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Dave Hunt

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Everything posted by Dave Hunt

  1. Pizza for dinner, which the children loved, of course, and No. 2 son and I have just finished a snifter of Scottish sunshine juice so in a happy mood I wish you all goodnight. Dave
  2. Thanks CP. I guess I should be pleased that it was a famous author. Mind you, I'd like to have his sales figures! Dave
  3. As (I think it was) Louis B. Meyer said, "Reports of my death are premature." Dave Hunt Author LMS Locomotive Profiles
  4. Don't understand why it appeared twice. Dave
  5. For the family outing today we decided to show the grandchildren what an outlandish foreign country looked like so we went to Wales. At a place near Oswestry we found a monument to one of Richard's forebears - Sir O. Horserivers. Thought you'd all like to see it. Dave
  6. For the family outing today we decided to show the grandchildren what an outlandish foreign country looked like so we went to Wales. At a place near Oswestry we found a monument to one of Richard's forebears - Sir O. Horserivers. Thought you'd all like to see it. Dave
  7. I set up a custom activity stream of new posts on threads I'm following then all I have to do on firing up RMW is go to Activity, My activity, Custom activity and select the latest post. A lovely sunny morning here in North Hippoland with muggercoffee being consumed before joining the rest of the mob and taking them all on a day out - I can hear a high-powered meeting going on to decide where so undoubtedly I will be informed of the outcome in due course. Have a good day/night as appropriate folks. Dave Dave
  8. Everyone else in the house has gone to bed and I'm left in the living room with Vaughan Williams on the CD machine and a glass of Scottish happy water. Bliss......... Night night all. Dave
  9. First tranche of the horde family arrived, watered, fed and the smaller ones in bed. I'm sneaking some time in the study to recuperate somewhat but SWMBO has just poked her head round the door to tell me to go and be nice. Before the deluge, though, I got i a few hours of workshop time making a revolving thing that arranges flanged wheel prime movers to point in the other direction as the first bit of my la**ut of a Midland MPD. I know that most people start with the baseboards but since I have to wait awhile for the wood I have to start somewhere else. Baz, Robin Hood's Bay was always a coasting in point in my time so I'm not surprised you can hear some aviation happening. Remember the old saying though - Jet noise, the sound of freedom (what we used to tell disaffected occupants of West Germany in the old days when they complained about low flying). Till later...... Dave
  10. Isn't that a learner driver of a thing that delivers the mail in Germany?
  11. Good morning one and all. I'm glad that the lurgy is finally fading for Chris, NHN and others as it did a while back for me. It looks like the timescale is about the same for everyone (seemingly forever at times) - been a b****r of a bug hasn't it? This morning marks the last chance I'll get to do anything in the workshop for some time as this afternoon the first wave of invaders family arrive and for the next two weeks we'll be infested blessed with the grandkids while the teaching profession takes one of its chances to indulge in some R&R before the long haul towards summer. Have a good day and if you can't, my thoughts and prayers go with you. Dave PS - Jamie, I will be at Doncaster after all so see you there.
  12. Didn't she have something to do with hiding a big sausage? Night night everyone. Dave
  13. Speaking of fences, a pal of mine recently told someone that they should back a horse in the National called Creosote because it was good on fences. The following day said person complained to him that he had given bad advice because there was no such horse running - she knew that for a fact because the bookie had told her so..... It's a nice day here. Now I've done the shopping etc I think I'll spend the rest of it indoors - in the workshop. Ta ta Dave
  14. Yesterday I finally got past the 'analysis causing paralysis' stage of base***rd planning and ordered the wood cut to size. Although it may take a couple of weeks for it to arrive it will save me a lot of time and since we have family descending on us in relays starting on Thursday for over a week that is something that will be in short supply for a while. Market day today so SWMBO and I are just about to start a planning session on what supplies are required for the first few days of the gathering then I'll be off shopping. The car decided to complain about its catalytic converter again when SWMBO was driving it so she took it back to the garage where the result was the same as before - 'undocumented fault' - so they said again to leave it for a while and see how it goes. A short while later I was out in it and lo and behold, no warning light so I think it is probably a glitch in the fault detection system but what to do about it? If I'm lucky it may go away but then again..... Anyway, once muggercoffee is finished I'd better get on with things. Have a good day everyone with thoughts and prayers for those who can't. Dave
  15. The rivets aren't missing - they're the posh countersunk type.
  16. Night night everyone. Thoughts and prayers for those in pain/trouble/need. Dave
  17. That'll keep the local magistrates quiet then.....
  18. The garage didn't manage to find anything wrong. When they milked the car's computer it showed 'undocumented fault' so they checked everything they could visually just in case then when they gave it a test run the warning went out and hasn't come back since. They didn't charge me for this and said that it was probably some sort of temporary glitch of the warning system but if it reoccurred to take the car back ASAP. Fingers crossed...... Didn't get round to ordering the wood for my la**ot but had lunch out at a rather nice pub called The Boot in Cheshire with some ex-school mates and spouses and am about to indulge in what I hope will be the last planning session before starting to build. After ordering the wood I'll get on with building the Midland Centre turntable kit so that it can be built in from the beginning and, hopefully, not present any nasty surprises at a later stage. TTFN Dave
  19. Could it be something to do with your anti-virus software? I use an iPad to get onto this site (as I am now) via Google and all I have to do is type 'RMW' into the search bar and it immediately offers me RM Web. A tap on that and I'm in - admittedly it can be a bit slow at times but otherwise it's OK. Dave
  20. Rangers, There is merit in what you say and a part of me thinks you are right but I'm still a bit raw. Maybe after a bit more time I'll be able to contemplate taking in another creature that needs to be given a good home as Big Jim has done. We shall see..... Thank you for the thoughts. Dave
  21. Back from Derby via No. 1 son's place in Chesterfield but now there's a warning light on the car's dashboard that the manual states to be something about the catalytic converter so it'll have to go and see the nice man at the garage tomorrow. There's allus bl**dy summat as the French say. I also plan on getting the plywood for my ba***oards ordered. Until then, nighty-night all. Sleep tight. Dave
  22. Thanks for the tips chaps, I should be able to get something organised from them. Currently in a rather nice room in the Midland Hotel in Derby having finished the Midland Railway Society AGM and lunch and am enjoying some down time before Master of Ceremonies duties at the dinner this evening. Met John DMJ briefly this afternoon as he was at the Swiss Railway meeting and AGM in another part of the hotel and during breaks also got to see the Austrian Railways do across the road. Quite a railway fest. Tomorrow we'll be going up to Chesterfield after breakfast to visit No. 1 son before wending our way back to North Hippoland. Ta-ta for now. Have a good evening/morning/whatever it is wherever you are everyone. Dave
  23. Having lost both our 21 year old tabby puss and 14 year old lab/collie cross in twelve months I sympathise Jim. SWMBO wants to get another dog but I can't bring myself to agree with her - I'm afraid that I'd always be comparing it with Sam, that it would somehow be disloyal to his memory to replace him and if I did get to love another creature as I do our two departed ones I don't want to go through this grief again. Dave
  24. Good morning ERs from a bright and sunny spring morning in North Hippoland. Setting off for Derby and the Midland Railway Society AGM and dinner soon once communion with Mug O'Coffee is over. Crimson Rambler of RMW has been staying the night with us accompanied by Mrs. Rambler and together with SWMBO we are all going together. The bad news is that whilst the menfolk are at the meeting the females of the species will be loose in Derby without credit card locks so the modelling token stocks may well take a bashing. I've been trying to source some good quality birch ply for b**seboards locally without success so it looks as though I'll have to look further afield and get it delivered. Anyone got any bright ideas about a good source? Dave
  25. Seeing as I'm the MRS chairman I don't have much choice....... Dave
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