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Everything posted by 62613

  1. Whenever I see it on Freeview, it's skipped fastly! The same with 'Birds of a Feather', where the joke wore off very quickly
  2. 'Til death is widely misunderstood as well, isn't it? Given the the British are so good at irony and stuff, it's a total surprise.
  3. No action to be taken? I'll start using my phone and film others whilst driving with my daughter in the car then!
  4. I don't think they could send them the other way, either. There were rail replacement buses in Ashton station at the same time,so I suspect something was going on on the line anyway. There's certainly been some vegetation clearance on the Stalybridge side of Heyrod bridge
  5. The Kurds have long been campaigning for their own sovereign state; since before the Second World War, I believe. In the carve-up after the Great War and the fall of the Ottoman Empire, they have probably been the most neglected ethnic group in the region.
  6. Think you're right. Changed the kit to tangerine & blue as well. Decamped when it was obvious everything was going pear-shaped.
  7. We have a situation where the Kurds have been fighting, quite successfully, against ISIS; it is alleged that the Turkish government has been selling oil from ISIS territory; do you remember the Turkish truck convoy bombed by the Russians a few years back? Now the Turkish army has taken the opportunity to invade Kurdish territory in Syria, as they conceive them as terrorists; which in Turkey, they probably are.
  8. Used to be known, In the Peninsular army as 'Jingling Johnny'; several were captured by Allied regiments
  9. Both? Thought junior became a proxy for senior after he was banned. To be honest, I wasn't a fan of Ken Bates, either
  10. Dare I mention Stephen Vaughan?
  11. I seem to recall a 'modern western', in B & W, in which Kirk Douglas played an escaping minor con. who takes a horse up a hill; the sheriff, IIRC, was George Kennedy. Just can't remember the title.
  12. The Japanese seemed to have a philosophy that just sinking enemy ships was enough. After the first Pearl harbor wave, the whole US naval setup on Hawaii was at their mercy. Why they didn't bomb the navy tank farm, which contained all the local fuel for their fleet, must remain one of the greatest 'what ifs' of WW2. I thought part of the reason they struck south was because they'd had a border skirmish with the USSR in the late 30s, which had convinced them not to go that way
  13. Belokon has a conviction for a financial crime in Estonia, or Latvia, or wherever his bank was. If that conviction was in the UK, it should have disqualified him, the same as Owen Oyston's disqualified him. But let's not get on to alleged running the club by proxy (his son was the owner, no?) The running of football, from top to bottom, is very murky indeed!
  14. Trouble is, Mr Belokon is hardly squeaky clean. But infinitely better than any Oyston, all the same.
  15. I’m surprised that no one’s mentioned “The man who shot Liberty Valance” Oh, yes!
  16. But High Noon was as much a commentary on McCarthyism and its effects on contemporary Hollywood as anything, wasn't it? I believe John Wayne called it 'The Most Un-American Movie, ever'.
  17. Now we're way off topic, did any of you MN types sail with anyone who had gone to sea rather than do National Service? Quite a few did in the 50s, and went back shoreside in the early 60s when it ended. I served under one, a professional 2nd Engineer from Aberdeen who said once "The day my call-up papers came through the postbox, I was off down the Merchant Shipping Office"
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