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Everything posted by tersono

  1. At this rate, they'll be arriving before we order 'em! I've often thought it would be easier if I just had my paycheck deposited directly into Hattons' bank account (well, half of it - the rest can go to the pub).
  2. I've been buying from Hattons on and off for years. Great dealer. Ordered a Hornby P2 late Saturday afternoon around 5pm (for 55 quid yet - too good to pass up even though I don't yet have a layout for it!) and it's already here (noon Monday). Can't fault that...
  3. Loving this layout - to the point where I'm seriously considering building something similar once I've gotten a bit further with my current N gauge roundy. I've got a bunch of OO stock and nowhere to run it at the moment... Great work, Andy! Gary
  4. Family allowing, I'll try to get there in late Sept
  5. Remiss of me, but no - I've never visited, despite knowing the Barmouth area quite well. However, I will be around there in about 3 weeks time, so I shall certainly be taking a looksee!
  6. What a great subject for a small layout - in an area close to my heart too. Oddly, what immediately struck me is how much that station house looks like one of Hornby's Lyddle End models...
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