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Everything posted by Gwiwer

  1. The new viaduct scene is almost complete and should be fitted tomorrow replacing the 6-year old Metcalfe cardboard viaduct which has served since the layout was built. Still some touches needed to the backscene and a little vegetation infill here and there, but basically ready to fit in place and fix the track. Water is "Magic Water" coloured with a single drop of Woodland Scenics "Earth Undercoat" per capful of water product. Just enough to make it murky without being a ribbon of shiny brown.
  2. I know mine is on the way (just one, as that will complete a weathered rake for me) but as they take a little longer to reach me I can't yet say how good they look B) Suffice to say they they should be every bit as good as the previous batches and with the same concerns (if it bothers you) about the ladders. From the images on Kernow's site they appear to have been fully weathered then had the data and logo panels wiped clean while wet giving rectangular areas of an "almost clean" look against the rest of the fully-weathered finish.
  3. Superb pics of what is a great model. But the cleanest BG I think I've ever seen! I guess even they got repainted sometimes
  4. And when you've done all that I have about 20 more points for you to rod up Superb work as always.
  5. I have reviewed the images in my gallery and it is time to take down the one of the viaduct under construction. I was asked (by HealeyMills) in a gallery comment for some information on the paint job and I felt it was worth preserving my reply. This describes how I have painted the plastic panels from the Wills kit which forms the basis of the viaduct shown above.
  6. Loosely based on St. Germans but in the right area B) Large-logo tractor? That's one livery I don't have but will see what can be done. There will be plenty of photo opportunities when the module is finished and fitted - I'm rather looking forward to a blue Western on the hoods myself.
  7. The first test image of the viaduct backscene. Still obviously with some way to go but set up to give me an idea of whether the cloud base looks right and give you an idea of what the finished scene should look like.
  8. Gwiwer

    Dapol Class 22

    It's gone a bit quiet but possibly because of the anticipation of other models not least the well tanks. The best that can be gleaned from a round-up of retailer's web sites is "sometime this winter" and Dapol's own site is as ever silent on the matter.
  9. The new viaduct module is nearing completion with just a final coat of paint to go on (the brown shade here should be "muddier") before a clean-up and addition of the water then fitting to the layout. Detailing of the lineside through the pine forest with Ratio plastic sheets roughly painted in well-thinned Humbrol colours and the joins disguised with vegetation. This is stuck on by dabbing PVA in the required area and rubbing it randomly around so that the greenery sticks as seen near the loco cab. Close-up of the lineside detail with two pieces of Peco "gorse" and a mix of Woodland Scenics ground cover almost hiding the gradient post.
  10. Most Heljan locos come with a slip of printed headcodes which can be cut and inserted as alternatives. Perhaps they don't bother if the loco has a "domino" factory-fitted. But for anyone wishing to fit a 4-digit version I'm sure there would be modellers out there with spare headcode panels lying unused. The latest Hymek has the factory-fitted headcode on what seems to be a sticky film rather than paper but this is easily lifted away and replaced with one of the cut-out ones. Would 1023 perhaps have the same film in use to display the dots?
  11. Glad to have been any help at all. Must try to drop in next May when we're back over.
  12. Going to sleep in Paddington behind a maroon "Western Princess" and being woken at Par to find a green "Ark Royal" had taken over ..... Taking the morning bus into Penzance before school and hoping that the overnight trains would produce something not previously seen ..... Just relishing the fact that Western Region locomotives (mostly) had cast name and number plates (even on their Brush 4's) while mostly the rest didn't ..... And contemplating that if Swindon hadn't run out of "Grange" or "Hall" place names what they might have used for Hymek names ..... Impressions and fond memories.
  13. Good to see the layout in action Craig - as you say that is what it is really there for. I have to admit to a passion for the major hydraulic classes myself so I like the line up you have presented. The livery isn't so important to me though two-tone green Hymeks and maroon Westerns / Warships would be my favourite. I might have to present something similar myself as I have (an attempt at) a running day planned in what promises to be challenging weather on Sunday and with the layout currently in dire need of a good clean.
  14. Dapol Dave - of much-requested OHLE fame - are you watching?
  15. Ooooohhhhh ..... a rat towing a failed dmu! Must be the Blaenau Ffestiniog branch set again
  16. They look superb in reality as well. I went squiffy-eyed trying to sort out how many rods there are never mind the linkages! An excellent model all round.
  17. Jamie - there are plenty more pictures; it's my choice to not flood the board with dozens of them and instead just post one or two at a time. The only track diagrams I currently have are not to scale. First a single plan of the entire layout and second a more detailed plan of Treheligan station and the fiddle yard. A few small changes have occurred since these plans were drawn up to improve operating flexibility and allow trains to run right through the yard in either direction on most tracks; a new crossover exists between 60 and 72 points, the East Siding connects back into the Up Through and 63 points together with the Back Siding have been removed. So if, for example, all the "Up" roads in the fiddle yard are already occupied I can bring an up train in via the crossover at 56 - 76 points and through any of the Down loops before it continues from 72 to 60 points back to the up exit road. Down trains can run through the "Up" side via 70 - 61 points at the entry end and 57 - 77 at the exit. This flexibility has amazed a few visitors when they suddenly see a train running in the "wrong" direction. This shot gives an overview of the entire layout which is around 15 metres long by 2 metres wide. As you suggest it is bigger than some layouts as it makes full use of the outside location under the plastic roof. As an indicator of its size that is a loco + 7 coming around the curve in the foreground while a 66 is visible in the station heading 12 CDA clay wagons. Those trains don't occupy even half of one side. A double-headed 16-coach train can be run and not look out of place. And yes, this is 00 not N. Another benefit of having a lot of space is that it is easier to create "timeless" scenes uncluttered by buildings or signs of a given era. Almost anything can run and not look wrong as shown here.
  18. Kernow and Dapol have already indicated that this is highly unlikely for the weathered ones. The cost is prohibitive. Given the extremely fast sellout of the clean ones and the fact that no additional manufacturing process is required there I guess there is always a chance .........
  19. If I hadn't been and seen the layout for myself I'd be posting comments about images of the real thing B) . The "Irish Mail" under the bridge had me looking twice. As always you show excellent workmanship and photographic skills. One point of contention. I seem to recall that some early Leyland Nationals in at least some fleets actually did have a rear fleetname though possibly not as prominent as on your model and it certainly wasn't the norm across NBC.
  20. With our antipodean spring well and truly under way and the main running season almost here I am starting the annual tidy-up and refreshing of those scenes which may need it. The beach car park has seen some grass growth ..... While the viaduct arch which is not used by the road has finally been completely greened and gated to prevent unauthorised access. There are some new cottages on the workbench to go around the station area which will be fitted around the downpipe which intrudes slightly into the scene. With those and another backboard panel fitted this corner will be almost complete. In the meantime I have borrowed from my stock of items being collected for the next project to temporarily rename a well-known location and feature some SR stock!
  21. The 00 ones are stunners. That Dapol has managed to repeat that and present superb detail in N as well really raises the bar. I can fully appreciate that the cost of individual weathering is prohibitive. The "spill" is visibly different on every wagon and therefore not sprayed on. Let's enjoy these as they seem destined to be a one-off opportunity. One more arrived here today (00, non-ECC) and there is a "wiped" one still expected to complete the dirty rake. Superb workmanship and worth every penny of what might be looked upon as a hefty price tag.
  22. I've had the same with Penhayle Bay B) . The lucky few can see it in person but it's still just a model sitting outside the house and nowhere near Cornwall.
  23. Do we need a coding wave for our DCC surfers and bathers?
  24. I was escorted around Salisbury a few weeks ago by a certain member of this parish and heard all manner of unfamiliar train descriptions. Backalong almost everything through there was 1V, 1O, 6V or 6O. The SR internal workings had 4-digit codes but always displayed their SR 2-digit ones (62, 66 or 75 covered most of them). "One oh eleven" is apparently now "One Oscar One One" by way of example. The telephone greeting which used to be used by (at least) one gentleman in Salisbury West box, namely "Yeah bud?" has been superseded by "Signaller - Salisbury". N was used under the old "10-option" system for ER trains towards Newcastle and towards Norwich and any inter-regional to the ScR used S so you can add those to the list. Accompanied in the STN by the stern warning in bold type that "This machine cannot be relied upon to actuate track circuits ..... "
  25. Indeed on the face of it. However I shall still reserve judgement until I see the contents of the box. Not because of any skepticism; more to do with the need to part company with multiple drinking vouchers to obtain one which will only occur of the product is right for me.
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