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Status Replies posted by 30368

  1. 15A.  

    1. 30368


      Bravo Sir! One more step back to civilisation....

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Just had some U Tube reviewer of new products groupy tell me that a USA 0.6.0. is a Pannier Tank as it looks like a BR WR 15XX. Grief!

    1. 30368


      In what sense? I can't think of two loco's less alike except in outside Walschaerts valve gear and wheel arrangement. The USA had bar frames and followed US practice. The 15XX were classic GWR with the valvegear on the outside instead of between the frames.



    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. In 1964, the Mini Skirt ruined my interest in Trains. Pah!

    1. 30368


      Me too thank goodness........although my journey to work on the Eastleigh Flier (WC/BB or BR5/4 or N or U on the front) became more interesting as the 1960's progressed.


      Mary Quant was though a great designer and certainly a great influence on the 1960s and beyond. Attractive and interesting women too. RIP.



  4. I really hate double slips!

    1. 30368


      Many thanks


      Kind regards,


      Richard B

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Cracking services on LNER and GWR today.

    1. 30368


      It would never have happened in steam days......


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. This is not really Christmas as so many would know it, however that does not prevent me from wishing everyone a safe and happy time tomorrow and should you be on your own, then please know that many are with you in spirit if not in person. Take care, be kind and may the next year coming be one that allows all to return to a better World.

    1. 30368


      Thanks Mallard much appreciated and I return the wishes to you and yours.

      We should never let events overwhelm us and always strive for a better world. Its up to us!

      As my old Dad use to say "don't let the b's get you down".

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Move to Buxton in wonderful Derbyshire is complete, well all our stuff is in the house. Some work for Mrs B and me to get some semblance of order. The main problem at the moment seems to be locating something you have seen amoungst the boxes but can't remember where?


    Still at least the snow has arrived to greet us!



    The model railway room - work to do!



    Kind regards




    1. 30368


      Hi Leander,


      I am not a stranger to Derbyshire we lived near Ashbourne. We were cut off without power for three days due to a snow storm followed by deep freeze which took down the power lines. Fed the family hot food cooked over our one open fire - stew was a favourite!


      I have long discarded my thermals though so must get some!!


      Kind regards,


      Richard B



    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. Move to Buxton in wonderful Derbyshire is complete, well all our stuff is in the house. Some work for Mrs B and me to get some semblance of order. The main problem at the moment seems to be locating something you have seen amoungst the boxes but can't remember where?


    Still at least the snow has arrived to greet us!



    The model railway room - work to do!



    Kind regards




    1. 30368


      Thanks to everyone for the welcome! Much appreciated. Mrs B and I are getting things more civilised by the day but it is hard work!

      We thought we had cleared out a lot of stuff before the move! How naive!


      Sadly the model railway room is low on the priority list!


      Kind regards,


      Richard B

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Move to Buxton in wonderful Derbyshire is complete, well all our stuff is in the house. Some work for Mrs B and me to get some semblance of order. The main problem at the moment seems to be locating something you have seen amoungst the boxes but can't remember where?


    Still at least the snow has arrived to greet us!



    The model railway room - work to do!



    Kind regards




    1. 30368


      Many thanks Ade. I hope you and yours have a great Christmas and a healthy New Year.


      Kind regards,



    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. When attempting to send a letter to an address in Germany yesterday, I now find that instead of an 'EU destination' stamp, I now have to put three separate stamps on the envelope, to the total value of £1.45. Of course, there is no £1.45 stamp. You need one for £1.42, then one for 2p and (incredibly, they still exist) one for 1p.

    Is this some kind of Bre*it-related farce, I wonder?

  11. When attempting to send a letter to an address in Germany yesterday, I now find that instead of an 'EU destination' stamp, I now have to put three separate stamps on the envelope, to the total value of £1.45. Of course, there is no £1.45 stamp. You need one for £1.42, then one for 2p and (incredibly, they still exist) one for 1p.

    Is this some kind of Bre*it-related farce, I wonder?

    1. 30368


      So true chaps. Perhaps we are on a Road to Nowhere?


      Still, perhaps the world is, after all, queing up to trade with us?



    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

    1. 30368


      I agree, we are top of so many Covid-19 league tables.

      Roll on January 1st!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. I've just realised that most of my family live within 260 miles from South Devon. Top banana.

    1. 30368


      We live in a wonderful land do we not? Dystopianaland.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. How f***ing horrible the modern world is - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-50246335


    1. 30368


      Could not agree more regarding the way people are treated by corporations and increasingly not treated by the NHS because of ....

      It is in our hands, we could take a few steps back to civilisation if we choose to.

      Richard B

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  14. I must warn you all that there are individuals loose in society, who are involved in an activity known as 'spoon carving'. Do not approach any such individuals if you happen to encounter one. Stay in your vehicle and wait for the Horrocksford W.I. to rescue you.

    1. 30368


      Are the spoons edible or are they for operating large oak doors?

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  15. We went up to Stockport by train on Wednesday to visit our (pregnant) daughter. On Thursday we got the train to visit Buxton for the day, a town I rather like. Little did we know that we got the last train back to Davenport Station before closure of the line!  I remember noting a couple of police vans blocking the roads close to Whaley Bridge station but thought no more of it!


    Don't have any more railway trips planned!

    1. 30368


      I should add, and I suppose we all feel the same, I hope all goes well for the folks of Whaley Bridge.

  16. Should I go for Gold I wonder?:unknw_mini:

  17. Oh, bolleaux!



    1. 30368


      Absolutely! Either way it was funny!


      Kind regards,


      Richard B

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  18. Oh, bolleaux!



  19. Oh, bolleaux!



    1. 30368


      I do agree that Corbyn is not really leadership material but he he a decent man. Johnson as a "savoir" by preventing a Labour Government? Bit like shooting yourself in the head really. 


      Kind regards,


      Richard B

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  20. Oh, bolleaux!



    1. 30368


      Lets hope its only a temporary appointment:(




    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

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