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J. S. Bach

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Everything posted by J. S. Bach

  1. Unfortunately for me the goods freight trains that I am familiar with and see a lot of usually have way more than a hundred cars* so odd/even becomes meaningless as I would probably lose count anyway!. 😲 EDIT: *Not to mention a locomotive about two thirds of the way back.
  2. J. S. Bach

    On Cats

    A kitten should be a lot easier to introduce to the dog than a grown cat would be. If you do get a kitten, keep us posted on the results.
  3. It just might be hard to tell the difference! 😢
  4. Nothing that a good spike maul wouldn't cure!
  5. I am not shure but I think that you just may have them reversed! 😉
  6. That has to be an expensive paint job. Unless it is done with some kind of wrap, although I doubt it. If it came off in flight, there would be (most likely) major problems.
  7. Now that one really needs the ???? And, yes, I do know what a "goods train" is; "freight train" to me, btw.
  8. Curious if the goanna is any real threat to the birds?
  9. Too bad that the "photographer" did not include the whole cover as it could be autographed by the person(s) who did the translation. I have a translation called THE MESSAGE that was done in 2002; the creator is still alive and I suppose (if I wanted to do a bit of long-distance travel) I could get it signed. What I really suspect is that some dolt put that sticker on it just to waste for a stupid photoshoot.
  10. She looks like she has had a few too many herself! 😲
  11. Well, one really does chisel off the paint. 😲
  12. That sign was real; this is what is there now: https://www.google.com/maps/@39.3566885,-76.5283902,3a,75y,191.23h,86.53t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLr4-7iWK21Qpu5sMwSGHXg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  13. This ¼" O scale switcher weighs in at a little over 13 pounds: And with eight-wheel drive should pull the plumbing right out of the station: It is almost all cast bronze.
  14. Why is there a knife/sword stuck in his back? 😲
  15. The relay tripped; not knowing how many pence in a pound, I thought that it might have dealt with the price! But, as I said, the relay finally tripped! 😉
  16. That is so old that it has become a glacier! 🙂
  17. It arrived today. Now to learn how to put it together; I have never done a laser-cut wood kit before.
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