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    :- Nearer to the London, Chatham and Dover, than to the South Eastern.

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  1. O This is Oliver Twist standing in front of an English railway station in the eighteen hundreds holding a paint spray can. AI still requires a lot more development.
  2. Wasn't that one of Aardman Animations quirky animated conversation pieces?
  3. Joseph Goebbels, there is a good case to be put forward, for him to be recognized as the patron saint of advertising (propaganda for commercial purposes).
  4. I am guessing that on the LNWR no third class passengers were welcome in the dinning car, whereas on the GER the third class passengers were divided into two sub-classes, those that could afford the railways prices for refreshments, and those that couldn't. ( Average British annual income per head, £42.7 in 1900).
  5. Today I have watched a YouTube video by Jago Hazzard about the abandoned stations around tower hill. As this is the area that the Minories layout is based upon, I have included this link hoping that it may prove of interest.
  6. There are alternative arguments to be made that these measures lead to increased illegal dumping, and the wider purchase and use of armored personnel carriers SUV's.
  7. It appears that Labour has made at least one solid commitment to a policy if it is elected to Government, https://uk.sports.yahoo.com/news/labour-add-vat-private-school-210623845.html Ideally they should be committing to raising significant revenue from the very wealthy once in power. Unfortunately the very wealthy have proven to be wonderfully adept to resisting taxation, which leaves the party only able to grab for any low hanging fruit upon the tree of taxation. The previous incumbent in the role of chancellor of the exchequer, would also leave his successor a note to the effect "Many happy returns, the biscuit tin is now empty".
  8. A positive outcome, as it appears that the work to undo the damage is already underway. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/aug/14/roads-agency-starts-to-undo-its-vandalism-of-victorian-bridge
  9. I think that you may be mistaken about the way around these things happen.
  10. The image shows a wonderful gauge 1 model of a Royal Saxon State Railways class 1TV manufactured by the German company Bockholt Lokomotiven. The price is somewhat eye watering though.
  11. Saxony no, Hughie I do remember seeing on the telly though, which is indicative of my ancientness.
  12. With the amount of orange shown in the fellows costume, it could be that he is convict labour, which would conform with Mike Oxon's observation that the buildings have a American or Canadian look. To be in period however he would be required to be wearing a striped uniform.
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