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Javier L

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Everything posted by Javier L

  1. Hello there Calvin! I try to keep prices low, but I do charge a higher price initially, that is for someone who's requested a model (~$20-40 depending on the model). After that, the strong flexible plastic models I sell are set at $15, whilst the more detailed plastics, I have set $10 across all models. For my wagons, Ive set prices for a minimum, under $7 in most cases. I have messaged you a somewhat more explained version of this, I hope you find it helpful. Best Javier
  2. Howdy guys, To answer your questions, I am anticipating to make both models in the higher detail plastic. I can also scale it appropriate to 2mm scale. It will probably take a bit more for me to work on the Goods Van, As I still have to work out details and brake rigging. Given that, I believe it'll take another weekend before its ready.
  3. Hello all again! Ive returned once more to bring news of CAD! I have been with some time to work on two projects I have been working on under cover. The first of these, a Stroudley Era Horsebox to my understanding. I have had this one in the works for some time now, and am nearly done with work on it. I have given a Shapeways it due time for a photo session. I havent found anything on a diagram number, perhaps I havent looked far enough for it. I am aware that SER co-owned these vehicles, So I have been looking into making a version for it in that iteration. Ive also had a weekend project sometime ago, where I shopped a D.1433 Goods Van. This one is a bit funky, as I intended it for the later livery, though It has ended up in the Pre 1911 guise. Nevertheless, I would consider it well off, and may very well get round to finishing it. Neither wagon is very well polished in Print form. I tend to jump the gun in painting when receiving the print bodies. I am however with a new file set, and should perhaps put them to good use. In other news, I should perhaps introduce you all to my current main project: The Three Cent Line Trolley. A marvelous example of Thirties Trolleys in the US, It apparently had no discernible type, and were simply produced en masse (That according to the chap who has requested it. I shan't argue, he seems to be in historical trolley business, but Id be quite excited to find out otherwise). This particular model is of two variants of the same type. One found for the New York Steinway Lines, whilst the other running the Manhattan Bridge Three Cent Lines. Thus far, a near body is formed, with some details starting to make their way into the mix. Hopefully this makes for a good experiment, as anticipate ill be trialing this as an Imaterialize resin print. Speaking of, does anyone have suggestions as to good home resin printers? I am aware of the Photon by Anycube, though I may search other suggestions. Ive reached that point in a modern modelers life now where they've become too expensive to have manufactured. Peace-O!
  4. Ill say, this reminds me very much of the Erie Tripex, What a fascinating machine!
  5. Hi there Tony Im stocked to see what you will make of it! You did a splendid job with the E6X! I cant wait to see the other two engines by you! Best of modeling to you bud!
  6. Major Update: The E4-X is ALIVE!!!! SPLENDID GORGEOUS UP FOR SALE!!! Presenting the E4-X!!! It is meant to be affixed to the Bachmann E4 chassis, and does require some fittings, and some amount of drilling to prepare for the Bachmann E4 chassis. Other than that however, it is a complete model! LBSC Version: https://www.shapeways.com/product/KSQABT64S/lbsc-pre-grouping-e4-x?optionId=98552204&li=shop-inventory Early SR Version: https://www.shapeways.com/product/5NC4ULX29/lbsc-early-sr-e4-x?optionId=98551339&li=shop-inventory Later SR & BR Version (Less Rivets): https://www.shapeways.com/product/ESL268UN6/lbsc-late-sr-br-e4-x-less-rivets Later SR & BR Version (More Rivets!): https://www.shapeways.com/product/L89ULZU7U/lbsc-late-sr-br-e4-x-more-rivets I have decided to save the kits on the shelf for the moment. I dont think I will be doing anything with it at the moment, despite all the work I put into them. I have temporarily set prices tad high; If anyone has some spare pocket change and wants one of these, It would help me in further modelling I may do. Otherwise, I should have them normalized relatively soon. Best Modelling! Javier
  7. Confusing update: I may have, possibly, maybe, entirely... misconstrued the request for the E4-X. Ive taken the request for a full bodied engine, and somehow turned it into a full kit project (aye, good, aint I?) Not a problem! Though having spent the last two months working on it, I wont let it bring work morale too low!! In the mean time, the kits I though were requested are available on Shapeways. I will likely keep them there for the moment, though I will be releasing the full bodied models on Tuesday. I wont be posting a link on it just yet, Im still deciding in what to do with them officially. In the mean time, I will take a couple days off after all this. I will need a bit of a breather until I start any model again. My next project has become the NYC Street Car, as the Chap who commissioned me has a train fair coming up. After that, Its on to the Hayling/Inspector engine!! (I promise <3) Wish me luck lads!!
  8. E4-X Update: Everything is in the green! I await some feedback on it, but for all intensive purposes, it is a finished model! I will hopefully be releasing all the versions of this model around the same time, which is hopefully very soon! Best Javier
  9. A small tangent about Shapeways, has anybody had issue using the website itself? I have had several issues with the model editor, product pages and several other pages since the website redesign; that have been getting increasingly worse for me.
  10. Im not entirely sure on the nozzle width, though Ill see if I can find out about it. I am sure they use Cura for the slicing, I dont know how many other programs Ultimaker uses for that process. I have actually been quite surprised as I have stated, the previous two prints Ive done on this printer in particular came out very 'caked'. I had done a chassis and a Brake Van, the Former of which was unusable, whilst the latter required heavy sanding. This latest print was meant to test how strong the walls were, as this is my first print in O gauge, perhaps it was that I have lain it flat down as I have which saved it. Clearly flat side has come out very well! I am actually going to see If I can place one more flat kit for this printer, I have an LBSC 8T van Id like to test. I have finished this model by two months now though hadn't ample opportunity to test it. If all goes well, I may very well publish it for Shapeways!
  11. Im quite proud of it! With this machine I was overly worried that it might not come out. I am disappointed in one respect. There were tonnes of little rivets that were supposed to come out on the panel side, C'est La Vie! I will have to make them a tad larger. Ill have to ask again, as I am surely going to try the Imaterialize resin on this project. Does anyone know the minimum detail size!? ~Crazy man
  12. Continued: Ive received the piece! It happened to take longer as they had a mishap with the print; in that they went for a first try, and it curled. Thankfully this piece came out near crisp, which makes up for the extra time.
  13. Minor Update: I have been again with studies, so little work has been done in CAD. I have sent a piece of the Streetcar kit off for test printing. Seen is the side panel piece, In O gauge, which I am out to pick up tomorrow. Javier
  14. Hi Jack I do take comissions, though Im not taking any yet, as I have a couple of them I am working on at the moment. I will be taking them during the summer, by which I will be announcing when the time comes. If you can message me about what you have in mind, we can discuss it further! Javier
  15. Hi Jack I do take comissions, though Im not taking any yet, as I have a couple of them I am working on at the moment. I will be taking them during the summer, by which I will be announcing when the time comes. If you can message me about what you have in mind, we can discuss it further! Javier
  16. That is not a bad idea, I shall ask them about that for the models I am trying to upload. I do usually make the models as fully assembled bodies. This particular model has been requested as an unassembled kit, but I am also making the body available as a full body shell. I had some trouble trying to make the sprues work in my last session. For now, the model is seperated into parts, Shapeways would be able to do it in this form if need be.
  17. E4-X Update: Work is almost complete on this engine, With only a few more hours ahead to work out any kinks on the models for this engine. Most of the kit work has been figured out. I have a few more items I have to address before I can seriously consider putting it up, though this is generally how the model will present as a piece kit. A quick question for any of the 3d Market gurus in Imaterialize: I have started to upload my shapeways models to the site, though have become distressed to see that you need to purchase your models first in order to set them to shop. Im in a position where I cant do such a thing for the models I make, so If anyone knows if there is a way around this, it would be much appreciated!
  18. Guten tag! I want to say that I appreciate how many people have noticed this blog so far, especially in way of helping me work the models in ways I hadn't thought of! I want thank Tony especially for sharing these great shots of the engines in his possession! You may soon hear news about its cousin outside of the Digital World! As it starts, id neglected to get many shots of the beginning of the process, So we have skipped ahead to where I have miraculously finished the halves.! I will say that Im pleased with this method, It took much less time to create than the way I have. I do have a few kinks I need to work out before I add it into the kit this way, though I would like to try. We have the earlier attempt, seen left, as compared to the rightmost corner, which is the newer approach. It is fairly close, though in this attempt the corners cut right through the panel (The idea is to try and conceal the gap as much as possible, by having the two pieces meet at the corner throughout). Certainly Shapeways would also try to burn me at the stake given how thin each of the corners get for each piece (Thin walls displease the Shapeways!). I have figured that the end where the top corner tapers off into a rounded point is what is causing the acing, I will have to go back and fix once more. It would be much easier as a flat end opposed to the rounded one. In the mean time I have compiled almost all the pieces into this shot. I will have to arrange them much better, as these are the live pieces I will use for the kit. We are certainly very nearly there! All thats really left it to refine these pieces, and make it so they have "pegs". I dont know what to call them, theyre sort of ledges where the pieces will glue together, these will mainly be for the running board, where they have no real grip aside from a flat top. More on that later! !<!<!BONUS MODEL!>!>! I have been working on an American street car as mentioned in my models list. The basic body work is nearly done on it. I attempted to include the British Gypsum (10" A&B) for comparison, as both projects are starting in O gauge. It appears though that I forgot I was working in MM for the BG, hence we have the gigantum seen here - A MEGA-BARCLAY!!!... If you will.. I very much appreciate all the feedback Ive gotten, big thanks to everyone whose responded! Until we meet again!
  19. In retrospect, drawing intersecting sections would have been appropriate. I seemingly miss the obvious solution some times. perhaps its the American Education Systems already done its damage! Ill be sure to try this as I develop more kits, its much appreciated advice! Im considering doing some Imaterialize prints in future, I would like to make use of the finer resin prints they provide. Im currently based with shapeways, I have The more detailed plastics, along with the white flexible nylon, these are materials available for the models I do have. Of course, given their recent price hikes, I may not need explain myself in wanting to move away from them. Overall, Imaterialize has a lot better quality plastics for much better cost, at least thats what Im hearing about it. !Shalom my friends
  20. E4-X Progress: I have spent the greater portion of today to work on the flat kit, which is coming along very nicely now. The majority of todays work focused on tackling the curved edges of the model, many of which have proven problematic to bypass. Shown is the rear bunker, which ive broken the walls into individual lines and contoured several pieces to fit along the curve (Seen in black lines) to match with the inner wall curve (Represented by the blue line). This has ended up being a success, which I have now cleaned up the section to create the back plate to the bunker. An expanded view of the finished wall segment can be seen on the right. Besides this, I have mostly finished the sections of all the pieces that will be separating. Depending on how far I will continue, as AutoCAD wrestles me to work these curves. The cab as seen will of course need to be in separate pieces, for now it would have otherwise been in vein! I believe my next order of business it to take a loom at the Hayling Island engine, next time! Ive decided to move the Barclay into main for a short time, as to finish up whatever pieces I have not finished with my current drawing set. This will seemingly fill the void left by the E4-X once work has completed on it. Buenos Noches!
  21. No modelling today, though I have come with news on the Brighton 400. I have received positive feedback on necessary adjustments to make the engine work for P4. It has been worked into the EM model given the spacing clearances both gauges share. The model of course can be found here; https://www.shapeways.com/product/WSMHPQN3M/lbscr-well-tank-em-works-version?optionId=92851202&li=marketplace Besides this, I had a brief chance to take this shot yesterday of the HO model I have made. I am unfortunate to not be blessed in the area of painting, though I dont believe it is awful. ありがと ございます! <Thank You!>
  22. It has been a little more than a week I believe, which time I have had little work done in AutoCAD. I have however put a list of models I am (or will be) doing. So far I have two categories on what type of CAD job im undertaking, this is between Commissions and projects Id like to do in my free time. Commissions usually take priority, though It depends on what time I have to work on them. The list goes as follows: Main Projects: LBSC E4-X - Commission - Awaiting conversion to flat kit, Upload versions to Shapeways LBSC Inspector Engine/ Hayling Island - General - Partially complete model, will begin recording progress after Well Tank is fully finished 10’ Andrew Barclay (British Gypsum) - Commission - Specific engine to be built for O gauge, Advancing/slow progress, awaiting some drawings, Partial body, will utilize slaters wheelsets Slip Projects (Slower speed projects, awaiting a Main slot to open up): Manhattan 3 Cent Line StreetCar - Commission - O gauge build, body work started Shelved Projects (Projects on hold till I can work on them again, may be able to get to this year): LBSC E5-X - General (Moved from Commission) - Finished model, Requires some fine tuning, Need to finish all versions LBSC 8T Van - General - Kit build/ mainly work on an HO version (Kits for OO are already available), Nearly complete body LBSC/SER Joint Horsebox - General - Body complete, More testing to be done for 3d Print, convert to Flat Kit BEDT #16 - General - Shelved indefinitely, requires reworking of body, requires missing dimensions, ability to refer to existing engine for reference, similar model available; possible Kit bash? Samson - Halted Indefinitely, Early Nova Scotian Locomotive, Nearly complete body Future (Wishlist) Projects: NBR P - General - Drawings attained NBR R - General - Drawings attained LBSC B4-X - Commission - Can be moved to Slip projects after current commissions - Drawings attained, To be moved slip projects in future, No mainstream model to my understanding LBSC D3-X - Commission - Drawings attained, To start work some time after B4-X is finished, No mainstream model to my understanding NSR D Tank - General - Drawings attained, No current model to my understanding LIRR H51a - General - Engine drawings attained, require tender drawings Kitson ‘Still’ engine - General - LNER Experimental loco, Side elevation drawings attained, Require Front elevation drawings but can be done without, no models to my understanding Met, Class H 4-4-4T - General - Will utilize stamp with elevations as drawings basis until proper drawings can be attained LNWR Webb Compound 1320 (PRR Engine) - General - LNWR engine shipped to America for the PRR, General arrangement drawing attained, Could use drawings of original Dreadnaught class Natal - General - First locomotive of South Africa to carry passenger trains, quite small so it may be moved to static models LIRR/CNJ Suburban engines - No model available to my understanding LNWR Class A - General - Requires drawings PRR T class - unspecified - Drawings attained, British import to PRR, no models to my understanding Static projects (models for things that wont run under their own power, static models): Wallis & Steevens “Road Roller” - Requires much research/ drawings, will likely be “improvised”. No known models, several examples of this type of roller survive such as “Gromit”, “Big Emma” & “Sir Lancelot” LBSC Alldays & Onions Inspector car - Drawings miss-identified, will likely adapt current drawing into LBSC version. The idea is that the current projects im working on, Main and Slip projects, will be finished by mid June; with the exception of the 10' Barclay, which is awaiting some key drawings. Tune in next week my friends...! Javier
  23. After due processies, by which of course I have cramped many fingers, I have finally finished the Brighton Well Tank! I present the Lbscr Well Tank in OO, EM, HO, and soon to be in Protofour scales! They go from £35-42 ($40-56) depending on what gauge your run. I have made a separate accessories pack for the Safety valves and Whistle/ Boiler Gauge in brass, as testing on the models showed them to be too fragile to print in the Strong Flexible or the Extreme Detailed plastic. OO: https://www.shapeways.com/product/EMPHJ8LTC/lbscr-well-tank-oo-works-version?optionId=92855695&li=marketplace EM: https://www.shapeways.com/product/WSMHPQN3M/lbscr-well-tank-em-works-version?optionId=92851202&li=marketplace HO: https://www.shapeways.com/product/MFAWQ9TNV/lbscr-well-tank-ho-works-version?optionId=92856181&li=marketplace Valves OO, EM & HO: https://www.shapeways.com/product/PPXUMJXWF/lbscr-well-tank-acc-parts?optionId=93051988&li=marketplace I have received some feedback on pricing for the engines I currently have, The E6-X as well as the E5-X. I have thus amended them to a lower price in case anyone is interested in those as well. Speaking of E-X engines, I had given the chance to line up the bodies of all three engines to create this scene. Here I have the E6-X as left most, E5-X mid, and E4-X right-most. I am reminded by Nick Holiday that I have not finished the LBSC version of the E5-X, somehow it seems to have slipped my mind entirely! Perhaps I shall dedicate a day to finishing that engine as well. As it stands, I currently have a number of projects on the slow burner. I typically have about two or three main projects live, while I keep a select number of other ones at slower work speed. I believe Ill be closing out my projects for this year with a list I will introduce in my next post. Stay Tuned! Javier
  24. E4-X Progress: Have spent a few hours which have proven worth while, as I have finalized all the details on the model(s)! I have made three separate versions of the engine that will be available. To the right lies the Lbsc variant, followed by the centered Early Southern version, and the Late Southern to BR Period engine on the left. All thats left to do now is to cross reference the underside for fitting to the Bachmann chassis, followed by the conversion to the flat kit. It is worth noting that as Is, The LBSC version is ready to upload, as I will be making selections available for the flat kit, but still in offering the full body. I will likely be uploading them all on their own day, that way I will be sure to remember all of them need to be uploaded! I suppose the next youll be hearing is either progress on the Well Tank, or that the Flat Kit is complete. I will likely follow up on the Well, as Work is just about 98% complete on that. Best
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