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Jesse Sim

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Everything posted by Jesse Sim

  1. Thanks Graham, I honestly did Graham, I remember seeing it in BRM in 2014, was it? I think I have mentioned that before last time I was over. I believe it comes down to jealousy, same with my Holden Ute, people come and nit pick out all the faults and you ask if they have a car, the answer always no. Same with modelling, nit pick any fine detail or try and sabotage it in anyway because they are jealous of something that you have that they don't. Shame really. I still haven't dived into kit bashing yet, have 2 London Road Models tenders waiting for me to start on. Saving up for an Antex soldering iron at the moment.
  2. Started on the south end scenic break, a traditional Metcalfe viaduct, cut to a single arch. Nice and simple, but will look the part none the less. Maintenance continues in the north fiddleyard, waiting for the energy to kick myself back into gear.
  3. Just to clarify something that I have had a few people message me about.... I am not copying the layout; Grantham the streamliner years. My representation is of a fictitious length of track between Grantham and Peascliffe tunnel called '"Brighton Junction". So, although everything considering locations, train formations, etc are the same, it is a totally different layout. Yes the Grantham layout inspired me very much and I am glad to call the Grantham team my friends, but in no means am I copying such a magnificent layout.
  4. Nothing of interest lately. Although, I did get another tattoo last week. Seeing as everything has been wired up i began running trains. I have began to mark out where problems have arisen, the first one being the North fiddle yard entrance for the up lines. Here she is all ripped up, mapping out a new way to start the storage yards. The problem was a single slip and curved point that, therefore, have now gone through a much needed a divorce. Here is the final view with the points and track just laid down. Purchasing a few more points this afternoon to finish it off. This view allows three storage yards to move straight onto the Up ECML and two to go onto the ECML or switch across to pass over the crossing and over the down lines to go via the Nottingham lines. This will be the loaded coal train, (used for ECML or Colwick train) and goods train, (ECML or Nottingham). Then there is a short storage line to either across to the Nottingham lines and/or the ECML. The run around line, which the coronation set is on, has kick back sidings down the far end, they also allow trains to come out and go via the Nottingham or ECML lines. The far right, the two curved points, are 3 storage lines for the Lincoln services. And Yes, that single slip is a Grantham special that i cut and bent to match the curve in the fiddle yard! I feel sometimes that the Grantham team are my teachers and Tony is the principal.
  5. Give me 20 minutes, i'll send over the 100+ wagons i got here.
  6. I sprinkle to coal in and then pour a 50:50 mix of PVA and glue. The plaster idea is good, it all depends on the level of coal I am putting in. Thanks Tony, i couldn't remember when i watched you do it. Can you get anymore prototypical? Hey Mark, thanks very much. Still some wiring to do, but I needed a break from all that. Ill try that, thanks heaps. Funny story actually, the security at Heathrow, when I left, all had a chuckle at my dedication for Railway Modelling after asking why there was a fist size lump of coal in my bag.
  7. Morning Sir, I have completed my homework and chosen C2 number '3256'. Built in 1903, condemned in 1943. A New England resident from new until moved in 1939 to Lincoln. Lovely! Now if i may pick your brains. I took a lump of coal home with me when i visited Beamish Museum last November and having finally crushed it up, I have began some detailing of my locos. This my A4 'Commonwealth of Australia' that I brought with me when i visited last. You kindly added some real coal in her tender for me. Now,my question is, how did you get the coal dust to look authentic after it was glued? When i tried it on my Bachmann 04 it came out like sludge after it was glued. Here they are side by side, you can clearly see the difference.
  8. Morning Michael, Hows the layout coming along? I have been a quiet watcher the last few months, having read your thread start to finish first. Looks wonderful.
  9. Lovely work Tom, I am truly sorry to have read of your loss. Hopefully get to meet you next year sometime.
  10. I shall Tony, thanks again. So the first weekend will be pre-dating LB, the next will be English lessons for me!
  11. Sorry the lateness. Excellent, i cant wait. I'll have to build some stock up to bring it over for the event. Thank you for the accommodation as well, just send my parents the bill.
  12. My Heljan o2/3 renumbered and weathered. Another Hornby A4 I weathered, sitting on some real track outside my hobby room in the early morning sun. Apologies for the horrible iphone quality photos
  13. Here is the Heljan O2/3 from last november Tony. She has been renumbered and weathered. Still waiting for the correct headlamp code. You couldn't really see, here she is on the layout. Another Hornby A4 that i have weathered. Sorry for the terrible iphone photos.
  14. That's if the 'Pre-War Little Bytham Team' will have me.
  15. Well count me in, it looks like ill be over in the UK for all of August 2018. Id love to be apart of back dating LB. I have never met Tom, but his videos on youtube are what inspired me to make something similar. His weathering was/is superb. Yes, that C2 is wonderful. I have a yeardons book, I'll work out what number I want and email you shall I? Don't forget the A2 I purchased romping around, I could of sworn the cylinders were going to hit the platforms.
  16. I did on the first 2, then decided to experiment. I built one to start with and when paced on the track it wouldn't short out. I figured that the araldite might have been acting as an insulator. I decided to build on straight on to the track, (without cutting), but it didn't work. So i placed some thin plasticard against the buffer beams and hopefully that works.
  17. Thoroughly cleaned the "Train Room", have my first visitors tonight. My parents good friends are eager to see some trains go round. Hopefully the layout behaves herself.
  18. Hey Graham, So, if and when i make the original leeds set, what could i do with the set i have now?
  19. My era is 1939-40 on the LNER system as well. But try 75 years before I was born!
  20. I can agree to that. If I can recall, you told me to get a haircut, take the piercing out of my ears and lip and then I might be able to come and see Little Bytham. Then there was the question if i had tattoos as well... I think after my first visit you agreed that i am a perfect example to not judge a book by its cover?
  21. I have recently been talking to Jonathan from the Grantham team, he has been a fantastic help with all my questions. Recently purchased the harris LNER book, have a few others, just need me a decent soldering iron, which I'm saving up for at the moment.
  22. I started this afternoon on fitting NEM pockets on the ends of the Kings X to Leeds carriages. These are kit built, i picked them up, already built and painted for a bargain at Warley in 2016. These next two photos are upside down but you get the gist of what I am doing. Here they are sitting nicely on the track with the three extra coaches, behind A1 'Royal Lancer', I think they are the correct type, but two are BR numbered. A nice picture here of just the kit built articulated coaches. Might give them a repaint, the lining isn't the best, but they'll do for now,
  23. Don't forget the small bits of stripped wire. Black, red, white, blue, you name I've got it laying around.
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