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Everything posted by Bonafide

  1. It was rare, if ever, for brake vans in service to be seen without the safety bars in position across the openings of the verandas. The guard here, leaning back against the bulkhead, appears not even to be holding on to anything.
  2. To ask that question seems to suggest you have experience in the field of advertising. If so, why do you think Hornby chose not to invest a large sum of money to make an advert, have it screened, and to invest in having items manufactured and in stock ready for anticipated sales? Perhaps what initially appears to be a good investment, might start to look a bit shaky when one considers the financial risk, and Hornby reached a considered decision on that basis.
  3. Really! Possibly the odd one but this issue seemed to have more than usual. For example, the second paragraph of the editorial ended, ". . . it illustrates the point that the level of compromise is dependent on the individuals' goals, not some dictate laid down by the finescale police." Perhaps it was intended to be, ". . . something dictated . . .", or, dictate should have read diktat. Either way, laid down should have been deleted to avoid tautology. Also, some of the captions to the photographs illustrating Navigation Road refer to items not in the photographs: e.g. "A small fuel tank added to the side was from a cut-down tank in a Plastikard brick bund surround" on page 244, and the caption on page 245 ends, "The railway overbridge is defended by a scratchbuilt WW2 pillbox", which is repeated at the start of the caption to the photograph on the following page where the pillbox can be seen.
  4. I doubt that TV channels will be rushing to buy your idea/format. They want something that will appeal to a much larger audience, and Channel 5 appears to have been successful with the Great Model Railway Challenge.
  5. Are you really suggesting that expoEM Autumn should be held twice a year? Or, do you mean every other year, which is biennial?
  6. Why should they? I wonder if you might enlighten us with your reasoning, rather than just ask a loaded question.
  7. Except that the event organised by the Scalefour Society is called Scaleforum, and always has been.
  8. Exhibition Opening Hours In 1976 the opening times of four of the major shows were as follows: MRC, Central Hall Monday 10.30 - 18.00 Tuesday 10.30 - 21.00 Wednesday 10.30 - 21.00 Thursday 10.30 - 21.00 Friday 10.30 - 21.00 Saturday 10.30 - 18.00 York Saturday 10.15 - 20.00 Monday 10.15 - 20.00 Tuesday 10.15 - 19.00 Bristol Thursday 10.00 - 21.00 Friday 10.00 - 19.00 Saturday 10.00 - 19.00 Manchester Friday 12.00 - 21.00 Saturday 10.00 - 21.00 Sunday 10.00 - 18.00 Perhaps in those days exhibitors were made of sterner stuff.
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