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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. A fascinating thread for me as I'm modelling Tenbury focussed on a similar period.....
  2. Well, if only cabside numbers are an issue, that's nothing. However, if the new 1:1 replica is wrong - for example the main driving wheels - and being followed by Heljan, rather than the real original ones, I'd be very disappointed indeed. One wants a replica - not a replica of a replica. If so - sadly it'll be my first - and last Heljan.
  3. Having returned to this hobby after a very long break, I have acquired quite a few locos, all used or kits of all ages and makes. I have only three new ones on order. The Dapol Railcar - which now seems to have a bit of a cloud over it, this Heljan 4700, and the Rapido Stirling. Having splashed on new locos - I'm rather hoping to be pleasantly surprised....
  4. Do we know what Peco plan to add next....?
  5. Well, I've ordered one. I have, in my dotage, developed a strange predilection for singles. Rather off my parish - and time-frame, but what the hell - who needs an excuse...? Now I need to think about what on EARTH it'll drag around behind it - any advice on the most sensible options appreciated....?
  6. Methuselah


    Any news yet as to when these points will be available...?
  7. Ah - that would explain it then...! I saw some mention on the web of it having come-out last year... Let's hope it's worth waiting for... Many Thanks :-)
  8. Hi, I just got back into railway modelling this year after a lay-off of forty-five years - and this is a first post. I had to start again from scratch. I've bought some locos from various brands - but not so far from Heljan. Has anyone done any sort of review of the Heljan 4700 yet - and if so - where can I find it....? Cheers... :-)
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