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Status Updates posted by Beattie

  1. Mike Sharman


    For those that may have missed my original note, which only appeared as a response, I'll repeat my posting in respect of Mike Sharman, who sadly passed away on 12th September.


    Mike was well-known for his astounding scratch built  models of early locomotives and as the maker of  an extensive range of fine-scale driving wheels, without which many model locomotives would never have been built .


    I'll post a fuller obituary in the next few days. Any queries, please contact me via direct e-mail <iainarice@gmail.com> or phone 01837 861234


    Iain Rice (onn behalf of Hilary Shqrman)

    1. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      Hi Iain,


      I copied your earlier note to the main topic - 




  2. You're quick off the mark on this Forum. Here is the formall announcement of Mike's  passing which I was in the process of posting:


    I have to convey the sad news that the finescale model railway hobby has lost one of its pioneers and innovators – Mike Sharman, who passed away on 12th. September after a long battle with debilitating illness. This is not the place to set out his many achievements in the hobby; his kitchen-table pragmatism made fine scale modelling possible for a lot of people, and fuller appreciations will appear in the model press in the coming weeks.


    For queries, please contact me in the first instance.  Comments, reminicenses and good wishes will doubtless be posted on this board and will be passed on.


    Iain Rice, on behalf of Hillary Sharman.


    Contact details: Phone: 01837 861234 e-mail: iainarice@gmail.com

    .Any queries or messages can be passed on

    1. Barry O

      Barry O

      Sad time! Mike was a great gentleman and a nice guy to know. Thoughts are with  Hillary.


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