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vulcan product fan

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Everything posted by vulcan product fan

  1. thanks pal try telling the wife she keeps telling me it done ha ha . what would you recommend i change allways lookin to improve. remember am very new at it .
  2. Class 25 231 waits to leave with a short van train with a scrap wagon . After the class 25 leaves the local class 08 awaits it next duty
  3. Had great fun making the Hornby railroad MGRs look better watching Everard junction was a real push to do something with them . Not nearly as good has his .
  4. heres a pic of my class 08 i know its green but i wanted a sound one ! its shunting in the small yard that serves the industrial units .
  5. Hi and thanks have loved lookin at RMweb over last few months there is some fantastic layouts on here. Have to admit love takin photos and love class 20s thanks for your kind comments.
  6. Thanks pal, its lots of fun been doin it for a while now just plucked courage up to put it on
  7. looking across the farm from the station. A look at yew tree farm yard.
  8. Class 31 174 runs towards platform 2. a View across to yew tree farm.
  9. the layout is two ovals with a small yard on the inside oval the baseboard measures 5foot by 3and half foot approx. in the center of the layout is a small farm and a industrial estate using a mix of ready to use Hornby and Bachmann buildings . theirs a small station with 2 platforms which have a small signalbox a waitingroom footbridge newspaper stand and booking office again mixing Bachmann and Hornby . At each corner i have put a park , a small street a wooded area and work gang reparing the track . have put a few more pics on today.
  10. ive just got back into model railway . I had a trainset as a kid but lost intrest growin up now have a bit more time money and just alittle space . its not a proper place or time . just what i loved as a kid. im from the midlands so remember lots a coal trains and freight in general . hope people like it its dcc with a few sound locos.
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