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Everything posted by dessire_luvals

  1. Hi Martin, I’ve always wondered why this was, it sounded counter intuitive, but once you explain completely obvious. thank you
  2. Thanks Ian, I have CCT, PMV and BY ready to go. Southern Region Green.
  3. Hi Folks, I built a few of these kits some time ago and have just got around to applying Modelmasters decals but the decal sheet seems to have many more options than the only reference picture I can find for Southern Region Green. Is this because the yellow decal sheets includes the different options if modelmasters run the print in white for blue liveried van? Here’s the only pic I can find https://www.google.com/search?q=sr+cct+green&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS596US596&hl=en-GB&prmd=imsvn&sxsrf=ALiCzsZB6PWrar3lJef0hM5fv223aP5MPA:1672755902620&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4kfyqzav8AhUaWcAKHbrPBLAQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=1080&bih=695&dpr=2#imgrc=YUwmg0Aqr6WpQM Thanks Russell
  4. Remove the bogies Remove the wheel sets and the clip in brake moulding. Thin down the sides in the centres of the brake mouldings Slit down the middle of the brake moulding. Glue in place the half brake assemblies. Be aware that if you move them too far out the back of the wheels will touch the curvy rebate for the couplings. Deconstruct the stub axles Reduce the length of the stub axles by 1.15mm, no less as the metal bearing can’t be pushed out but could be bent in for a slightly shorter axle. reassemble the wheel sets securing with Loctite stud lock. I went with standard EM 16.5mm back to back and Bachmann flanges cause no issues.
  5. Hi Nick, I’ve covered the conversion on the Facebook EM Gauge Modellers Group as I couldn’t work out how to add multiple pics to a post here. Rgds Russell
  6. Thanks Lez, It took a load of pigging about, but reasonable outcome. Done so far, Baby Warship Hymek T9 with 8 wheel tender Plus a Class 4 tank by my father odd stuff, very old Lima warship equally old Lima Western very old mainline Peak Bachmann 2H Votes being taken for the next prototype! Russell
  7. An EM Gauge conversion I started at the beginning of the year but then broke my wrist. Recovery from that was relatively quick but getting my modelling mojo back took a while.
  8. Hi Martin, I feel honoured you’ve taken those! Not much progress of late, broken wrist last winter and other priorities. I’ll take some pics at the weekend.
  9. Not to worry, my Dad has a copy in his collection.
  10. Hi Pete, Your Ilfracombe layout looks to be progressing well. Could I ask a favour? I'm going to print the image of the Ilfracombe signal box plans but don't now what the real size is. Could you do me a favour and measure in millimetres and share a few of the key measurements from the original article please? Thanks Russell Davies
  11. Hi Keith, Using Alan Gibson wheels and 3mm axles etc and following the EMGS manual conversion guide. Only deviation so far is that I reused the coupling rods by filing down the boss on the front and then turning them inside out. Alan Gibson bushes soldered into the coupling rods. Seems to be working so far. Just waiting for a DCC blanking plug to arrive before I test and finalise everything and solder on the crank pin nuts.
  12. I eventually identified why the Class 22 would derail sometimes through crossings but not the next time. Turns out that the gear/sleeve that the stub axles go in to were split and causing the wheels to run out of true. I assumed I'd damaged them but after ordering some spares but found that two out of four spares were also split, so have assumed they have a fault in the moulding. Anyway two replaced and everything seems to work well no. Hornby M7 conversion ongoing now.
  13. Dapol Class 22 conversion has ground to a halt. Wheels all skimmed by 0.4 mm on the lathe. Stub axles are too loose a fit in the gear sleeves so am waiting on some Loctite 603 to arrive from the interweb.
  14. Christmas break so made some time for the shed. A few hours tracking down dry joints preventing reliable running and then a little bit of progress on the signal box.
  15. It actually runs. Ready for some paint on the wheels and a good oil up.
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