse and repeat. To remove the water, you could also use alcohol (meths) after the water wash, but I'm not sure if all the components will tolerate meths, so that would be the last resort.
  3. A bit less than 43 years ago!
  4. MrsID thought she was marrying a Bee Gee. (I thought you would rather look at her than see too much of me!)
  5. If only I knew who "they" were!
  6. Hi Ian, It's the tablet, but as you say, it's the same OS. You are right; there is no problem loading music files and jpegs to the SD card, but the magazine apps are a problem. You can tell them to use the SD card, but they don't seem to use it for bulk storage. For example, if you get BRM from Pocketmags, you'll see what I mean. I told it to use the SD card, but it chewed up all the internal memory storing the monthly editions. Same thing happens with Zinio. It may be deliberate policy to protect copyright infringement, but I'm not sure. Maybe I'm doing something wrong - it would be great if I am, but I don't think so. There are quite a few postings on the web about this issue. BTW, you could post your bird pix on the rmweb garden birds forum. Cheers, Andy
  7. My mum knew Duncan Macrae. I'm a bit vague about the connection, but I think he might have been her teacher at Irvine Academy.
  8. As Groucho Marx said, "I never forget a face, but in your case, I'll be glad to make an exception."
  9. Tangentially related, MrsID was complaining 'cos her iPad could not hold all her magazines etc. It only has 16G (as opposed to the 1K on the first computer I worked on!) Anyway, clever me thought "I know how to fix this", so I bought her a Samsung Galaxy (also 16G built in) along with a whopping great SD card (the Galaxy has a slot). Conned again! None of the flipping applications put anything on the SD card, and you can't make 'em do it either. There is a way to modify the operating system so that applications will use the SD card memory, but there is a risk that if everything does not quite go according to plan, the Galaxy will become, in computer terminology, "bricked", so I'm a bit nervous about trying it.
  10. On a slightly more cheery note, I'm sure many of you will recollect how Terry Wogan did a thing on his morning program thirty-four years ago about the true meaning of words. (There is a railway connection coming up here.) Anyway, one of the words that came up was "leveret". I am confident many of you will vividly recollect my pithy response to Wogan on the subject, but for those who happened to miss the radio transmission, I will attempt to reconstruct the message that Terry did send over the airwaves. It went something like this: (I should have kept the original) Sir, I regret to inform you that any previous definitions you might have received for "leveret" are entirely incorrect. A leveret is, in fact, a small lever, typical of the sort that is installed to flush the contents of a gentleman's urinal. For that reason, the toilets on passenger trains in the USA bear the inscription "DO NOT PULL THE LEVERET WHILE THE TRAIN IS STANDING IN THE STATION"
  11. Smashing Tex! Those are fantastic photographs. I have lost so many dear friends over the years. One in Woolongong, not all that far from you. I find great comfort in the beauty of nature.
  12. That's because it's Saturday where you are. They are all having "a bit of a lie-in" while they try to recover from the previous evening's over-indulgence.
  13. A couple of shots for Ian A. Warm enough for fishing here Here is some more lichen (and lot of moss) for Tex. We're more than 2,000 feet above sea level, but it's still a rain forest.
  14. IE can be a real hog and it's hard to know what it's really doing. I still use it on a Windows 7 laptop, but it became such a PITA on my oldish desktop running Vista that I dumped IE and now use Chrome. I was running Firefox for a while, but it started to get as bad as IE. When it comes time to dump the laptop, you might consider replacing it with a tablet and get a Bluetooth keyboard for it. The downside of the tablets is they don't have much internal storage, but in some cases that can be an advantage. Mrs ID is totally addicted to her iPad. She's on her second now!
  15. Just leave out the Roger Whittaker soundtrack, please!
  16. Y'll need plenty a waarm claethes then.
  17. "I name this ship Seafoam, and gawd help anyone who sails in her."
  18. Two old men in a nursing home, one from Scotland, the other from Southern England. Scotsman: "Did you come here to die?" Englishman: "No mate. I came 'ere yesterdie."
  19. Ah yes! The old "dodgy idiom". An American colleague and I were planning to visit a customer. We agreed he would drive. "I'll knock you up at 6:30 then?" he said. "EXCUSE ME?!"
  20. Sir, I'll have you know you are looking at 23 HP of raw diesel power transmitted to all four wheels! (The dice usually hang from the anti-roll bar, but I have to take them off periodically so I can harvest the lichen. There seems to be a bit of demand for lichen from model railway punters in the UK. You'd think they would be able to grow their own,)
  21. Hope you at least enjoyed a bit of a giggle Tex. For some reason your post reminded me of the time Mickey Mouse divorced Minnie Mouse. Unfortunately, the court transcript is entirely unsuitable for publication on a family oriented site like RM. (Self-addressed stamped post cards only)
  22. You feel old! That was the year I married Mrs ID. (Mrs ID and I enjoy watching "Call the Midwife" because Mrs ID actually was a domiciliary midwife when we were married, except she didn't have to ride a bicyle. She went tootling off in the middle of the night (nitrous-oxide cylinder in hand) in our '68 VW.)
  23. More delightful Spring weather rolling in from the Pugwash Sound. The blue stuff is snow! I was hoping I might get a chance to push some of it around with the tractor before I take the snow blade off for the season, but no such luck. It's falling as sleet and rain at this level.
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