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Everything posted by NorthBrit

  1. Narrow gauge photo as required. Next -- something related to the post office.
  2. described and written by Professor A. C. Grayling of Oxford University.
  3. Twenty Flight Rock -- Eddie Cochran
  4. A wildcard it is -- Next -- A red wagon
  5. Silly 'sugar' read the wrong script. He should have read
  6. I am reliably informed from a Lancastrian that Manchester is in Lancashire. I am not arguing. He is bigger than me. LOL
  7. Looking out the window, whilst teach is marking books, I see Kenneth More on the Forth Bridge. "Why," I ask myself.
  8. How much are dead batteries worth? Nothing! They are free of charge.
  9. Laughing all the way to the bank as he awards himself a 500% pay rise. (I bet he says 500% of nothing is nothing.)
  10. No chance. Teach is collecting wood after reading about what happened to Joan of Arc.
  11. Happy Days Are Here Again -- Barbra Streisand et al
  12. He who marks our books with a tick or cross. Mainly crosses in my book.
  13. Somebody must be modelling part of the west (or east or -- ) coast main line. Where are you? LOL
  14. Now Northern Northumbrians know nothing about the goings on down south. Therefore
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