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Everything posted by rloades

  1. Best get the lads to get the equipment on 401, then we can run 2 TPO trains
  2. Anything is possible. Birds have tried nesting on top of the shock springs on the van train. Its always a possibility at this time of year with stationary vehicles. In fact with our other mess vehicle, we have had small birds nesting in the flues of the gas heaters. (not possible now as we have removed them and plated over the holes. In respect to this little Robin, it is quite friendly and is often seen near us if we are working outside.
  3. This week's update from Quorn https://quornwagonandwagon.co.uk/2019/10/27/27-10-19-rain-rain-go-away/
  4. B954268 is vacuum fitted, and is one of few that was vacuum fitted since build. To the best of my knowledge, it has a 21" cylinder but can check tomorrow. Our other BR brake van, B954546, is also vacuum fitted and air piped, hence its CAR classification.
  5. Thank you, we are really pleased with it. The turntable is fully functional, if hard work. We used it to turn the coach prior to it going in the Dock. Turning a coach is slightly easier as the mass of the coach is more over the outer wheels and not on the middle locating pin (this isn't a bearing on this turntable).
  6. https://quornwagonandwagon.co.uk/2019/03/25/24-03-19-first-spray-paint/ Here's a link to this week's update from Quorn.
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