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Everything posted by ThirdRail

  1. It could work with the right paint effects and save you a lot of effort. I guess the question is how much is it going to bug you every time you catch sight of it from the "wrong" angle? You could always go with paint for now and replace it with a MkII version with more relief if the mood takes you in the future. Of course I'm saying all this from the comfort of the sofa where I'm still stuck in the "research" phase for Woolwich Arsenal!
  2. Hasn't it just! At the risk of committing some sort of netiquette faux-pas can I message you rather than clutter your excellent thread with Woolwich reminiscences?
  3. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! Such inspirational stuff. I've been collecting information and images from down the line at Woolwich Arsenal for years but have yet to put scalpel to styrene. For now I'll just gaze at your buildings and dream.
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