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Everything posted by NorthBrit

  1. Extra helpings of whisky perhaps?
  2. Quick as a flash lightengine goes off the rails. As Manuel would say "Kay" was last.
  3. Kung Fu Fighting -- Carl Douglas
  4. A rainy day at Beamish Museum Next -- A Wildcard (Anything so long as it is railway related.
  5. Damn you Mr Christian. I shall be back.
  6. 'Elp I think I am going blind -- AND Red Faced! As an old seadog I am walking the gangplank
  7. Never been eh! A treat missed.
  8. I do not know if this is a second generation or what, but at least it's a DMU to keep the thread moving. Next -- a level crossing.
  9. man in the mirror -- Michael Jackson
  10. even in the Highlands of the Far North
  11. A split second to catch this. Next -- A container train
  12. "Oh! You recognised me then?" said Tarzan on a bad hair day.
  13. Evans the Chef (and he is only called that otherwise he wouldn't take the job,) says your on a flippin' train boyo not at the Ritz.
  14. East Bound and Down -- Jerry Reed
  15. Somebody must have a photograph of a second generation DMU?
  16. Dundee Cake? One piece or two?
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