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    Many - but in railway terms, all pre-BR buggeration, and preferably pre-Grouping...! GWR primarily, but shades of LNWR/Midland/LMS. (I'm modelling a GWR/LNWR - LMS Joint' line.). Ideally, model railways represent a real place at a specific period. The location has to fit the space available - tricky - but the period...? So much choice.... :-). 1890's - to about 1920 is my favourite.

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  1. This is an 'improvement'.....? :mellow:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Metr0Land


      You have to remember all that dried up froth that was clogging up the system takes a helluva lot of cleaning out

    3. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      You've hardly given it a chance; many users think it is - a lot of work goes into such things and you're not going to get a sympathetic response with dismissive comments like that.

    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Not sure if this is an intended change, but SU's were visible before I signed in just now - they hadn't been before the site rebuild.

      Just saying - I'm not too worried either way.

      BTW, when I've tried calling up SU's, the OP profiles seem to have been pulled up, by default - certainly not requested by me … .

      "Reputation points" also seem to have been wiped - not the end of the world - also probably not a priority for a busy team trying to get the site back up and running for loads of impatient users.

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