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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. I'd suggest it's not that light in reality as the shots are metered to capture shadow detail. Plus I know someone up there would have something to say if it was actually the wrong shade.
  2. Right move = Start at 5, finish at 2. Do we qualify to do siestas now?
  3. Very unlikely Graham but the software company had a bit of a wobble earlier tonight which could be a contributory factor in your specific example. I need to delve deeper into some settings but this weather is not conducive to concentration!
  4. Tell me about it, did a couple of twin hoppers some years ago.
  5. Went outside earlier and the breeze felt warmer than the shade. Olney NR Milton Keynes has reported a 39.4 according to MADIS data.
  6. Beyond the changes I made you'll have to leave this with to discuss with the software guys to try and understand what it's doing (and where!).
  7. Realised what it may be doing - I've adjusted a setting if you want to try again please?
  8. I'll investigate as that error message doesn't make sense. Edit; it does now as that's the remaining amount within the upload cap. Leave that image off, submit the post and then go back to edit again if necessary to add the last one.
  9. Posted yesterday and you've reported this today i.e. chasing it up - can you not give us a weekend off? Don't know about any topic but I've looked and there's no PM showing as sent from you. If you find the topic just re-send a PM.
  10. No. Cambridge University Botanic Garden on 25 July 2019, 38.7C,
  11. You can understand it, several people seem to get lost on that journey.
  12. A couple of times my local, when left short with fewer delivered than pre-ordered by customers has called to see if I could switch something around knowing I can be flexible or sympathetic (on occasions). Normally happy to help as he treats me fairly every time. Aside from personal frustrations and privations stated by numerous posters it's worth noting that if a small proprietor is left 40 pieces short (diverted to direct sales) on which he may have made £25 profit on each the manufacturer has just taken a week or two's salary away from him. But hey, who cares? I do.
  13. 10/10 for the clickbait title Neil! 😀
  14. It's necessitating some rebuilding of code to get it to work properly and I've not got a firm date on when that will be completed.
  15. Open your eyes, nothing has been sanitised within these topics but I draw the line when someone who has little track record tries to start a ball rolling which will take up more of my, and Phil's, time to monitor. So, I take offence at your silly post and, thanks to trying to stir things up further, I will just remove your access to the topic thus saving some outside hours time. Should have kept your head down.
  16. You can make your own choices, as others will, but don't use RMweb as a platform for such.
  17. I thought we'd parked IP/TM issues? Anyway, the registrations do cover the use of any TM on models which is distinct from a model. I have linked to the relevant specific protections before and haven't got the time, right now, to look it up again. Edit https://www.trademarkelite.com/uk/trademark/trademark-detail/UK00002057869/FLYING-SCOTSMAN
  18. It may take a few minutes but those should be open again now.
  19. Following a polite request from @Mike Storey I've re-opened the topic. Can we please keep it more constructive than just politicised opinions?
  20. If it's just going to be negative comment rather than anything factual, which was what was asked, it's not worth spending time reading such responses.
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