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How about a Dictator Loco Class?

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    Leeds and Beck Hole by the NYM Railway
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    I like 3d design this is my shop> https://www.shapeways.com/shops/bobsbitsandbobs


    Also; Transport, modeling engineering, efficiency, time and motion, inventing, traveling the world, getting over 100mpg from my car or 1,000miles a tank!!, exercise, the bible, animals, all types of science, music, football, F1, speed, anything extreme, misusing the English language, being random and many more interests!

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  1. I wonder how many people weather the underneath of their models? I do for some reason...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. How about a Dictator Loco Class?

      How about a Dictator Loco Class?

      Ha not crash pictures actually (-:

      I just look under actual rolling stock on the local preserved line.

      But then exaggerate the colours a bit for effect.

      Some models have great under detail!

    3. dvdlcs


      Perhaps there is a rotary tipper on the layout?

    4. How about a Dictator Loco Class?

      How about a Dictator Loco Class?

      Oh that would be good if someone had a working one!

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