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Everything posted by LNWR18901910

  1. Good to see you're still going with the layout! Also, I see you still have your Midland Railway locos including the Midland Yankee Mogul!
  2. Hornby re-released the old Tri-ang Clerestory coaches, so maybe repainting them as surburban coaching stock into the Midland Railway crimson lake livery would be an option.
  3. It's up to you, really. Hornby announced their BR 2MT 2-6-0 and maybe bringing in the Ivatt 2MT Mogul back sounds like a nice option even as a Railroad loco.
  4. In the Fun with Freelance thread, I discussed and revealed my latest model project(s) which were these: As well as the Bachmann Midland 3F 0-6-0 and tender chassis, I need a Hornby James the Red Engine body to work with. Does anybody happen to have a spare I can use and work with? I just need only the body as I would hate to pay for a complete loco only to take it apart just for a certain part. If anybody has one to spare, please kindly send me a PM and we can work out possible payment exchanges; thank you.
  5. That is quite a roster. Too bad you've hardly any LNWR locomotives on it and not much Midland Railway locomotives.
  6. Say, do you reckon we can place our bets on them like racehorses at the racetrack?
  7. Well, it's official. The planet Earth has ground to a halt. Lockdown is happening as expected, so now everyone's lives (including mine) is on hold so no new projects as planned will commence.


    People dying from this virus like the Black Plague and now, this modern equivalent has interfered with our daily lives. Anyone else put off by it? I know I am.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hroth


      Not even like the 1919 Influenza pandemic yet.


      Given time though...

    3. truffy


      I think the whole bloody thing'd been blown out of proportion. Yes, people have died, and I don't belittle that. But many are of 'sensitive subpopulations'. And a lot more people die of the flu etc.


      In these troubled times, a grip; that's what's needed.

  8. Does anyone remember the Hornby and Peco trackplan books? They provide some helpful, useful and suggestive ideas on how to expand a train set be it a starter set or a big intermeditate one, they sure have a lot of them to offer. I mean, what starts out as a common circle or oval can turn into a gigantic geometric puzzle sometimes with lots of play features! However, I have seen the ERTL Thomas miniature playsets and the layouts for them are equally-inspiring. I once designed a layout using one as inspiraton but it never took off. However, it's your layout and you can do whatever the hell you want the way you see fit (I know I do). While my N Scale layout is prototypical, my 00 Scale layout is freelance and has that feel to it from a 1920s book or something like that.
  9. 1. I see no need to sculpt faces because I want them to have realistic features of locomotives. Instead, they will have normal smokebox doors like real engines. 2. I'm not sure what the program was used, but it would have to be Blender or something like that.
  10. Damn stupid coronavirus! My trips to the Bluebell Railway and West Somerset Railway have to be postponed, now.

    1. truffy


      On the upside, my (business) trip to Helsinki has been cancelled! 


      Unfettered joy! :dancing:

    2. LNWR18901910


      Well, something good's come out of it.

  11. That's the locomotive I have been attempting to make myself.
  12. It's been a long time since I last posted anything! Well, I've been inspired by four locomotives inspired by the re-done illustrations by Reginald Dalby of the early RWS books that I intend to make into model form. It's nice to design something you can actually draw on paper and translate into a 3D model just like the original Bob the Builder series which had interesting vehicle designs. A user on DA has made digital model recreations of the interesting loco designs so I thought about making model recreations myself. The big blue Mogul (87546) will be made from a Hornby Peppercorn K1 with a Maunsell N Class tender and modifications along the boiler and running-board. The small red Mogul will be made from a modified Hornby James body with the smokebox altered, chimney replaced, handrails added and modifications to the cab roof and such along with a Bachmann 3F 0-6-0 chassis and tender as well as cab interior details or a modified C Class 0-6-0 with extended running-board, modified Belpaire firebox, added pony truck and Fowler tender added on. The big red Ten Wheeler would be made either from a cut-down Tri-ang Princess body with a Bachmann Jubilee chassis or a Hornby Class 5 4-6-0 chassis with a Fowler tender; however, a Hornby Rebuilt Patriot with altered running board, smoke deflectors and steam pipes removed and single chimney added as well as a Fowler tender added is another possibility. The big green Pacific (Henry) would be a modified A3 body mounted onto a Duchess Chassis with internal bearings trailer truck and a six-wheel tender - I bought a streamlined Duchess tender which has then been trimmed at the back and modified. Those are all my potential model projects for the future. If anyone has a spare Hornby James body that they have with them, please PM me and we can arrange some method of transaction.
  13. Bachmann should make an exclusive 00 Gauge model to help pay towards the replica being built.
  14. I found out on the Bluebell Railway that there are plans to build an SECR E Class 4-4-0! Yes, after the building of the H2 Class Beachy Head, they are gonna build on a new class member No. 516! In fact, after hearing about this loco, that's where a song from Look and Read comes to mind...
  15. Yeah, it kinda reminds me of the Midland Railway/LMS 2P and 3P 4-4-0s but with SECR/Southern flavour.
  16. Following the successes of Tornado and Lady of Legend, it has got me thinking about new-build replicas. Hopefully, The Unknown Warrior should be steaming by the end of this year. I am, in fact a member of the LMS Patriot Project. After looking up various new-build steam loco websites, I was hoping to join the LNWR George the Fitfh Project as well as the LNWR Bloomer Project. Here are some questions I hope to share with you. What is your fave new-build replica steam loco you are looking forward to completion and why? Would you support it? Would you consider making a model of it? If yes, what scale? I'm looking forward to hearing what you guys think!
  17. This is something I should try for myself one day.
  18. Me, neither. The LNER isn't really much my thing, either. That's why I don't have a model of Flying Scotsman because there are too many variants of said-locomotive in both model form and real-life. Also, I haven't even reviewed the model because not only people have reviewed it before, but also there are too many versions to choose from especially considering how popular the locomotive is and how many years ago they were released. When I do obtain Flying Scotsman in 00 Gauge by Hornby, only then shall I review it.
  19. That's nice! Also, I am excited about your inside-cylinder tender locomotive!
  20. Anyone who's read the first RWS books should remember these nice and simplistic locomotive designs. https://www.deviantart.com/realbon1983/art/Reginald-Dalby-first-red-engine-831520033 https://www.deviantart.com/realbon1983/art/Reginald-Dalby-98462-831520150 https://www.deviantart.com/realbon1983/art/Reginald-Dalby-second-red-engine-831520082 https://www.deviantart.com/realbon1983/art/Reginald-Dalby-Henry-Mk1-831519893 https://www.deviantart.com/realbon1983/art/Reginald-Dalby-87546-831520219 This guy on DeviantART does some amazing model locomotives! The first, third and fourth ones I like the best (those being Henry Mk1 and the first and second red engines). Think of how nice it would be to actually make and own physical models of them along with rolling-stock.
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