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Everything posted by samanthahate

  1. How dare you say that about my family. We do not want sympathy from anyone. My son is the way he is and that's life I was speaking the truth about my situation. I could lie if that's better. I never said I was the owner of the company. My husband is and I was running it!!!! I am absolutely disgusted with this comment. If you do not have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all.
  2. Good Evening everyone (or should I say Morning!!!!) So while I was just sitting down with my husband tonight after finally getting the children to sleep we started talking about tomorrow (or today) as most of you know our son has cerebral palsy, His current wheelchair is not working for him at the moment so he is unable to move around on his own this means he has to go in a double buggy with his younger sister. (can you just imagine how happy he is, a nearly 4 year old boy having to go around in a pushchair all because his little legs do not work, He is NOT happy in the least). Anyway we are lucky enough to have an appointment at the wheelchair service (these take months by the way). So we start talking and are both very nervouse about this appointment. I then look at my diary and see that in the afternoon we have an appointment with the social services for our new house, we still have not yet moved in!!! We have been told he now needs to have the downstair converted so he has a bedroom and bathroom downstairs as he is unable to go upstairs. So after talking about both of these appointments I then go onto my emails to look for the confirmation email from the wheelchair service and I see RM WEB pop up in my inbox. Oh how happy I am to see that when I open them all I see is yet more negative comments!!! So...... I have had enough....... As of tonight the website will only be selling the wagon kits. The etches for anything else will no longer be available to order. I simply can not take anymore comments like I have previously and they are clearly never going to stop (unless the business runs like amazon, and trust me it NEVER will!!!!) I have enough to worry about with my son, tomorrow is going to be a big day for him and us as a family and sitting up half the night sorting this out is not something I wanted to do. However, It is what it is. If you have placed an order it will be met and you will recieve what you have ordered. Like I said in previouse posts, I only kept this going as I knew some of the kits were hard to get hold of elsewhere, I havent made any money out of doing this I do not even have an interest in trains!!!!! I was doing it as I knew things like this should be kept going or they will dissapear alltogether. Im afraid for now that is what is happening with this company. I just can not be dealing with the additional stress it is putting upon me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has supported me up until now. You are one of the reasons I didnt shut it down last time, I feel however this is only going to carry on and will cause me more stress that i do not need. All I can say is that I tried, I did my best but obviously not well enough, sorry. Thanks again Samantha sorry if i have made spelling mistakes it late!!!!
  3. Please my name is Samantha and Don't worry. Everyone will recieve an update this week. Then depending on the outcome you can choose to receive a refund or not. Xx
  4. Good evening everyone. I'm going to start with apologising to you all. This is the first time since Christmas I have seen anyone's messages. I will not bore everyone with the details as to why I have not been dealing with it but as you all know my children come first. I have not had time to set up my computer and it's only the fact RM web is connected to my mobile emails I can see what is being written on this feed. I didn't realise anyone had made an order so I'm sorry it has not been dealt with. I will set my computer up tomorrow and get on with it this week. I have a personal email address that is connected to my mobile it's sammythurgood@msn.com Please feel free to contact me on there. I will definitely see it but may not come back straight away. I have appointments for my children everyday apart from Friday this week so I shall only be working in the evenings from about 8. I will also see any comments from this post on my emails as well. I hope you understand and if anyone would like a refund please contact me on my personal email and I will sort it out. Once again sorry. Samantha
  5. Yes Chris I totally agree with you regarding the website and if I decide to keep the business going I will be looking at creating a brand new website. With new terms ECT to suit working around my children. I would have been so much easier if all 4 of us were on board but unfortunately it has mot worked out that way. I did have the unfortunate opportunity to read the dreadful tread on here over the weekend and it turned so nasty which is something I never thought happened between the male population Never the less I thank you for your comment and hope you will support any decision I make on the future of the business.
  6. Also if I do decide to keep the business going. I shall be designing a whole new website as the current one is extremely outdated and needs a complete revamp. I do also have copies of every set of instructions and will happily send copies by email. However I am away this weekend so it will be next week now.
  7. Hi Chris Having just read your comment with regards to being part owner. I would just like to inform you that I run this company completely single handed. Everything that goes on in the company and the final decision is made by myself. Whilst I may ask for advise from the rest of my family, that is all it is advice.
  8. Good evening everyone Firstly I would just like to express how thankful i am for all your support. I am overwhelmed with how kind you all are. As I said in my last post I am not doing this because model rail is something I am interested in I was doing to as my husband and mother in law bought the business and did not have the time to carry it on. I at the time thought I did and was happy to keep a business alive for others to get enjoyment out of. I just felt at the weekend this was not the case and didn't want to continue for no reason. However, having read everyone's comments I few awful that it may be coming to an end. My husband is actually off tomorrow as we have an appointment for our son at guys hospital in London and while we wait to been seen (always long waits at hospitals) we shall have a serious chat about how to move forward. Once again I can not thank you all enough Samantha
  9. Would you like me to send over a quote for these?
  10. All of the above are available as etches only, I just haven't had the chance to update the website
  11. Thank you for your comments, I'm not sure if you are aware of my situation but I am trying my best and in my quickest time to add everything back onto the website. I just wanted to make people aware that we are now able to offer them, if the ones wanted are not yet added back on the please email me with what you want and I can sort it out.
  12. Falcon Brassworks are now offering the etches only for Locos, Tenders, Chassis and Coaches. Currently the wagons are on offer and will continue to be for the foreseeable future, However we will be streamlining the remainder of the products due to other companies now being able to offer them. Please let us know if there are any particular ones that we should definitely keep as we wouldn't want to lose something that could still be wanted. Thanks Samantha
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