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Posts posted by LNWR18901910

  1. I was going thro' some old (pre digi) pics, and came across this one. Taken at Didcot in 1977, this coach was at the tail end of a special train hauled by Pendennis Castle just before her 'extended holiday' to Australia - so can anyone give me more info, I have an idea what it might be ( an ancient relic from the Tollesbury branch ?) , just need it confirmed. :sungum:


    It reminds me of Henrietta's coach.

  2. The other GWR engine

    I already have Duck in my fleet, a Gaiety Model 57xx on a Tri-ang chassis. I'm currently waiting on some Romford wheels to arrive for it so it can run better on my layout. Once they are fitted I've just to bow pen his 5741 number on and thats him ready to roll. 


    The other GWR engine that I'm waiting to arrive is Oliver. 

    The Reverend Awdry made Oliver from a Keyser kit and this was used to help the artists get certain angles when painting the character in the books. The model made several appearances on the MRKII Ffarquhar Branch and is often used as spare engine or as the Saloon engine where a enthusiasts train comes in after the end of a running sequence. I'm thinking of adding this too in my layout's operation and currently making up the coaches for said train using the Dapol rail bus kits. This model also explains Oliver to have the number 1436 as the kit comes with that number.


    Recently I had finished making a model of Thomas using the same method's the Reverend used when converting a Hornby E2 into the cheeky little engine. For the fun of it I decided to do my own take of the photo of that model which can be seen in the Reverend's Biography, The Thomas The Tank Engine Man. 



    If you guys would like to have a go yourselves at making your own Thomas I've done a 3 1/2 hr tutorial guide as to how to go about it. 

    There are a few comical bits along the way but the rest is all down to the building of Thomas. 

    Interesting model. Me? I am thinking of attempting this with a Bachmann Jinty (which has the later flat running-board in the later books) with incorporated parts from a Hornby Thomas model and an accurate chimney to it.


    This evening began the stages of relaying the track in Ffarquhar. 

    Now this worries me as I've done this before while building the layout in 2015 as there were some difficulties, again involving derailments. I just hope that the next attempt has better results and minimal issues with derailments. 

    the process is to relay the track using PECO Set track and cut the rails over the joint with a dermal cutting disc. Before the rails were laid to an eye's distance of being connected but it did not work all the time. 

    The first stage was to relay the main oval. This is where most of the issues take place and it is very important that all problematic areas are fixed. The point motor for the curved points into the station will need to be relocated as reference photos show that this point was located a few millimetres up. 

    The board underneath was not painted so this was painted 'Muted Clay' using a sample pot from HOMEBASE. 

    I'll let it dry overnight and will do another test laying of the track to see how it holds up. If the trains run fine on the new curve that will be good, but the real test will be on whether they will cross the baseboard joint once the rails are cut, and not derail. I have my doubts that this will work but only time will tell. 

    Any ideas will be gratefully received. 

    Pictures show the track taken up before the underneath was painted.


    Nice. Have you mentioned it in the Railway Modeller magazine?

  3. Here we are part way through installing the RC system in the YEC loco. The charging port has been glued in just behind the cab steps.

    I've run out of slide switches, some will hopefully arrive Wednesday. I've left the leads deliberately long during this process so I can figure out how it all fits together. What I may do is add a plug so that the Rx and battery are both mounted in the body permanently, and I can unplug the motor and chassis.

    There's also a tight spot in the chassis which needs sorting, possibly the wheels are slightly out of quarter.



    Good luck with all that. I hope you'll get it working, soon.

    • Thanks 1

    Today a package arrived for me from Antics Online, a site which I often buy my model railway supplies from. Inside was some new pieces of PECO track which hopefully should resolve a slight hiccup in my layout's track. 

    The Hackenbeck Corner suffers from a tight radius which often causes derailments to my engines and rolling stock. The same could be said for the crossover joint over the two baseboards. 

    The plan is to take up the track and relay the main oval first and then the station and goods sidings last. One error which I made while laying the track in 2015, was to ballast the track with the PECO foam underlay in the tunnel which I had originally plan to lay on balsa wood. 

    Once the track is taken up I will replace the foam in the tunnel and fiddle yards with Balsa wood or Woodland scenic's road bed. The PECO underlay will still be used for the main track as it's colour blends in well with the scenery. The track is not glued to it so if the time comes to relay it again the process will be quite easy to do. 

    You can see here the test laying of the new track for the Hackenbeck curve. 


    I'll start on the relaying over Christmas as right now I'm currently waiting for the arrival of a new member to my Ffarquhar fleet and wish to test run it before it goes in for repaint to it's destined livery GWR livery.


    As in...the model of Duck?

  5. Lets see. These the last photos I took of the layout as it is currently in storage now.




    My old railway room is being renovated into a new living space but a new room and workshop is being built now so we should see the layout back again later in the year. 

    You will notice that Thomas isn't in these latest photos. That is because he is undergoing a new chassis instalment. The old Reidpath chassis was good and all but proofed to be difficult while carrying out operation during exhibitions. So I contacted my friend Gavin Rose, known here as Knuckles, and asked if he could design a new chassis that would fit the model. He kindly agreed and Thomas was posted out in February. There are some of the last Images of Thomas' model before he was sent off. 



    In the meantime, the Ffarquhar Branch has been currently been operated mostly by Toby, Percy, Daisy and Mavis, mainly to relieve great amounts of stress that had been getting while at the University. Best prescription any doctor can give. Right now 2 spare models of Thomas are being made as well as a spare Percy made from a Tri-ang Nellie.

    Should have progress of the builds either here or on my blog so keep an eye out incase anything new pops up. Also some items to help improve the layout's operation is also being sorted out. During the Cultra exhibition I had a point motor failure which needs replacing, Thankfully it was one of the fiddle yard ones so it shouldn't be too hard to fix. With that in mind the wiring for the layout needs sorted out completed as I must confess the wiring underneath the layout is like a spider's web, so as soon as the new building for the layout is made that will be the first thing to get sorted. 

    My goodness, how the progress on the layout has grown...


    You don't suppose there is the station between Thomas' branchline and the NWR Mainline, do you? I could model that in N Scale (mostly RWS with a hint of TVS Adaptation).

  6. Ah, you see, I regard myself as a North Western Region purist; if it wasn't in the original series, it's not prototypical!


    EDIT: By which I meant the series of books; the point of the books was that they reflected the incidents and accidents of the prototype, rather than what television made it, second-rate narratives involving cute cuddly characters that just happen to take the form of railway engines. I've always wanted to model NWR 'prototypically', to reasonably finescale OO standards, having researched Awdry's history of the line.  After all, Awdry himself modelled it as a real railway.  


    A visit from Bachmann's City of Truro might be a better option!

    True, but like most fans of Awdry's work, I am merging the TVS universe with the RWS universe.

  7. Well while you lot have been chatting about my possible Cakebox Competition entry. I have visited a model railway exhibition! It wasn't much to look at but I did bring home a rather Stout Gentleman, he seemed to know a fair bit about railways and said something about an E2, in blue of all colours!!

    attachicon.gif2017-12-02 17.02.12.jpg


    Then on the way out the kids asked to have ago at the raffle, for 50p each I decided to let them, not really paying attention to the prises until my son won and was handed this!!

    attachicon.gif2017-12-02 16.48.24.jpg


    A DJ Models J94!! Brand new in box!! For 50p!!!! The Jammy Git!! So that will take pride of place on his layout once it has been finished, I had best go buy some wood for his baseboards!!



    The Stout Gentleman reminds me of the Fat Controller.

    • Like 2
  8. You're most welcome.


    It certainly is a most unusual loco, and my compliments for tackling it. 


    May I make a suggestion, please? Simple, plain, single lining can be obtained from the transfer-makers in a variety of colours. This is much crisper, especially in close-up. 





    Thanks, Tony. One day, I might give the lining thing a try, some day. Normally, I just paint it on and use some masking tape to keep it as straight as possible.

  9. Indeed they do, and very nice carriages they are. (Pedantic point the LB&SCR never used the term coaches, they were always carriages) Mine are shown below with Terrier number 76 "Hailsham".


    They have had steps added to the ends, air pipes added to the outside carriages, lamp irons added to brake ends, 1 window blanked out in the brake compartment, and Stroudley style close couplings fitted though the rake.

    attachicon.gif2017-08-01 12.23.16.jpg

    (click on picture to see in higher resolution)



    And I was right! Very clever and job well done. Maybe I should buy some more to get a whole vintage train to go with my LBSC E4.

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