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Everything posted by Paulrhodes

  1. Thank you for sharing those great photos of Old Parrock, Jamie, they're really excellent, and I really appreciate your kind comments too. Exhibiting the layout over the last eighteen months has been hugely enjoyable for our small team and also informative. I've been adding to the freight stock but it's now time to think about a second passenger train which I'll start building this autumn. Obviously it'll be short!
  2. That's a great video Callum - good memories of a wonderful day!
  3. Thank you to Rob and the team for a great time at SWAG yesterday with Old Parrock. The whole day had a wonderful buzz about it. We met some lovely people and I came away truly inspired by the good chat and inspiring layouts. And then there is the cake of course... Railway modelling is such a great hobby. Everybody has a different approach to layout building and after chatting about all the different ideas yesterday my head was buzzing last night with it all - so many ideas! We're staying in Devon for the week and tomorrow we have tickets for the West somerset Railway - bring it on!
  4. Thank you for the kind comments about my layout, Old Parrock, which really are very much appreciated. We thoroughly enjoyed exhibiting at Railex and had a wonderful weekend; it was just great to spend time chatting to people about trains and model railways. I thought all the layouts were super and each had their special quality. It's very inspiring to see all the different ways that people approach our hobby. A special 'Thank You' must go to the organisers for coping so well with the difficult circumstance of the late venue change and all the challenges that it presented - despite that we felt very welcomed and supported. The job now is to get everything with thew layout sorted out and stored safely away ready for our next sortie which is at the Oxford Show on 17th September! Paul
  5. Hi t-b-g, Can you tell me how you achieved the brown GER coach colour please. - it looks excellent. Paul
  6. Hi David, Assuming all the fittings are made available I'd be very interested in a T26 Intermediate and would make a firm commitment. Excellent!
  7. Does anybody know if there are GER coach lettering transfers available in 4mm?
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