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luton town

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Everything posted by luton town

  1. new layout is coming on well,its nice to finally get back into modelling

  2. finally got the legs done for the layout,so i've been able to have the layout up for the first time ever and its only taken a year and a half

  3. so my new layout is going to be rothley station but with carnforth engine shed and a goods yard all with in 20ft

    1. Grafarman


      T gauge perhaps?!

    2. luton town

      luton town

      oo gauge,the shed wont be the full size though

  4. after seeing the new great central railway buildings i think a new layout is in order :)

  5. being a committee member off a non-league team,i do not really care much for the bigger teams but today i was happy to see birmingham beat the gunners,it just shows that the under dogs can do well,my team got to the 5th round of the fa vase for the first time in the clubs history,only to be beaten by a team that has won the cup twice,our league performance is not the greatest but we have done well and who knows in 10 years we could be in the premiership oh i wish..we have got over 8 or 9 promotions to go if we do want to be there
  6. just had my newest tattoo done and i have to say im really pleased with it

  7. start my new job next week :)

    1. ceejaydee


      Hope it goes well for you ;-)

    2. luton town
  8. what a great game packers deserved the win but the saints will be champions next year

    1. pirouets


      Saints win again? Must be the late hour causing your dreams.

  9. well my first wedding photo-shoot went really well,now thinking of going into business with my dad doing wedding photography part-time

    1. Baby Deltic

      Baby Deltic

      Glad to hear it went well.

  10. got my first wedding photo-soot tomorrow

    1. Pennine MC

      Pennine MC

      Don't get the soot on the bride's dress

    2. Baby Deltic

      Baby Deltic

      Why do you want to photograph soot at a wedding? Wouldn't you be better off photographing the wedding itself?

    3. skipepsi


      Don't tell them to say 'strawberries' it really wound everybody up at ours.

  11. feeling ill and shooting the hillingdon v dunstable game probably didnt help,all i can say is that i had better be better by saturday as i have my first wedding photo-shoot to do :/

  12. picked up a blue peter from my local model shop today and i have to say it looks very good,can not wait to get it on the layout and see what its performance is like
  13. went to my local model shop this morning to go and buy some Bachmann mk1 coaches and ended up buying blue peter instead ;)

    1. Padishar Creel

      Padishar Creel

      was it made from fairy liquid botte and sticky back plastic? :-)

    2. oggy1953


      Your lucky you've got a local model shop

    3. luton town

      luton town

      thats what i thought it was supposed to be but it came in a very nice wooden box :-)well its not local its 13 miles away.

  14. merry christmas everyone,hope you all have a good day!!

  15. well ive just had my second ever tattoo done and in a tiny bit of pain :(

  16. still in america but i've had the chance to watch trains for a while,still cant beat the english stuff though

  17. has 104 useable locos to split over 3 layouts but its hard deciding which ones should be used on which layout

  18. has been given permission to build a layout in the loft,so design books out and i have started drawing plans already :)

  19. i may be able to start building my new layout soon :)

  20. i just thought some of you might be intrested in looking at my football photos so here is the link to my flickr page where pictures from every home and away game are posted http://www.flickr.com/photos/liam2010 they're not the greatest but they are getting published in the local papers
  21. just got back from the gcr what a great day out

  22. cant believe its been 2 years since my mum passed away

  23. cheers muddys-blues,i remember going to watch luton at bury,i think it was 2-1 or 3-1 to us,you guys have a nice ground and i think us hatters could do with a new one soon,going back to football how did we draw with darlington we really should have won there.
  24. have to say last night was the first time i had been to see luton in ages and what a game it was winning 3-0 at home to top of the table afc wimbledon,but my heart still will be with dunstable town fc who have a cup game at home to cranfield united so im going to go watch with passion whilst taking photos
  25. just offically turned 19

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