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Everything posted by AndrewC

  1. Its a sliding scale. a 0% would only happen if he was rated "fails to meet objectives". Normally by then he would be on the ropes. The 5% cut would be down to meet v exceed.
  2. One nice thing about automated processes like the ones we have is that things like complaints to HR about specific individuals, unless removed by HR go on their performance records. Resignation reasons are matters of record and can't be removed. In this case the womble de cocque will have 3 blots on his next review. As I'm a performance manager too, I know it means no pay review for him and probably a 5% cut to his next bonus payment.
  3. Greetings from the boring borough. Yesterday was a bit of relief from the heat. Back to 30c predicted today. meh. I finally gone and dunnit. Accepted a new job, signed the contract, and fired off my resignation after 11 years, 5 months. 14 more working days. The prime cockwomble was named on the required reason for leaving form. Doubt anything will happen but who knows. Manglement can't redact the form as it bypasses them and goes straight to inhumane resources. That'll be the third time he has been named in a resignation in the past 6 months. Roll on a new fresh start for my last 120 months of working life. Coffee time. Enjoy the day.
  4. Surprising really as you mossbacks are normally so docile. I remember in 89 when the Flames won it. The red mile rocked for days but very little damage or stupidity. Montreal tends to get silly but then again they are French. The worst seems to be in the southern US. Its not like any of them know what a puck is, but they all come out of their trailers and cause havoc if one of the snowbird teams wins anything. Remember the dumb f*ck puck that Fox created for stupid people who couldn't follow the action on TV?
  5. Never. But the Vancouver Millionaires won in 1915. I can't understand why people go stupid after winning or losing a sports final. I guess the celebration or commiseration drinking brings out the true inner sh*tgibbon that lurks below.
  6. I'd sit and think about that decision for a while, then procrastinate until later.
  7. Greetings from the tropical paradise of the boring borough. New air con unit installed in the man cave/shed/train room. Had to do some creative percussive maintenance on the existing vent as the airflow was insufficient and hot air was coming back in. Working great now. 25c outside, 19c inside at the moment. Quiet weekend. Too much beer on Saturday. Too much Gin yesterday. Too much sun both days. Managed a few small honey-do tasks but not many. Decision on my upcoming solar orbit completion long weekend next month has been made. We are dusting off the camping gear and heading "somewhere". Normally the weekend would have been Brussels for beer. (10 years ago it was 50 beers for 50 years. 5 years ago, 55 for 55. Not happening this year. My liver is happy, I'm not so much.) Jobwise, I've provisionally accepted a new position with a Newcastle based firm. Just waiting for the formal contract. No I'm not moving. They are 100% remote with only a hub presence instead of a formal office. I know a few of the people there already so hopefully this will be a good move for me. Time to do some "work". Cockwomble meetings on the horizon. Enjoy the day.
  8. Good luck with the new venue. Depending on the weather, its a walk for me.
  9. Once upon a time LPG was a viable alternative. In parts of Canada it is very common since the price per litre was less than 1/5th of petrol. Before the advent of hybrid vehicles the vast majority of taxis were LPG. It never seemed to catch on anywhere else. However, LPG vehicles do have a lot of restrictions such as underground parking, etc. As LPG is an NGL it has to be processed from natural gas. I could give a full dissertation on the process and the financials around it but suffice to say, when the price of natural gas goes up, the production of NGLs goes down, and visa versa. In the end it is just another fossil fuel. I think one day you'll see bits of the Sahara covered in solar panels. The talk at the moment is it could theoretically power all of Europe from panel farms totalling the area of Luxembourg. Throw in the replacement cycles, recycling and component recovery, and you have a perpetual and sustainable energy solution and industry that will need just as many employees as current power plants.
  10. Well until recently most brewers used non vegan finings to clear the beers. Isinglass is made from fish swim bladders. A cod beer it well could be. Today, it is Irish moss which to me is far more sustainable and a better way to go. As for the eclipse. Sun all bloody week. This morning fecking clouds. Cleared just after it was over. Feckitty feckitty feck feck feck. I swear anything astrological and this country’s weather gives me the proverbial middle finger. Every meteor shower = cloud. Every decent ISS pass over = cloud. B*llocks. Tony, would that be a Blue Öyster Cult, err stout?
  11. I've often heard that in regards to politician's speeches, or some PowerPoint addicted ID10-T's attempt to talk through graphs and analytics.
  12. Moaning all from the tropical climes of the boring borough. Little news on the job front. The boss is still off after his second jab. I have a feeling he will be coming back to at least 2 resignation letters. Been out and back for my spinal origami today. Makes a hell of a difference. SWMBO's company merged with a larger one nearly 2 years ago, that one in turn had just been swallowed by an even larger corporation. So far no redundancies from her lot but most of her job functions are subsumed into other departments so her workload is a fraction of what it was. Stay tuned. The original company, its 30 year history, and name all vanish on July 1. All of the original directors & partners have now shaken off the golden handcuffs and run away with pots of ££ leaving just the client base and minions. She is actually hoping for redundancy as with their new policy of 90 day notice plus being there for 17 years means she'd see around 7 months of take home pay. From that we could afford for her to find something part time and not worry about the increasingly toxic work environment she finds herself in. Enjoy the day.
  13. We always used to say "he's a bit Dagenham East". 4 stops beyond Barking.
  14. There was also the drunk Irish knight. Sir 'o sis of Liver.
  15. 120 months 27 days left or 2319 working days for me. On the subject of people leaving it astounds me how short sighted companies can be. Back in January the "employer" decided to offer 250 voluntary separation packages. The included our practice that was already short of about 8 people. Those of use who applied were rejected. Comments to manglement about why not retrain some of the redundant people who all had more than 5 years with the company, into roles within our practice, were totally ignored. So now we are in the position of 250 people gone with at least 1200 combined years of service and they are trying desperately to fill a dozen positions in our practice which continues to lose people at an alarming rate. Rather than retain & retrain, they are more interested in purchasing off the peg. Since Jan they've managed to bring in a grand total of 3 people and lose 4. Asshats abound. We replaced our fencing last year with a metal one. Both sides are identical but we did move the one side wholly onto our property and so we "own" all the fencing. Same as when we replaced the twigs and bits of rotten wood out front with brick walls. The sneaky bit is because of the trellis insets the fence can be taller than 2m. Cats and foxes are no longer a problem and it has a 25 year warranty.
  16. Don't forget their chef, Sir loin of beef.
  17. Good moaning all from the boring borough. All quiet on the East Wickham front. A fast congratulations to Flavio for managing to complete another solar orbit. Enjoy the day.
  18. I would have expected raw salmon at least.
  19. Greetings from a now soggy but surprisingly less humid boring borough. I managed to relocate my "office" to the patio for the past 2 days. Sadly not possible this morning as it is currently raining. One too many après work beers last night. Still mulling over the first job offer. My Spidey sense is tingling a bit so I'm really hoping the second position comes through. TFIF. The weekend is all planned out for me. Shops, garden centre, fit plant troughs to the wall between us and the schitty HMO next door, fix a tap in the bathroom, deep cleaning of the BBQs. No play time for me. Time to get on with my usual Friday meeting extravaganza. (fustercluck of idiots) Enjoy the day.
  20. Good moaning all from the boring borough. Bright, sunny, and humid as hell. 18c and 85%. Icky. Work is work. Although things are looking up as I now have one more interview with my preferred potential new employer and a previous set of interviews for a position I thought was dead and buried, came back yesterday with a formal offer. Watch this space. I did manage to spend most of yesterday afternoon working from the patio. I think I got more accomplished in that one afternoon than in the previous 3 weeks. <sigh> BBQ last night was low and slow pork belly ribs. mmm. Tonight will be simple chicken drumsticks in an apricot bbq sauce. Tomorrow it is supposed to rain all day. Meh. Weird Al in his heyday was brilliant. Some of his later stuff has been a bit of a self-parody. I do like Tacky though. (p*ss take of Happy) Which takes me back to things like Dr Demento on US radio, and of course the Shirehorses. (Mark & Lard) Who could forget such classics as "Feel like shite" or "You're Gormless". Coffee time. Enjoy the day.
  21. You can’t bee too careful. You never know what lurks in that evil Swiss lair.
  22. Don't forget the silver bullets just in case.
  23. Greetings from the boring borough. Second jab administered yesterday. I saw an object lesson in self entitlement as well. Some "Karen" got bent out of shape as she was first in the queue when it opened and the lady with the clip board (err iPad) started calling other names. She went off on a hissy fit whinging she was first there and should have been served first, and that she had to get to work and couldn't wait around. A nice younger girl spoke to the triage lady and the Karen got to queue jump. I did hear an audible "ouch" from the booth. No doubt the pharmacist got the last laugh. I didn't even feel this one, but my arm did throb a bit about 20 mins later on the bus home. I'm with ID on rap. As they say music is like candy you throw the (w)rappers away. Although these days just about all disposable pop, hip hop, "music" contains at least a bit of c-rap as a replacement for the guitar solo of yester year. Doubt any of them would know which end to hold. I could go off on a long rant about the music industry having adopted all the sales, marketing, and product methodologies from the fast food industry. Cheap, full of junk, disposable, and forgettable. Instead, I shall put some of Mr Roger's, and Mr Gilmore's finest compositions on the Sonos. I will leave you with this twitter quote. "Just think, for every copy of Justin Bieber of everything he has ever released, there are 8 copies of Dark Side of the Moon. " Enjoy the day.
  24. Oh b*gger. Just read that out loud and 2 Germans next door dropped dead laughing.
  25. Evening all. Back in the boring borough after the drive from hell. Normally it takes about 5h 15m door to door including breaks but today it was 7h 10m. Every sh1tgibbon who hadn’t driven or serviced their cars in the past 14 months was out today. The number of dead vehicles on the side of the motorways was staggering. A couple of really nasty accidents too. One we passed on the A14 was being cleared and there was a bit of a BMW on the recovery lorry, a crane dangling the doors and bits of the roof as they were lifted from the ditch, and a couple of the recovery crew carrying assorted bits of bumper, grille, wing, etc. If the driver survived he should buy lottery tickets as he/she must be the luckiest so and so on the planet. Even with all the idiots, cockwombles, and asshats, it was worth the drive just to spend a few days with the offspring. With that, time for a very early night. I’m getting old. Must be UK roads as a 12 hour 1200km drive used to be nothing to me.
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