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Jesse Sim

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Everything posted by Jesse Sim

  1. Everything is going to ahh plan number four! Bit of a set back with the layout but I think im back to normal
  2. Morning Tony, been reminiscing with Mum this morning about our first trip to the UK, the day I met you at Warley and when I came and visited Little Bytham. Seems like yesterday, but it was back in 2015, relatively short hair and only two tattoos, I think! Counting down the days till August. Apologies for the flipped photo!
  3. Reminiscing about my first trip to the Uk back in 2015, sh*t seems like yesterday. August this year can't come quick enough! Relatively short hair and i think only two tattoos!
  4. Spent the day with the BRMA yesterday at the Forrestville exhibition. Made a start on my 4 arch road bridge that goes accross the layout, developments will continue on here. Also has the opportunity to operate Uley Junction, an O gauge layout. Here I am, with Charles, running a muck. It was an excellent day, cant wait till next time.
  5. Probably driving sunday, as I will be bringing a few bits and pieces with me to build up.
  6. I've already got my Harley, pick it up this week.
  7. I was looking for a trumpy, but couldn't seem to find a decent one in the time frame i had.
  8. I hope so, cause I cant spell for
  9. Actually Dave I'm getting A4 'Commenwealth of Australia' (obviously) tattooed on me soon, perhaps before I come to the UK in August.
  10. Cheers Lez, it wasn't last week but it is slightly now, only due to packing away kit building materials and tools. Bringing out the wire strippers, solder, etc this week! Only spotless on running days!
  11. Thanks Andrew, the way I planned it is exactly how its come out. Although the curves at either end, it still gives off that mainline feel flowing through the country (once I start the scenic's). Wish it was a little bigger, but don't we all wish our layouts were that little bit bigger? Thanks for that, I really am a Rock 'n' Roll person, long hair, tattoo's, Bike, old car and rock music!!!!!! Have to start a Society: "Rock 'n' Roll Modelling".
  12. The reason I ask is mostly down to getting small bits and pieces, mostly kit stuff. Thanks Mate
  13. Jesse does the UK part 3! All booked and I am now officially broke until forever, at least I won't be there for Warley, that always left a hole in my wallet. Any Model Railway shows in August?
  14. Hope? Um, excuse me, you will be there!
  15. Everything runs fine at the moment, so I may aswell use this time to improve it better
  16. I prefer them to be my age, but beggars can't be choosers!
  17. Well that escalated quickly, removed all the stock, bar a couple of items I had forgotten about. I have some 45 days before the BRMA running day at my house and I have plenty of work to be done. This includes the wiring up of 44 point motors (could get away with only doing about 25 for now), completely the timber high rise level, making a start on bridges and little tedious work like loco lamps, weathering, a few kits and bits and pieces. GOD HELP ME! I decided to remove the stock because the last few weeks i have been coming in and running trains and not doing any work at all, procrastination at it finest, so i made the call yesterday and within about 15 minutes all the stock was uncoupled, marked and placed back in my stock draw! PHEW, the easy part was done, now the actual work!!!!! HERE GOES NOTHIN!!
  18. I believe one of the three has brass W irons. Ganna order some flux and solder from Brunel Hobbies, (John and Ron will know who I speak off), hopefully then I can get cracking on them. Cheers Jonathan and everyone else.
  19. Hiya Jonathan, three 51L kits arrived today, three NER wagons, a 12T plate wagon, a 10T perishable goods van and a pair of 8T single bolster wagons. They say I need split spoke 12mm wagon wheels for them, where could I get them from? Jesse
  20. Morning all, Nothing railway related this weekend, still waiting on a couple of kits to arrive from Wizard models, must send an email I think. However, I did get up to some mischief on the weekend.... New tattoo because I'm "stupid and ruining my body" according to my Grandma. I also brought a my very first Harley Davidson, pick it up in a couple of weeks. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, booking my third trip to the UK this week, anyone want to have a pint? Jesse
  21. Thanks Trevor, I have only copied the work of a friend, however he sprays his track before laying it. I prefer to spray it once it has already been laid, as then all of the plastic joiners, metal joiners, soldered dropper wires, etc etc, are painted over. Both still work effectively. Cheers for the comments, I do like my cars, anything old for a matter of fact.
  22. Hiya John, sorry for the lateness, it's Humbrol Matt 29 for the sides and Tamiya TS-1 red brown for the tops.
  23. The paint finally arrived on Monday, so track spraying commenced. Decided on starting at the South end, as there are a few dropper wires that need to be soldered still in the North end. Here's what the track looked like before spraying, with the masking off nearing an end. I spray the sides of the track at a near enough 90 degree angle, with Mitch taking over the other side, (pictured), he still needs some practice though! I found a couple of blank areas he missed, bloody amateurs! That was completed on Tuesday, stage one is complete. The second stage is the painting of the sleepers, by simply spraying directly downward on to the track. Hopefully the sides of the rail are protected and still give off the lighter shade of the first colour. This is the method used by Graham of the Grantham layout, although he sprays his track before pinning it to the baseboards. Mitch thinks he is somewhat of a photographer with all those low level shots!
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