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Clive martin

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Everything posted by Clive martin

  1. Perhaps i was a bit harsh saying that sams trains annoys me describeing his track on carpet as a layout, you are correct woodenhead railway modeling is a broad church in fact i would be the first person to stand up and defend him from some of the people who seem to hate his channel ,in fact i think Sam seems to be a very nice young chap who knows his stuff when it comes to doing repairs etc to model locomotives, to put my term annoy into context i am not angered at all by what sam does or for that matter what anyone does in this hobby , i just think sam does have the talent and skill set to be able to build proper base boards for his trains to run on!
  2. You are spot on about Sams trains,he just annoys me calling track on carpet the layout! Their are some very good channels that show the hobby to a very high standard Keir Hardys Hornsey Broadway , is a great example !
  3. Sorry about that i am new to rmwebb still learning my way round ,you are correct that is a fine bit of work by brush veteran!
  4. Hi Dan watched your crane restoration video yesterday you have done a very nice job this old model now looks great ,i also enjoyed your 1000 subscriber special ,all your videos have been great!
  5. Wow your extra grill conversion is fantastic had me fooled into thinking lima had done the tooling for this loco,like you i will not ditch my fleet of detailed limby models ,i have the irish railway models A class it is superb so i think the 31 will be quite something!
  6. In reply to legend i think you are correct ,Hornby will flood the market with loads of railroad versions ,i have to say i rather enjoy detailing the railroad 31 but i will only buy them second hand at bargain basement prices, i soon gave up on the main range model as soon as mazark rot became a problem.
  7. great news from a fantastic company ,i am sure the class 31 will be superb looking forward to seeing the refurbished 31/4 in rail blue ,i wonder how a certain margate based company will react to this news?
  8. Sorry for my mis information regarding class 33 and eth supply for air con coaching stock,i guess when the class 33 was introduced air con coaching stock had not been introduced so the southern region only needed an eth supply for heating!
  9. Some superb photographs,all class 33 sub classes are able to supply eth for air con coaching stock,the southern region was well ahead of the othor regions in the 1960s introducing electric heat coaching stock.
  10. Its great to see this layout again alive and well,i have the modelrail pages in my southern electric classic layout ring binder ,its a real credit to its builder your later era detailed stock looks well at home ,i look forward to more updates!
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