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o gauge nut

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Everything posted by o gauge nut

  1. its had 3 coats now with a spot of orange and looks much better will take pictures tomoz as i will leave to harden now for 24 hours before i mask up and do the blue . what masking tape do you use ?.i was thinking of normal masking tape from the local motorparts shop . the other loco in the picture has a zimo xl sound decoder fitted and im pleased with it but thinking of upgrading the speaker will check out with swd there esu L decoder in the week and get one ordered i think so i can get it all done at the same time to save taking it all appart again after.
  2. i will see how this one comes out first before i paint the other two just ordered the transfers and weathering paints while i wait for paint to dry. can allways give it a heavy weathering if its a little shabby lol
  3. thanks for the tip vin but already primed the loco before i picked this up and have done a couple of thin coats of yellow on the end so far using 202 but still looks very yellow compaired to the Heljan model so going to add a very small amount of orange to the next mix and see if that will match better will test on plasticard sample first of course
  4. i think i will have a go myself completely stripped the body down now ready for primer must say i am a little nerverse but will never know till i have a go .
  5. something like this would suit me just fine but not quiet sure of numbers yet sorry wrong picture
  6. hi vin that looks superb very realistic will send you a pm now terry.
  7. hi vin many thanks for your reply i wanted them just painted i think but i was after a faded blue effect but do not know if this is possable or not in the painting stage. i have have done a 4mm model using a white wash but it was not perfect and in 7mm i think it realy needs to be spot on . i am not to bad with the air brush doing a bit of weathering on the chassis and buffers ect but its the faded look rather than the dirty look that im after. so if that means painting and weathering numbering and detailing thats what i will have to go for . as for the sound i have a blue 20 with xl decoder fitted and it seems a little overkill as the layout is only going to be an end to end 14 foot by 2 foot and not going to be pulling rakes of rolling stock about terry
  8. hi i have a pair of green Heljan class 20s that i would love to be repainted in to br blue does any body in birmingham do a good repaint at a good price as i would rather send these to some one who knows what they are doing than me make a mess of them as i have been after a pair for ages now and the blue ones just dont come up. also i have been thinking of removing one motor and using a v4 sound decoder ? would this work hope some one can help terry
  9. hi richard she looks superb mate love the way you have picked out all the detail . i would be proud as punch off the paint job and the build . dont suppose you want to finish mine for me lol terry
  10. yes just seen it and lives local n birmingham could save a few quid on postage also same seller has a mmp 08 kit as well
  11. i have a djh class 37 kit comp with wheels motors ect un started if you want to do a deal on a Heljan loco
  12. not much progress this week finished of bogies and have been doing bits and bobs and testing loco over points ect before i go any further i have painted the chasiss and bogies next job finish and paint tanks then start back with the body made a couple of errors with roof detail thats rushing again .
  13. i hope you can make out by the pics still using the phone as you can see i have soldered in from the bottom of the chassis a top hat bush female pic 2 and the male is atached to the body pic 1 and as you can see in pic 3 a perfect fit just needs screw and washer on the bottom and always just a smear of greece for nice smooth action on bends regards terry. ps got the skytrex class 37 today of ebay just going to test it now dose not look to bad. might start a thread on it as i plan to repaint detail add sound and weather it ..
  14. hi sorry its taken so long but plenty of work this week i have taken a few pics so you might see what i mean mine fit perfect and been giving the bogies a blast with the body just resting on to weight them down and runs very well considering only one motor still thinking of adding a second though heres pics
  15. hi richard i have not yet fixed mine yet to the body only placed in position but on mine they are a perfect fit as there are two top hat bushes 1 male fitted to the body as per yours and one female that fits from under the chassis and the slot in to each other perfect . just planing on using the screw provided plus a washer and a bit of grease between them. yes soldered in place. hope this helps terry
  16. br blue s still looks good to me its what i remember when i was a kid forgot to add wiper pick ups so i have got to sort them tonight , i have been thinking all day best way to do it as i whant all twelve wheels to pick up power . i have a few sets of djh wiper sets to play with . run the chassis in on the rolling road with two wires from controller and forgot all about pick ups and think i have made a couple more mistakes in my hurry .
  17. hi thanks for the tips on the windows i have not started them yet but the shape looks realy good on them dont know yet wether to solder them in place or use glue looks very awkward to solder and in a place were its going to realy show . i know i said just over a week but have been off work for the last week and been working day and night to get this far and the kit itself is quit an old one so the dies were better then less worn so i was told but still lots of fileing and rubbing down but on the upside the white metal castings are very crisp. also bought a class 37 kit of the same person new not touched witch he purchased the same time. ordered the wheels motors ect last week and ended up buying a skytrex class 37 friday of ebay that i will repaint detail and add sound if its any good if not i will hang on to the 37 kit
  18. hi again could not get camera to upload so i will use my phone so pics will not be brilliant . this is were i am so far just finished the bogies still need to paint brakes and rigging then i can screw to chassis still all the small detail to add to fuel tanks and paint started work on the cab detail and buffer beams today and hoping to get the finished today and prima painted i started the kit just over a week ago[attachment and put lots of hours in and shes coming on nicely
  19. hi yes see what you mean just offered up the fuel tanks and bogie catches how did you adjust them if you dont mind me asking . i am soldering the majority but some of the small detail has been glued with epoxy resin . if you dont mind i will post a few images of my progress its no were near you standard but i am quiet new to kit building and realy having some fun trying to work out how every thing goes together and without you thread i think i would have given up . i only intend to power one bogie and going down the sound root and was wandering if a v4.0 decoder with two speaker would be ok or would i still need the xl decoder. sorry for so many questions in one go lol terry
  20. hi any more picks on the build so far as im building this kit myself at present and found your thread very useful hope mine turns out half as good as your superb build. regards terry
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