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Everything posted by noss

  1. Really? Being pedantic also, you must have a good memory. I am 56 this year, born in 67 and the earliest memories I have of railways would be from the mid 70s/ BR blue era.
  2. You credit me with possessing far more knowledge about the prototype than I have. I would never notice such things. 😀
  3. I don't have a layout at this address, but it is similar to the other photos shown. After a while it will just become a foible of this particular model. It's probably not an issue at all, unless the handrails are easily damaged.
  4. I am certainly no expert and cannot claim to know the details of any locos, let alone the manor class, but let's not say that it is a case of 'people will complain about anything'. The handrails on mine finish around 1mm below the roof. The error seems pretty obvious to me, especially in the light of other discussions about accuracy. It just seems such as obvious thing to get wrong.
  5. It does seem to be all of them. That’s a shame. Given the perfection of everything else, I am surprised it wasn’t addressed. On the actual engines there is a larger diameter bracket that the handrail goes into when it meets the roof. Dapol seem to have picked this up, albeit overscale on their version.
  6. Unboxed my 7812 today and had a quick look. The handrails on the side of the cab do not meet the cab roof. I saw a video in this thread somewhere where the model had a similar issues. Has anyone else had a similar problem? I have not run the engine yet, so I shall see if there are any other issues before I contact the supplier.
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