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Keith Addenbrooke

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Everything posted by Keith Addenbrooke

  1. If you airbrush the models, will they lose the extra, or does that only happen in fashion / celebrity publications? ___ I've got the DVD - I'd not considered height as a factor in forced perspective for viewers, but Mr Parker is 8.7% taller than Mr York, so a layout will presumably look smaller next to Mr P?
  2. As some of the contributors have already noted, the answer depends on many factors. Twenty years ago I bought a set of standard 4' x 2' (nominal) 12mm ply boards from a well-known DIY store, which I braced with nothing more than 2" x 1" softwood underneath the four edges (ie: no intermediate cross-bracing). On the plus side, they have survived 7 house moves, been stored loosely upright for nearly all that time (mainly in garages) and remain true and flat to this day. I have on occasions briefly put my weight onto them without harm (to me or the boards). So, in that sense, they've proved durable if that's a priority in your plans. On the down side, they turned out to be much heavier than I thought they would. They're also not nearly as portable as I'd hoped: the 4' x 2' size is bulkier than I'd imagined it would be - the warehouse wasn't a good reference point for the rooms in my house, so the convenience I experienced when making a quick purchase one lunchtime has come at a cost down the line. I can't comment on the effects of adding scenery (both weight and liquid) as I've never got that far, I'm afraid. Just some things to bear in mind I wish I'd known at the time. Hope it helps.
  3. Thank you - I still have my print copies of the Edgeworth supplements (I thought it was a good series at the time), so I should dig them out too. I'm sure I'll have some more detailed questions, but those would be for a different thread. Keith.
  4. A plea for help I guess from those in the know / on the inside: have I missed it? Noting that there's article in today's e-newsletter on plywood baseboards which I'd be very interested in seeing, I've logged into my account and updated my preferences accordingly to start receiving the e-newsletter, but have only been able to do so in the past few minutes (when people who can have gone home for the weekend). I'm therefore wondering if I've missed this edition - and the article I'm after. If I have, is there another way of accessing the content? It sounds like there's some fun stuff too, but I'm focusing: it may have taken 40 years for me to realise that failure to ever build a proper baseboard has probably hindered progress on any of my many layout ideas, but I'm getting there. Mind you, the amount of paper I've drawn on over the decades could also have made up a decent quantity of wood too...
  5. Thank you for the video - great to see the layouts up close, and to hear the sound of young children taking an interest (certainly in the soundtrack to Santa's holiday, even if not quite so happy sounding in the background to the final section with City of Tiers, I hope the parents enjoyed the show). Not having been at Warley, it's nice to see something of what it was like. True, the children may be more interested in Santa than other aspects of the modelling - but he brought me my first train set, I'm sure.
  6. Pulling these points together, one modelling attraction of Fairford is the roadbridge just before the station platform. It provides a good scenic break, as per Harlequin's designs that lead this thread, and as appears in Roy Link's 1978 article too (I admit I was amongst those influenced by it when it came out). If a curved entrance to a right-angled fiddle yard is required to fit a room, this can be easily hidden and therefore as tight as rolling stock can negotiate, even when not part of a prototype that would follow the rules mdvle outlines. However, I wonder if the roadbridge also explains the kickback arrangement - there simply isn't room for it at the other end of the platform? Keeping it as part of the building work for the station platform presumably simplified the task of building the station, as well as making access from the station forecourt / road entrance easier too. This might would explain why such arrangements can look like a bay platform elsewhere (when none is needed)? If this is the case, then what I might see as an awkward siding for operation has a number of other reasons for it - that were of greater practical consideration to Victorian 12-inch to the foot layout builders? I'm still curious as to the other kickback siding at the turntable end of the goods loop. My best guess is that it might just be for siding capacity / to help with shunting. The map doesn't seem to give any clues as to other uses - the location adjacent to the turntable looks a co-incidence?
  7. With regards to Fairford, what were the kicbacks by the station and turntable used for? Is this covered in the Karau and other books on the line, the platform end one looks like it's for end loading?
  8. Oops, still learning how to use RMWeb (esp. on a phone). Introducing a right angle gives the potential for a longer run, but raises new issues of the curve, eg: radius, rationale. Trying to think of an example (St. Ives is different as the station is curved), but that would be a new topic.
  9. Thank you for sharing this - looks great! As with other commentators, the iterative process has drawn out the different aspects of the (necessary) compromises well. Forgive me if this is a well-known tweak* but it's the first time I've seen the traverser with a point for the final (bottom) siding that effectively means you can have a 7-road storage yard without needing to bash a hole in what may presumably be a wall behind the layout. I'm looking for a GWR BLT plan to turn into a 4mm / OO layout that'll be more than the obvious - and this could have done it - but unfortunately my wall is only around 10' long - so I think I'd lose too much squeezing Fairford further, more's the pity. Keith. * I've only been on RM Web a week, so have no hope of picking up everything in the assembled body of knowledge any time soon!
  10. Greetings! After several years of occasionally perusing RM Web, it's time to join the party. I've been interested in railways all my life - it's inherited - and have collected models from the age of 9 or 10 (several decades ago now). I grew up on a mixed diet of my Dad's 1970's Railway Modeller and North American Model Railroader magazines, so it's no surprise my two main influences are GWR Branch Lines and American layouts (I rather like 8' x 4' starter layouts - though understand why that's close to heresy for some). I've had many ideas and had a couple of attempts at pinning track to bare baseboards over the years, but never got beyond that, despite my best intentions. I am now trying Metcalfe kits and some basic rolling stock (the Ratio coaches in the photo are mine, though the 14xx is a second hand Airfix model). Some years ago my real passion became my job, at which point my interest in railway modelling as a way to relax became more relevant, but I'm still trying to work out where I can put a layout that will meet my mixed interests in a home that is also my weekday workplace - or am I just not very good at actually being realistic about what it takes to get things done and getting on with it...
  11. Sorry I couldn't add a clarification when this topic was running in May* but the mystery layout builder wasn't me - although Shortliner was kind enough to provide a link to some ideas I did develop with Carl Arendt 15+ years ago. My contribution was really mathematical / theoretical / just for fun: I realised it is possible to fit a double-track continuous run layout in OO/HO using standard track components on a baseboard not exceeding 4 sq. ft. (Carl's limit for a micro). It's all in the maths: cut a hole radius 13.5" into a circular baseboard of radius 19.1" and you're cutting a hole with an area of 4 sq. ft. into a board with an area of 8 sq. ft, so the remaining doughnut / donut must also have an area of 4 sq. ft, onto which a double track circle of standard Peco / Hornby 1st and 2nd radius track will fit. Carl thought we could improve the idea so used Roco track components and an off-centre hole to create a track plan to which I then added a couple of scenic / operating suggestions he felt were good enough to publish. Of course, 1st radius curves (and equivalent) aren't really suitable for modern r-t-r stock, and I never actually tried to build the layout (or climb into the hole), but it's nice to know the idea still resonates. Keith. * I only signed up to join RM Web this past week
  12. My local radio station is today actively advertising Hornby train sets available from one of the supermarkets (a prominent German discount chain). True, they're also offering slot car racing sets, but I'll take that as encouraging.
  13. Well done for another well thought through edition of BRM! I note the various comments on track plans. While that is the term I grew up with, I now think in terms of 'layout plans' that also reveal how scenic elements have been arranged, show the size of full and half-relief buildings, explain where certain tracks are hidden and how perspective and viewing angles have been managed and space optimised. Even (perhaps especially) for smaller layouts, such plans can be really helpful.
  14. Perhaps low on the list of production company objectives for the GMRC was that of encouraging occasional visitors to RM Web to finally sign up and join the party, but it's worked for me! As a seasoned armchair modeller of many years' experience (but no real layouts), I tuned in to episode one partly out of curiosity and partly out of some ill-defined sense of duty to our great hobby. I'm not a fan of what's been well described as "false jeopardy TV" but the series grew on me, and I'd like to add my thanks really to those who stepped forwards and took part - and showed us through the creation of 20 different layouts what really can be done: I was in awe of what all the finalists came up with. For me personally, my favourite layout - and the one that got me hooked - was "The Longest Day" put together by Strangers on a Model Train in the first episode that was broadcast. If there was one layout that made me think, "I could do this too, I can and I should" it was that one. The other thing that has come across to me has been a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect between teams (reflected in their contributions throughout this conversation, I think). That too I'd like to acknowledge as something that has come across well for me. I am however one of those left to work out how to respond to the comment already echoed earlier in this thread, more than once, "If they can do it, why haven't you?"
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