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john flann

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Posts posted by john flann

  1. Quite right Martyn, Kadees are by no means 100% perfect, but they are excellent for coupling, uncoupling is a different matter, that is why I don't use their magnets ( because they are never in the right place) and employ instead my miniature version of a trusty shunting pole.


    What you have seen of Kadees at exhibitions gets them a bad name.


    By the way we had about 8" of snow overnight with more forecast. Something you are not likely to see where you are.

  2. Ray, pre-wetting by way of spray ensures that the liberal coat of paint and glue will spread nicely in the first place and are sticky so the flock and other materials sprinkled upon will readily  adhere.


    A brush plays no part in this latter stage. But the spray bottle does.


    It all looks a bit of a mess but in 24 hours when drying out it will look a lot better. Then, if needed,  the process can start again but without the paint, thats just a base coat. It can't be done in one go, it's a continuing process to get the result seen in my post # 1193.


    And, I've taken the lliberty of attaching, from that post of mine, an image showing the finished result.




    It all takes time, it's a bit messy  and better done in small areas at a time. If you don't like the result add another layer of scenic stuff.


    Hope this helps.

    • Like 2
  3. Ray, a lot of progress there since I last looked in and which I'm sure you are basically pleased with, but I shall nor comment on any of what's been going on in particular.


    Except to say I noticed you had remarked upon your flocking methods, and may I suggest you have a look at my Hintock post #1193 as I've been doing a bit in that line myself.

  4. Andy, I've only just seen your post #476 about using cards for shunting the shed.


    I'm glad you found it made by the adoption of method, "playing' with the layout more purposeful. It requires application and hence gives a deeper sense of  enjoyment as I'm sure you will have recognised.

  5. Martyn, not so bad as you first thought. That's good and many times the case.


    But the substance of your comment is in the last sentence as we can lose sight of the fact that running a layout is, and certainly to many the essence of the hobby. We should do it more often.


    I have found that true in my case as in re-furbishing Hintock TQ i have once again become taken by its overall appearance and qualities of playability.  I had neglected it through force of circumstances and whilst doing other things.

    • Like 1
  6. Just seen this Adrian, I'm all for authentic appearing layouts in small spaces and yours is a credit to the genre. Nicely done, reasonably prototypical and fun to operate.


    What else does one need?


    My regards,

  7. Les, I've been thinking about this more, as I understand it you are proposing withdrawl of the two original coaches and their replacement by the two autocoaches.


    But isn't the seating capacity of either set about the same? So what will be achieved?


    Why not have both by thinking up a reason for increased traffic and the need to run the two separate services to meet it?


    I know this is the real world approach rather than that in our imagination, but I think matters like this need to make sense.


    Sent in all good fun.



    • Like 1
  8. Les, The Prairie and coaches look a little forlorn. Is traffic that poor they can't be retained? Their withdrawal does seem a shame. Can't they share the duies with the newcomers?


    I would hope the decision isn't final.

    • Like 1
  9. Les, I haven't recently given your thread the attention it deserves. But I think, i have caught up.


    I like your style, ideas and partiularly your emphasis on short trains that add to the illusion of space. Somehow too, a pannier, a prairie or the larger classes you run look to my eye more appealing with a short, rather than a long train.


    My regards,

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