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Everything posted by Adam88

  1. I know little of this pasttime but knew a man who once went to see Huddersfield give a lacklustre performance at Leeds Road sometime in the forties or fifties. A lone voice rose from the assembled throng, just loud enough to wake everyone up: "Come on Town, scintillate or summat."
  2. I saw a car with the number plate 2 MB. I assume it was owned by a famous footballer or, more likely, an undertaker.
  3. I was getting dizzy. I'm sure splendid work will be undertaken here when you're all ready.
  4. Needless to say, Mike Sharman already had it in his book (p91). Had I been deliberately looking for this I would not have found it, and I never did find what I was actually looking for.
  5. Oh dear! Someone has rather carelessly left this Crampton unattended in a dark corner of the internet.
  6. How the NHS is improving at pace. My GP's practice sent me an SMS message with a link to complete a health questionnaire. They've never done that before, things must be getting so much better. 1) Name/DoB 2) Smoking status - a) smoke b) used to smoke c) never smoked 3) Next question - Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Your practice will review this information in the next 28 days and be in touch if further action is required. As always, please contact reception if you need to speak to a clinician. That was it! Would you credit it?
  7. Similarly my at dad's and my old school where one of the masters was nick-named Peg, that was short for Pegasus - the eternal nag.
  8. My much missed, total aviation uncle told me a similar sad tale. At the end of the war, aged twenty, he found himself in Burma and had serviced the engines on a Mossie. This required him to go up in it and check that everything was as it should be which of course it was. The war ended shortly afterwards and the aircraft wasn't used for some weeks. The next time it flew in preparation for a celebratory fly-past it simply broke up in mid-air. High performance, wooden aircraft need to be carefully nurtured in tropical climates. My uncle was obviously not on board and went on to have a very rewarding career in aviation and thirty years' retirement much of which time was spent delving into various aviation archives around the country.
  9. What gauge is that? 5'3"?
  10. Jamie can't spell engineer so he must be an engineer.
  11. I spent two or three weeks in France last summer and, in all that time, I think I only saw one chap wearing a beret. I've not seen a Johnny onion man for years. Is that a sign of progress/falling standards (which are usually the same in many walks of life)?
  12. https://www.potomaclocal.com/2023/02/16/car-stuck-on-train-tracks-in-downtown-manassas/
  13. That reference reminded me of the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy which seems to be an example of a similar phenomenon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glen_Roy Many years ago I identified them on an OS map and decided they deserved a visit. Although they are called roads and are easy to identify, they do not make easy walking as they consist of quite large rocks - at least the ones I investigated. That was all part of a pleasant week tramping across the Highlands starting in Aberdeen and ending up dipping my toes in Loch Linnhe on the west coast.
  14. For those of a North Western inclination this popped up the other day: Life and writings of Amelia Bloomer and might be of passing interest. I've not read it myself and a quick skim through leads me to think that time might be better spent.
  15. Our PE master was known to us as the Blue Whale on two counts: the royal blue track suit he always wore and his large circumference.
  16. It's all a matter of having the right Reynolds number.
  17. No it isn't. All the constellations are upside down, that is if they can even be seen.
  18. I seem to recall that that happened to Winston Link when they were making a documentary about him. He'd got all his rare magnesium flashbulbs set up for one final shot and then ...
  19. I trust you have the late Tom Harland's Bramblewick on your list. It was beautifully modelled closely based on a real location, had pre-grouping elegance and many other fine qualities.
  20. Regarding 'genuine' and 'fake' foodstuffs I thought yesterday's Life Scientific interview on BBC Radio 4 was very interesting. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001gwyh The interviewee was more concerned with detecting fake ingredients than identifying recipes which use permitted but non-traditional ingredients. Examples given included oregano bulked with olive or strawberry leaves - herbs are very high value and this sort of activity can be very lucrative, horse meat substitutions and the detection of illegal growth agents fed to farm animals.
  21. Will you be nominating EDF for a Pulitzer fiction prize then?
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