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Everything posted by Hobby

  1. Again apologies for the drift. But I don't think that's correct in every case. Certainly some places fit the description of caged beasts, my local one, the SVR, and one I've just been on fits that description, large locos and long trains on a single track branch. But conversely many recreate well what their railway used to be, especially many NG lines but also some of the smaller concerns. I don't feel its fair to tar all with the same brush.
  2. We had a Golf 2L TDi before which got 53/4mpg average so I'm quite happy with 50 from the Octavia. A few years ago I'd have been lucky to get 40 from a largish petrol car.
  3. Yes, my future son in law is also very relived it's all over and they can move forward. Shame you lost Rooney, though.
  4. Sounds very similar to what I'm looking for, plug in hybrid with large boot but not an SUV or 4x4 as my other half can't get into them! There's even less choice on Motabilty, at least you can go anywhere! BTW we currently have a mild hybrid, an Octavia, and I'm getting around 50mpg which is pretty good for a large petrol powered car. The battery works well allowing full use of climate control and stop start. Don't underestimate them! (Reply to 2ms!)
  5. What do they do if someone doesn't read the conditions and overstays the time limit? Clamp it?!
  6. I suspect Mk1 coaches will be first, they are still seen on the main line, virtually the go-to for preservation groups and have been around 70 years. That covers most people's requirements.
  7. Amazing to think I've survived 60 years in the hobby not knowing anything about the angles of turnouts! And after reading those posts I'm quite happy to continue in ignorance! ;)
  8. But my point was simply that any rack with cycles on it will affect range!!! All I was wondering is by how much, it adds at least 10% to mpg so could seriously affect it, I can't see getting anywhere near that 216 mi range.
  9. It'll be interesting to see how much the cyles/rack mess up the range.
  10. According to their website they don't do any! But ebay shows an A1, A3, A4, Brit and Castle.
  11. Just hope it happens... Derby gave been in a similar position several times.
  12. The old "lost in translation" excuse rolled out again I see...
  13. No, not you, though you came close earlier. Its early days, let's calm down and wait. I don't expect much in the first year or two, though it would be nice to be proved wrong. But for some people if we don't gave a full range by yesterday its a failure!
  14. I see the negative posters/vested interests from the other thread have moved over here! No one is expecting an overnight mass of new models, it will take time, so be patient and stop knocking it, it's getting very boring now.
  15. I just felt it was dragged out too long, an hour would have been enough.
  16. I deliberately didn't mention prices as I expect them to be in the N and 00 range and I expect quality to be the same, the stuff mentioned has long gone and I doubt it would come back with a scale relaunch. However I still feel that you dismiss the family sales at your peril and I doubt the manufacturers will be as dismissive as you are. However, as always, we'll have to wait and see.
  17. I suppose the other way of looking at it is that the models have to sell to less keen enthusiasts than us if it's any hope of taking off, if only for sales. So they have to produce something that will not only apply to enthusiasts but also father and son looking to buy a model to play with.
  18. To get the scale off the ground and up and running it's inevitable though. The locos from thise early catalogues will probably still sell and that's what it's all about. Once things are established then they can experiment.
  19. I agree and hence I suggested that an express loco will be on the cards if things do move, based on popularity FS or Mallard no doubt!
  20. I think they started off as a one region loco (East Anglia) but then spread out all over the place, I was still spotting in the 70s and we saw the odd one up in the NW! Of course they also worked for NR in yellow and got around a bit then as well... Other than a 47 or 37 they probably got around the most of the "main line" diesels and were (are?) very long lived!
  21. According to Wiki Old Oak had 19 and Bristol Bath Road 13 in March 1974!
  22. That didn't have a rear quarterlight, though.
  23. Many of the early plastic kits from Faller, Kibri, etc that were sold as 1:87 were, in fact, 1:100, door size is always the give-away. Hence some track plans from the 60s and 70s included those buildings but when you try to make them in true H0 they won't fit!! (Been there, done that!) Auhagen have their own range of TT/H0 kits of which some are from the earlier Vero range and they are 1:100. However there are also a proper TT 1:120 range, as there are in other ranges. I suppose early on the manufacturers didn't know how popular each scale was going to be so compromised and saved costs! I've modelled in 00, H0 and TT scales and whilst I've not modelled in N, I have seen and handled many N scale buildings and stock and I assure you there is quite a difference in "bulk" between N and TT 1:120. the photos of the A4 clearly show that.
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