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Everything posted by chuffinghell

  1. I only had a new Micra because Sarah had a new Juke and I was jealous plus it made my twelve year old diesel Fiesta look like a pile of scrap 😂
  2. Lovely! My uncle had a Herald and a Vitesse cabriolet I do like triumph, bikes and cars (except the TR7) My first car was a Dolomite, modified it to look like a Sprint, in my defence I was only seventeen and everyone else had XR3i’s or SRi’s Although I always fancied a two door Toledo since seeing a modified one that had been lowered and had minilite style alloys wheels I’m still a closet boy racer maybe?
  3. @MrWolf Rob, I’ve sent you a PM regarding another ‘cough’ project 😉
  4. Yup, I turned that off before even pulling out of the dealership showroom….what I actually mean is a I asked the salesman to turn it off in the settings for me and also asked him to drive it out of the showroom for me because I was too chicken s**t to get it through that door opening 🫣
  5. I thought it was really sad news to be honest, especially after it looked like they’d turned a corner and started being profitable again But you’re not wrong when it comes to pricing, especially when the market is so competitive
  6. My car does actually have collision detection but I’m not sure what it actually does and I’m not that keen to find out either. Although I have noticed it bleeps if the 🤬 in front fails to use their indicators and suddenly brakes to make a turn….not sure how a bleep helps when you can physically see the pillock do it Apparently…. ….you can turn it off if you don’t like cyclists or pedestrians though 🤪
  7. My Nissan has collision detection, it makes a audible crunch sound if you hit something
  8. Oh bu99er! ☹️ I do that all the time, I also don’t let paint dry before touching it and I’m also guilty of applying paint too thickly….there’s no hope for me really 🤪 Hope you manage to rectify it
  9. As Warren is fictional I can get away with any location but I was planning on the above 14992 ‘SHREWSBURY’
  10. @railtec-models have a heavy workload at the moment but they’re on the to do list and I’m confident they will be worth the wait Mine is definitely dark grey But will lighten with multiple coats of matt varnish
  11. I’ve weathered the wheels and couplings but they will go in last
  12. Floor is in… ….shameful advertising A bit scruffy on the underside, not that it really matters once it’s right side up I’ve also applied a coat of gloss in preparation for transfers
  13. I’ve purposely designed it miss the NEM pocket so the rod will pass over the top once installed It is a compromise, hopefully a forgivable one
  14. That’s how I’ve done it but I’ve probably done it wrong to be honest I’ve done it so the opposite hangers are in line Apologies for the poor photos
  15. That’s as far as I can take it for now. I suppose I could fit the floor and apply a coat of gloss ready for transfers DC brake levers added Taken off a damaged Hornby shunters truck I bought off eBay and stripped for spares and the rods fitted…. ….except this end as I will need to fit the coupling first I don’t like to add the couplings and wheels until the end for a few reasons 1) don’t want varnish gumming up the wheels or couplings 2) don’t want the wagon to roll off my bench while I’m working on it and turn my back for a moment
  16. There has been discussion about the colour of the CC7 I have decided to paint mine grey It’s very dark at the moment, it will lighten quite a bit with coats of matt varnish
  17. I’ve just painted mine panzer grey… …once it’s had a couple of coats of matt varnish it will be lighter
  18. Yet another @Harlequin masterpiece
  19. Posted at lunch time today, hopefully be with you tomorrow With regards to colour I’ve tried to do a little research and taken from gwr.org.uk http://www.gwr.org.uk/liverieswagongrey.html “The experts are still arguing when, and even if, all-black became the livery for permanent way, loco coal, and engineering wagons, but the prevailing view is that such vehicles probably carried normal grey livery” that’s good enough for me!
  20. I suppose it is really 😳 I don’t half talk a load of s**te sometimes 🙄
  21. I wanted to paint mine grey but as the general consensus is black it looks like it will have to be black I wondered if this might work as a weathered black Vallejo ‘tyre black’
  22. Thanks Lez the majority of it won’t be seen……but we know it’s in there!
  23. Hey don’t look at me I just drew it up and printed it 😆
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