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Posts posted by CazRail

  1. I have to ask: how did you get the “bare earth” effect on the land either side of the track? When I first saw this thread, I mistakenly thought the layout was more or less complete! The colours look bang on for close cropped moorland grass in winter. Only after I got to the prototype photos did I realise there was more to do!

    I was the same thinking it was almost complete before I took a closer look!

  2. That really is very convincing, especially the first picture of the pedestrian crossing.


    Thanks, Rich, using Heki's Wildgrass makes the job easier and faster, but it had a knack to it to get it to look good,


    Looking good Caz.


    Thanks again, Nick. How's progress with Maentwrog Road's extension?


    Had some more unexpected modelling time this afternoon, so out with the glue and wildgrass and I finished off board 3 and begun the lineside on board 4.



    In this photo it shows the blending I've managed between the 6mm static grass matting and the Heki wildgrass. Around the crossing will be somewhat clearer as vegetation is regularly cut to maintain sighting for the user, as well for the train driver to be able to observe any possible risks on the crossing.



    I finished the linesides on board 3, where the line enters the cutting which leads onto board 4.


    I've now run out of Wildgrass, so will need to wait until I have some funds to get more.


    Happy modelling!

    • Like 3
  3. Some scenic progress today with the arrival of a parcel from Howard Scenery Supplies...


    Heli Wildgrass:



    HSS' own tufts and elements:



    So I began experimenting with the three products on board 2, then on to board 3. I infilled gaps between bushes with the Heki wildgrass, then planting the tufts and elements where I saw fit. I was inspired to try Heki wildgrass from the Bennet Railroad on YouTube, a stunning US layout. These are the results...




    Really enjoying using these scenic products, and really recommend Howard Scenic Supplies.

    • Like 5
  4. Liking this thread...


    For me, as well as others, a DB 60 is an obvious choice, the ones Hornby have made were all 'special' ones, so a plain one would be good. 


    I'd also like a Romanian 56 in Dutch with Transrail branding, one of the DB 67s with lies written down the sides and maybe a few new post 1970 wagons.

  5. The base scenery all glued in, it was time to lay the eagarly awaited track! Again, just a single length of bullhead track, glued down.






    56087 appeared again with it's spoil train...





    Wiring and testing next, then ballast!


    [EDIT: Why the first image of 56087 is upside-down i havent a clue]

    • Like 2
  6. Today got some more done due to a visit to my parents. First job was to skim over the polystyrene with a palm sander to smoothen it out, and to form the fields either side of the track.


    Then, using sheets of static grass, I grassed the upper field, and grassed the crossing to create the effect of vehicles going through long grass.




    I havent yet finished gluing down around the crossing, as the shape the grass sheet needs to be coundn't be achieved in a oner. The Network Rail Land Rover demonstrates the crossing...



    Then to get a feel for things, I posed 31296 with a brake van and a VDA on the board...


  7. More done to the lanscape with the knife this afternoon, including blending in hill slopes, cutting sides and earthworks for the crossing.






    The small raised part on the down side...


    Ready to be shaped.



    Earth works for the user worked crossing coming on...



    More to do, but the rest of the shaping will be with a palm sander. Once done, I can glue down static grass sheet where required.

    • Like 1
  8. More polystyrene has been added to the Llangefni end of board 4, which will represent a very short rock cutting, which Ill use as a scenic break leading into the Dingle.


    Ive also purchased a pot of Acrylic Gloss Medium to represent water.


    Will post photos when I progress.

  9. Ive found the same using ballast bond, i just put it down to the fact Im using fine Woodland Scenics ballast, which to me is good for representling the old smaller type of ballast, still to this day found on branch lines. I give it a quick misting of water before ballast bond which seems to work.


    Any patching I do with a small brush, teaspoon and neat pva, which is something to keep me ocupied!



  10. Ive been to sites where sections of line have been made red-zone prohibites due to vegetation(or close proximity of it to the running line). Signals and crossings are managed, obscured signals and signage reported by drivers to fault control, and crossings periodically inspected by crossing inspectors. All these instances are regarded as faults and responded to by on-call NR staff.

  11. Not sure I understand your method.

    I have successfully added check rails using bullhead rail and C&L chairs. Remove the inside half of a Peco chair every 3rd sleeper and fit the C&L chairs suitably spaced to the rail. This is then fixed to the sleeper where the half chair has been removed. At the other 2 sleepers fit a C&L half chair to hold the check rail.

    Problem was finding a suitable glue to fix C&L plastic to Peco plastic. C&Ls own solvent, plas-weld and other solvents were not good, but one of these new fangled glues that you shine a light on for a few seconds seemed to work OK.

    Thanks Merfyn.


    I didn't explain my idea very well, sorry! I meant the chairs/ trimmed sleepers of the checkrail would sit in the cribs between sleepers of the flexi track, so it's staggered or interlaced if you like.


    You'r method with C&L chairs is the better option, Ill have full cribs and it'll look better accross longitudinals. I'll have a look into it.

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