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Everything posted by Gremlin99

  1. Ok, I'm excited now! Did they make it to the warehouse today?
  2. And just like that, sorted! In mine the LED board had come out of it's groove in the front of the chassis block. Just slid back in. Thanks for the assist!
  3. I have the *exact* same problem on the exact same model. Shall be trying your fix in the morning!
  4. It’s all good sir! It wasn’t meant to be an arsey reply! ☺️
  5. I’ve just gone through the checkout with a new order for “Achilles”. I needed to buy a chip anyway so DCC fitted is fine!
  6. It's on two posts further up. Confirmed they've seen it and will be sorting artwork accordingly
  7. Excellent. As long as the livery looks pretty much right I'm golden if I'm honest! Gives me a couple of things to haul 'em. Maybe have to get a (cheapo Hornby) freightliner 66 with sound too... *I am aware the differences in detail level will stand out like a sore thumb but honestly, I'm not bothered too much. I've only got wooden boards to run things on, on set-track curves so it's not going to make much difference!
  8. My thoughts exactly!! I can't afford a TPE 68 at the min but I have a fully paid for sound fitted ROG 37 coming... Silly Q, have they run with DRS liveried 68s? I have 68003...
  9. I have just received the DRS PFA's without containers. My god, they're just stunning. They'll be fantastic with my DRS 68. Now eyeing up a DRS 37 too... Super job lads!
  10. Smashing. I shall have a looksie. Thanks for your help
  11. Me too. With the works one. I actually asked Rails if it does arrive before 30th September if they could hold it for me till then! (They were happy to do so). Did folk work out which DCC decoder will fit? I’m pretty new to this so I’d appreciate any advice!
  12. I must admit to being somewhat of a lurker rather than a participant in the forum in general but I felt the need to comment on this. Put simply, it's marvellous. I'm an avowed Discworld nut and miss Sir Terry's wit and craft immensely. Raising Steam was the last of the books I have read (I can't bring myself to read Shepherd's Crown; it's sitting on my shelf but it would finally signal the end for me and that's not something I want to feel) This ticks all the right boxes for tone and atmosphere. Kudos to you good man/woman/troll/dwarf/wizard/creature of hitherto unknown type/Nobby Nobbs of Ankh!
  13. Thanks guys. These are exactly the sort of thing I was looking for. I’ll keep playing. Thanks for your help.
  14. So I had a wee bit of a play about and came up with this. Thoughts? It basically (hopefully) gives me somewhere to bring a train in, loco retreats to be serviced, second loco shunts wagons into new order, old loco comes back and takes wagons away. Alternatively, outer line is a quarry or mine type line. Loco brings full wagons into exchange. Mainline loco comes from spur and takes the full wagons away. Meanwhile industrial shunts empties and prepares to take them round to the bottom where there's cassettes to swap things around. I figure I've got some operating potential, and I can still have a continuous run of whatever bits I want to. Thanks again! Phil
  15. Thankyou! My sentinels run ok over my set track insulfrog points when they’ve just been laid on the table so with properly laid track I’d hope they’d be ok.. Harlequin: that’s what I was thinking. I like the idea of using cassettes for a “lift out” section. That hadn’t occurred to me. When i’ve Come up with a few more ideas I’ll post and if either of you could tell me what I’m doing wrong I’d be really grateful! Thanks again
  16. Hi guys and gals I'm a total newbie here so please be nice! I've been getting back into model railways over the last two years having had a trainset etc as a kid, building up a collection of stock, but I've just been able to run them on temporary layouts laid out on the kitchen table. Obviously this isn't so satisfactory! To that end I've just acquired a shed for the garden measuring 9x6 ft. The internal dimensions are a little smaller (take roughly 4-5 inches off). I've been playing about with layout ideas but nothing is grabbing me hence my call for help! So... It's OO Gauge and no particular era (rule 1!) but most of my stock is small steam tank engines and a couple of diesel shunters (a pair of Hornby Sentinels) so I'm looking at 40's-70's (nice and broad!) I like to shunt stuff around so I definitely need space for something like an inglenook based shunting/goods area. I've also got a young nephew (who's not going to get his hands on things yet!) so I'd like a single line of continuous run so he (and I) can sit and watch the trains go by. That being said, the main part should be about the goods area, the continuous run is something I'd like as I go forward. I've been really inspired by some of the small shunting layouts on here (particularly dig "No Place" since I saw it in BRM). My thought is a shunting area as a "module" with a continuous single line to bring stuff in/take stuff out. I'm a freight guy more than a passenger person. I have an addiction to wagons, especially smaller Private Owner types and hoppers. I am not bothered about much in the way of coaching stock but a platform for an auto train or a bubble car would be cool. Here's a list of the locos I have at the min Hornby J50 2 x J94 (Both Hornby: United Steels and Lord Phil) A Hornby Peckett (Lilleshall) Hornby Pug A Railroad Jinty A pair of 14xx (The Warley ltd one and an ancient Airfix model) A Wrenn 0-6-0 "North Thames Gas" An IOW Terrier named Newport (I think this is a modified Hornby model but it's in a Dapol box...) Fowler 4F So I have had a few fiddles but I really could do with some inspiration as I'm kinda losing the will right now! I'm initially going to go with DC but DCC appeals in the future (but I can't afford to chip all those locos!). Lastly, I'm not sure whether to have three main baseboards making a "U" shape (giving me space to make a scene and a small fiddle yard and an operating well) or a larger baseboard of about 7.5x4 ft that I can situate more or less in the middle (well with a 4 ft side shoved up against one of the 6ft walls). Hopefully I've given enough information! I've seen how many questions folk ask others making this kinda thread! Phil (Yes, that *is* why I bought Lord Phil... How could I not?)
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