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    Within sniffing distance of Esholt Sewage Works ...oh, aye !
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    3mm , Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway , West Highland Line , Industrials , Cornish Clay lines , 1980's diesels , Yorkshire !

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  1. Thanks for this photo @Wickham Green too as it helps me to confirm that I was wrong and that the hopper is the same size on both wagons (having also looked at comparable photos on Paul's website.) This helps me enormously as I model the West Highland in N and should now be able to use the Peco kits and some pedastal 3d printed chassis from Coventry Railworks to make decent models of the Grainflow wagons ... I had thought that there would be a lot more 'butchery' involved. This has been a very useful thread to me, thanks to all. Just off to write out the word Whisky a 100 times as an educational improvement !! 🤣 Regards, Ian. Addendum .... or maybe not ... see post a couple of posts down !
  2. Just having a quick look in Colin Marsden's Rolling Stock Recognition:2 BR and Private Owner Wagons which describes the original wagons with the advertising boards as PAF with an illustration of original condition BRT No. 5816 and also of BRT No. 7586 with no advertisement boards. Note that these wagons have 10 side support struts as per the Trix (and Peco N gauge) wagons where as the wagon in @Wickham Green too's photo only has 7 struts and I think is a photo of the Lima type wagons. Just to confuse matters @Wickham Green too is correct in that some of the original 10 strut wagons were modified to have Pedastal suspension similar to one in the photo above, I think that the hopper is a different dimension as well but am not certain about this. I would imagine that Paul Bartlett's website will have photos of wagons in the different number ranges. I also have seen an article in a Train Formations bookazine (BRM ?) that has a section for Whiskey wagons which would give good information, I'll try and dig it out later. Regards, Ian.
  3. 03060


    Drabford must be a Boomtown ! 😂
  4. I've had similar thoughts regarding both a DMU depot or a parcels area within a station both inspired by the Bradford Interchange and Hammerton Street area. Currently trying to build an Inglenook into an IOW scheme which I hope to 'unveil' once a bit more progress has been made. Regards, Ian.
  5. I like that Graham, that idea works really well with this type of locomotive. Regards, Ian.
  6. Hello Ben, I'm just trying to order 5 packs of the Rio Tinto branded wagons but am only seeing pack H on the order menu, is this correct or are there any other packs with different running numbers in this livery that I'm not seeing, please ? Sorry for being a pain, Regards, Ian.
  7. 🤔 ...now that is a good excuse to get some rolling stock that you like but doesn't quite fit your main modelling theme.
  8. The yellow building in the centre looks to have enjoyed the day as well ! 😄
  9. Why does Slade's "Com On And Feel The Noise" immediately spring to mind ?? 🤔
  10. Hope that you all have a great day and keep the rest of us updated with proceedings ... just to make us even more jealous ... err, inspired ! 😉 Enjoy ! Best wishes, Ian.
  11. They certainly like the limelight ! Great photos and film.
  12. There's a good feature about this incident in the latest BRM / Traction.
  13. Hello Andy, I think that the cranes on the Paul Bartlett Crianlarich photo are a different make of crane to yours, there is a photo in Key Publishings Engineers Wagons vol.1 which refers to these as Slinger rail-lifting equipment. I'll send you a PM with some other Salmon and crane info when I work out what will be most useful to you. Regards, Ian.
  14. Now that's the 'Appleby Frodingham' that I remember. 👍
  15. That does look rather nice Roy, wish that I could have come up with an excuse for one but already have my fingers in too many bits of pie. It certainly looks the business though ! Regards, Ian.
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