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Everything posted by BBuckley

  1. Instead of starting a new thread, I thought I’d use this one to ask if anyone knew when 60023 (Golden Eagle) might have received BR green after its Express Passenger Blue? I am sure I have seen a photo showing it in green with the early emblem, but I have struggled to find photos showing it in the early 50s where the colour is clearly visible. thanks in advance!
  2. Hi, I have made some adjustments to my plan to try and make it more operationally interesting as suggested. Both bay platforms are now usable in both directions, I've tried to add what will admittedly be a very small goods yard, but I might still change this again. There are also now 2 longish loops which can be used as goods loops/fiddle yard and I'm going to redesign the mpd area with a trailing point for access. I've also ordered the two books suggested, as reading some of the suggested threads and some other websites, I've been finding the whole subject really interesting!
  3. I’ve been having a look for some more information or pictures of goods around Wolverhampton as well as still looking for more goods yard ideas, but without much success. Can anyone suggest any threads on here, books or other websites which would have this sort of information. Particularly around what prototypical formations for some goods trains would would be. I guess there would be a fair amount of coal coming through, but don’t know much more! Thanks again!
  4. Hi all, Thanks for all the suggestions they are greatly appreciated. As I’m probably safely below the average age for building a steam era layout (under 25), a lot of the operational ideas you are putting forward are really helping me think about what I want to do with the layout. I have visited a few preserved lines (even had a couple of goes at firing an engine thanks to a friend!), so my limited operational knowledge comes through this, so I hadn’t really thought through the idea of storage and having different trains at different times. I had sort of imagined doing something like what was mentioned above with changing engines like what happened with some of the famous named trains here. If my (fairly limited) research is correct, then the Cambrian Coast Express, and Paddington-Birkenhead trains both usually changed engine at Wolverhampton. I will certainly be looking to include some of the suggestions about curves, facing points, access to the bay platforms and the ideas for the depot from DavidCBroad. I like the idea of a goods yard and want to look to incorporate something, would any of you be able to point me in the direction of some plans to look at for the sort of thing I should aim for? Again thanks for all the input, it is really helpful for someone who doesn’t know a huge amount, just to make it clear, I have built the baseboards (so these dimensions are set), I’ve slowly bought a fair amount of the track (Peco code 75), but I’m glad I’ve still got time to make some changes based on your thoughts!
  5. I have been working on this plan for my layout for a couple of months. The station is loosely based on Wolverhampton Low Level but is a compromise due to the space. I am open to any suggestions from all of you with much more experience than me, but I am particularly looking for suggestions for the sidings just below the station in blue (I'm trying to get some space to store some rakes of carriages, but also some goods vehicles) and the loco yard at the bottom in yellow. Any ideas welcome as I know there are some of you who can offer a lot to this stage of a layout! Thanks Plan.pdf
  6. Hi, tomorrow is going to be my first year attending, can anyone tell me if most places have card machines? Or is it mostly cash? Also what are the things I should make sure I don't miss? Thanks!
  7. Set of silver A4s on ebay at £390 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/332597144396?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649
  8. and now each loco is listed for £99.99, probably more of a bargain! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-Hornby-R3306-A4-2509-SILVER-LINK-SILVER-JUBILEE-LIMITED-EDITION/332595280625?hash=item4d70393af1:g:QIAAAOSwhaBas9Ml https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-Hornby-R3307-A4-2510-QUICKSILVER-SILVER-JUBILEE-LIMITED-EDITION/332595290515?hash=item4d70396193:g:IQUAAOSwbc5atATN https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-Hornby-R3308-A4-2511-SILVER-KING-SILVER-JUBILEE-LIMITED-EDITION/332595293117?hash=item4d70396bbd:g:kyUAAOSwCHZatAcG https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-Hornby-R3309-A4-2512-SILVER-FOX-SILVER-JUBILEE-LIMITED-EDITION/332595294513?hash=item4d70397131:g:CqcAAOSwL3JatAef
  9. It looks like Model Railway Emporium bought 4 of the sets from hattons based on the fairly reasonable prices they are now selling these sets at on ebay. Maybe still a bargain for some, but not in the same league as hattons were selling them for! Complete set: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-00-GAUGE-R3337-THE-SILVER-JUBILEE-COLLECTION-80TH-ANNIVERSARY-4-LOCOS-NEW/282896001214?hash=item41ddea68be:g:YoUAAOSwxJlas-lB Split set: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-00-GAUGE-R3309-THE-SILVER-JUBILEES-CLASS-A4-SILVER-FOX-NEW-BOXED/282896009930?hash=item41ddea8aca:g:6FIAAOSw~l5as-sc https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-00-GAUGE-R3308-THE-SILVER-JUBILEES-CLASS-A4-SILVER-KING-NEW-BOXED/273123401073?hash=item3f976c5d71:g:rkAAAOSw13Zas-rX https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-00-GAUGE-R3307-THE-SILVER-JUBILEES-CLASS-A4-QUICKSILVER-NEW-BOXED/273123399594?hash=item3f976c57aa:g:7JkAAOSwheFas-pH https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-00-GAUGE-R3306-THE-SILVER-JUBILEES-CLASS-A4-SILVER-LINK-NEW-BOXED/282896003712?hash=item41ddea7280:g:qTMAAOSw~JRas-n0
  10. Sorry to move off this very interesting discussion, but can anyone recommend a PluX22 decoder to fit to my new class 24. I have been looking, but can so far find very little information about the use of these in British outline locos. My go-to manufacturer Lenz doesn't seem to do one, so I was hoping someone else might be able to recommend.
  11. Another 19 who likes steam!
  12. I'm hopeful this will make an appearance (or at least show some signs of progress) in the next year or two. I would be able to justify at least 2, possibly 3 or 4 depending on the quality of the model. I am also hopeful that the manor won't be too far off, if they don't do it soon surely it's popular enough for Hornby to do it (and they'd do it just as well, possibly better) and this could almost create a bigger market for it, as I think Hornby tends to get more sales for their obscure models than Bachmann do for theirs.
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