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Everything posted by Zomboid

  1. O (0?) is such a good scale. Even small things have presence (that somehow translates into a photograph on a computer screen...). I think the GWR was a minor branch from the LSWR at Exeter. Though I might be thinking of Yeovil. Utterly inconsequential either way
  2. I must not be disappointed when my first effort doesn't look that good... Looking really good, sir.
  3. How do you make your industries? The low-relief ones in particular. Are they kits or home-built?
  4. Gotta get me some of that espee bloody nose stuff. Looking rather fine.
  5. None yet, just debating the respective merits of an s2/4 or an sw1500. Will probably go with the Alco, if I can find one... And then get the sw1500 later.
  6. Hi Brian, Interesting thread to read. A slightly left-field idea, why not reverse the branch and staging yard, so that the off-scene is in front of the terminus. Would work better if you could get a bit of a height difference, so observing the branch would mean looking over the stored stock. And assuming of course that you're not intending a lot of big-hand-in-the-sky shunting at the terminus... Rich
  7. I always liked having the opportunity to watch trains go by, from various angles so I could admire my badly built cardboard scenery kits as trains passed... With your boards, having a sly roundy roundy is the best of all worlds in my view.
  8. Can't help with the figures, but (having never been there) it's certainly getting the feel of some backwater in a dodgy part of town. Might need to add a burnt out car and general fly-tipping detritus to complete that. It's probably more Albuquerque than Chicago (coming from someone who's never been nearer than Montreal & San Francisco), but you have said it's ATSF, so no problem there
  9. I could be persuaded. Is there a pm system on this forum?
  10. I have nothing much to add, other than that this thread has inspired me to measure my sideboard (146x39cm...). Not sure I'm going to be running my Warbonnet PA (the only rolling stock I own right now) on that kind of area, but thanks for planting that seed...
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