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Jesse Sim

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Everything posted by Jesse Sim

  1. There is always a bevvy near by, don't you worry.
  2. That will look good along side my A4 Commonwealth of Australia, due to make it's second appearance on LB. As well as my O2 I'm bringing along and the C2 I'll be picking up, please let me know what I will owe you before I leave so I dont leave my self short! Excellent stuff, I think a B16 will be on my list of locos to build.
  3. To be honest I've only ever done it with a singlet on at the least, but even then I've never felt any solder flick up or anything like that. Perhaps that will change when I start on kit building in the net few weeks.
  4. Theres a bed here if you ever want to "pop" over! Always welcome Baz!
  5. As promised couple of photos from the late night session from last night. As I said, we smashed out 11 point motors from about 12:00pm to 1:00pm and then from about 5:00pm-8:30 I beleive, absolutly killed it. Only 3 more left to do which I will do tonight and then its cleaning, adding the stock back and a few days of running to make sure everything runs smoothly. Had the sister hard at work in the evening adding in some track pins! Myself hard at work for once getting the switches in. A massive thankyou to my best mate, Mitch, who has helped me so much in the last few months, would not have been able to get where I am now without him.
  6. So only 4 days left until the BRMA are here, so spent the whole weekend yesterday afternoon and all of today working on the layout. The Friday and Saturday we spent riding Motorcycles whoops! Never the less Myself and Mitch smashed out heaps of fiddleyard point motors. I also re started the road bridge, instead of a plasticard carcass I opted for a Ply wood one, as you see in the first photo. My mate Dylan who is a Chippy helped out today with a raised board, so we both got stuck into that. You can just see Mitch under the board in the far corner wiring up some Cobalts. Here he is, with my little sister Ash helping out today too. Here is the not so finished result of the timber work. Gives a nice idea of how the scenery will flow round the bend. Well I hope it will to the BRMA. I'll post some more photos tomorrow morning from our work from 5:00pm-8:30pm ! HA!.....I'm so tired. Watch this space! Happy Easter!
  7. Layout is looking superb, I always get a bit jealous when I see this stuff posted, makes me miss the fun I had at Warley. Hope everything ran smoothly with no hiccups? All the best, see you all very soon.
  8. Glueing of the station roof brackets by Jesse Sim
  9. If you put one aside for me I'll pick it up at the running day at Toy's!! Layouts look good.
  10. Slowly getting there! Mitch and myself smashed out four point motors and wired up every drop wire that was left to do last night. Progress is slowly on its way forward.
  11. Morning Jonathan what are the best wheels to use for wizard models kits and for a MJT gresley bogie?
  12. Morning Jonathan what are the best wheels to use for wizard models kits and for a MJT gresley bogie?
  13. Took me a good hour to realise you accidentally added your response to my post. No worries Tony, I'll post up some poctures of the progress. Jesse
  14. Hi Tony, I have three whitemetal kits I am going to attempt to build in the next couple of weeks, waiting for some solder and flux to arrive from Melbourne, and then I'll get cracking. My question is, what temperature should the iron be? I'll also send the money to Dan of D&S Models to get my six kits I've ordered from him. I also ask if I get stuck with anything, can I post in here and get your help? Jesse I'll order a J6 and bring it along in August, hopefully we might get through the frames and motor, cause thats where I think I would struggle the most in the beginners course. I also ask if it will be good/okay that I bring one of my own goods trains to the back dating?
  15. What do you mean it says April?
  16. Morning all, Little to no updates lately, mainly due to underboard wiring and point motoring work, all needed for the coming BRMA running session on in April. But I did get some stuff done the last couple of days worth taking a photo of. Track is now painted, it does look very brown, however, it's mainly down to the cork underneath copping the paint can too. So, as soon as the ballast is down, the brown will calm down a bit and it will look much more natural. Then I can begin to weather the track and tone it down in a few nooks and crannies. Also painted the inside of what is a representation of Peasecliffe Tunnel. You can now see the inside after a second coat of paint and the effect it has once the top board is screwed in place. It actually looks like a tunnel! The inside from the reach whole I created. The board that sits on top is designed to be removable in case of a failed point or point motor and cleaning if need be. There will be another board that does not get screwed down that sits on top,, in order for it to slide out and then it leaves me access to the screws on the bottom piece of plywood. Looking from the fiddleyard entrance. Lovely!
  17. But by my little knowledge they were phased out by the mid-late thirties, I think, don't quote me on that. Otherwise, try on Tony Wrights thread, there are normally a good bunch of modelers regularly commenting that can usually help out with anything. Its like a permanent online railway encyclopedia.
  18. Have a chat to Graeme King, he is usually floating around on Grantham The Streamliner Years thread, He would be your best bet.
  19. Hi Scott, cheers for the kind words. I don't have a track plan as of yet, still need to make one up. The layouts size however is 11ft x 15ft
  20. Both. My thumb ended up swelling up and becoming infected! Cheers for the craft knife John!!!!!!
  21. Everything is going to ahh plan number four! Bit of a set back with the layout but I think im back to normal
  22. Morning Tony, been reminiscing with Mum this morning about our first trip to the UK, the day I met you at Warley and when I came and visited Little Bytham. Seems like yesterday, but it was back in 2015, relatively short hair and only two tattoos, I think! Counting down the days till August. Apologies for the flipped photo!
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