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Everything posted by aardvark

  1. An ancient Greek walks into his tailor's shop with a pair of torn pants. "Euripedes?" says the tailor. "Yes, Eumenides" replies the man.
  2. The Scots say that there's no such thing as bad weather, merely wrong clothes. If you waited for good weather, nothing would get done. My wife and one of her cousins went to see an open air performance of Pride and Prejudice in Aberdeen in the pouring rain, suitably attired. The players were soaked through and through, but no one batted an eye.
  3. Ahhh! That would be the engine shed! I've already made that one, but I didn't bother with trusses. Maybe I should have. Still need to put the doors on it, though.
  4. Thanks @25kV, but Damn and Blast, I really should have mentioned that the Banff goods shed has a hip roof. All due apologies for wasting your time.
  5. Hmmm. I wasn't going to bother modelling the internal roof details of the goods shed, but after the track-level photo of the station building above, perhaps I should. I do intend on modelling the internal platform and the framing of the rear wall, as I'm more sure of their visibility. I have no images of the internals of the Banff goods shed. If anyone can suggest a possible configuration of goods shed roof trusses, I would be most grateful.
  6. Yes, once bitten and all that. Next time I'll make the windows after making the cutouts. I might still make a second set of windows, if I can maintain a suitable level of enthusiasm. Or might call on Messers Bodgit & Scarper of Chuffnell Regis fame.
  7. I've made a start on the goods shed. Based on the earlier discussion in this thread, I've opted for the shorter version of the shed: scale 170mm long. I only have two photos of the northern side of the shed. The 1928 Britain from Above photo shows two loading doors and three small windows, although with poor resolution. The second photo which is quite oblique, seems to show one loading door and one window, although it is hard to be entirely sure. With some license, I'm going to model the 1928 configuration with one door open and one closed as being more interesting to a viewer, should one happen along. I've decided to use plasticard over a 1.5mm Screenboard carcase this time. This was the construction that I used on the western end of the station building, which seems to have gone well (so far). Generally, I'm really happy with card and paper, but in my early(er) days, I did some credit-card modelling, and bought a "sampler" of various Slater sheets to see what they were like, so I might as well use what I have. To date, I've constructed windows and doors, and cut out the plasticard for the sides of the shed. In the process, I made a typical beginner mistake - believing the manufacturer. Slaters 0433 2mm Spaced Planking Buff isn't. It's 2.16mm. This doesn't sound like much difference, except that it is when you were expecting 85 planks on a 170mm side, only get 79, and had "cleverly" planned window and door sizes and positions in plank-sized increments to make it easy. The net result is that my sides aren't quite the sizes that I planned, and hence that the plans require some modification to permit reality.
  8. Hmmm, maybe that crate is empty ...
  9. The external platform is done (I think), excepting a couple of gas lamps. Here's the ever-patient 80121 arriving with the 4:55 from Tillynaught. ... and the obligatory helicopter view. A moments silence 'was held when the mock-up went in the bin. The next project will be a limited bit of scenic-ing to blend the platform into the adjacent trackwork, then onto the goods shed, which will fit over the outer track in front of the station in the helicopter view. Another project to consider is where to store the buildings and platform when they're off of the baseboards.
  10. Most things go smoothly when the wife is out. Far fewer arguments.
  11. That'd take me a month to make that much progress.
  12. No, the cow's name is Moo-riel, but did you hear, she jumped over a barbed wire fence. It was udder destruction.
  13. Wondering how I can get my wife the perfect Christmas gift when she already has me.
  14. Donate a kidney and you’re a hero. Donate five kidneys and everyone starts yelling.
  15. The external platform has been constructed, and is shown here along with the station building. The platform still needs to be dressed with coping and an uneven asphalt surface.
  16. I used to be a doctor, but I lost my patients.
  17. I find those photos of your cattle wagons very mooooo-ving,
  18. I’d like to have grandkids one day. I don’t think I could stand them any longer than that.
  19. I hesitantly suggest using both decals: different one on each side. That way you can run either version as your heart and eye directs.
  20. I note that you didn't hint at which Christmas.
  21. This thread seems more active than when St Enodoc is actually doing something.
  22. I recall you were on the lookout for the next project: how about one of these: https://scalescenes.com/product/t040a-lifeboat/
  23. Thanks to everyone for all the "likes" - I'm pretty sure that that's my first "Popular post", and I'm a bit chuffed. I think the next activity will be the adjoining external platform, which will be separate from the building but still removable from the layout as it crosses a baseboard join. Here's a mock-up to help check alignment, height, distance from the track, gradient of the ramp, etc, etc.
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